Evidence Suggests That Children Who Get No Vaccines … Have Better Health Outcomes

Prior to the Trojan Horse event that we politely refer to as the COVID era, vaccine hesitancy was a fringe issue. Citizens who objected to the forced vaccination of children were kooks or extremists, and even those demanding more informed consent got the side-eye from even more liberty-minded Americans. The mRNA injections changed that.

I doubt that was the goal, but an increasing number of people, including those who lined up for at least one shot or booster, have been exposed to a level of public health tyranny on a scale that seemed impossible to imagine. People are just friends, family, and jobs, all in the wake of a propaganda and domestic terror campaign to jab everyone regardless of legitimate objections.

I’m not saying they were red-pilled because there are still plenty of jabbed Republicans and independents who treat the topic like they would abortion. It’s something you avoid like a real plague. The cross-section of the curious has, however, grown significantly. Once reliable demographics were disenfranchised by the mandate experience either as a rights issue or because of personal health complications or similar issues in their near orbit (not safe). Or they had more difficult or more frequent incidents of infection or spread despite the passport mandate rhetoric (not effective).

Ongoing admissions and revelations have compounded all of that as the anti-vaxxers, deniers, and others accused of misinformation for asking questions or sharing alternative news or opinions are proved right about almost everything. It has inculcated a growing number of Americans, including parents, with a curiosity they lacked pre-Covid. It has opened them up to the possibility that neither the government nor pharma is interested in public health and safety. That, along with evidence they would have never considered in the past, suggests that many of the issues with kids, from autism to allergies, that we never had in the past are a product of the ramped-up vaccine regime that precedes their rise and frequency.

And I’m not saying there was no value in inoculation campaigns like those for smallpox. It is about going from a handful of preventatives to dozens of injections and the change in safety and accountability.

The mRNA program exposed many more people to the man doing all the scaremongering behind the public health curtain. His greedy indifference to safety and efficacy suggests a similar position regarding kids and the amped-up vaccine schedule.

They are right to be concerned, and it has had an impact. Childhood vaccination is down. Given that I don’t trust the government much, I have to wonder if that wasn’t the point. The depopulation cult might like the idea of unvaccinated children rubbing elbows with hordes of imported third-world populations carrying diseases we’ve not seen on our shores for generations.

In other words, the problem is not vaccines; it is the unnecessary number of them, their declining quality, and the suspicion that most are no longer administered to prevent the spread of disease but to facilitate it. On those terms, it is unsurprising to hear from groups like the World Council for Health, whose research suggests the current regime is doing more harm than good.

In the current circumstances, the World Council for Health urges parents to consider childhood vaccination very carefully and adopt a common-sense, “Safer to Wait” approach to the vaccination of your boys and girls.

For the sake of all children and a healthy society it is time that we question our blind faith in vaccines, the corporations that produce them, and the regulatory bodies and supranational organisations that enable and profit directly or indirectly through their authorisation.

Some of the bullets they cite include,

  • Several research studies now indicate that vaccinated children have far worse health outcomes with higher rates of many chronic diseases than non-vaccinated children.
  • Modern society is experiencing unprecedented rates of autism, asthma, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, depression and more, for which the root cause/s have not been established.
  • National regulatory agencies have never done the necessary evaluation to determine whether vaccines given to children alone or together according to the ever-expanding childhood vaccination schedules are associated with poor health outcomes compared with children who are not vaccinated.
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) and its private and state stakeholders have financial and ideological interests in the provision of vaccines and has committed to providing 500 vaccines by 2030.

You can see the entire release here, and here is Dr. Peter McCullough speaking briefly on the topic.

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