So Steve Kirsch — that would be some guy who writes a blog on Substack — says he received a “treasure trove” of documents the public has not read that “prove” that the CDC (everyone?) knew all along that vaccines (all of them?) cause autism. To add to the conspiracy, Kirsch expects The Powers That Be to murder him, and has anecdotal evidence from a physician who won’t give her name, regarding a correlation in her practice, and depending on more unseen data, it could be 100% correlation, or maybe not. But boldface it anyway.
And to nail down the proof, a spokesperson at the CDC was asked this question and was evasive. Clear Page One?
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This article is crap. It lacks only numerology and Biblical prophecy.
There are many people in our movement for whom it is too pedestrian to take what we know about government and its influences that completely explains the perverse decisions it makes. They need a secret conspiracy that only I or my sources can see, and perhaps you, dear reader, in dribs and drabs, if you keep clicking.
What we know about the “public health” bureaucracy is that it is motivated by news headlines (e.g.: “Pesky new chest cold scares millions”). It has no facts nor solid statistics, especially when Congress pays a cash bonus for every case diagnosed, to prove its compassion and keep the crisis alive.
The bureaucracy does not use science to arrive at the best course of action. It holds meetings, grasps for a countermeasure that the public will accept, debates what carrots and sticks will be most effective, and evaluates the results — not in terms of the original goal, but in percent compliance with its “guidance.” Dr. Scott W. Atlas’s book “A Plague on Our House” gives an insight on the lack of rigor in the meeting room.
And we know that the “public health” institutions and individual employees profit, through patents and royalties; and are lobbied by corporations with silver-bullet solutions that will result in profits many times the cost of their lobbying. By comparison, no one lobbies the CDC to make the point that individual Americans should be free to choose our own countermeasures, and even our own values, which typically won’t include one-size-fits-all solutions to be managed-by-the-numbers as part of the human herd.
And some of those corporations seek more than transactional profit. The purveyors of mRNA “vaccines” had a promising concept, a way to create a family of man-made diseases that would trick human cells into manufacturing any desired molecule — for instance, the COVID “spike” protein, in hopes our immune system would learn to target it, without being overwhelmed, and if the protein itself weren’t the hazard we now know it is. And a huge financial interest in testing the concept, for pay, on the entire American public, without the long-term safety testing required by law.
I don’t know what autism is. It seems to cover a lot of cases (the “autism spectrum”) from actual brain disease to the cases where Junior doesn’t pay as much attention to me as I would like. The spectrum now extends to Spoiled Brat Syndrome and other cases of poor parenting, some parents not interested in 18 years of paying the requisite attention to Junior either.
Michele Bachmann hung her 2012 Presidential campaign on the notion that medical intervention causes autism (all cases?) and she is now a joke that no one tells anymore. But it’s been revived by RFK Jr. as a small part of his worldview that corporations seek to harm and kill their customers. They don’t, but neither should “public health” be a reason to spare them from having to deal with consumer choice. (This relates to the question I asked last week: whether RFK will fight or enlist the Deep State.)
Steve, am I interested in “a boatload of links to existing research”? No. These have been assembled by your subject AFTER he had made up his mind. That is no more science than the “studies” of the effects of “man-caused” “runaway” global warming, but a sales pitch for a preconceived conclusion that happens to use numbers.