US Senator Margaret “Maggie” Hassan is one of the Democrat party’s DC ambassadors to New Hampshire, and she got some “ink” during a recent confirmation hearing. She’s very concerned about Autism and worried that Robert F Kennedy Jr is the wrong fella to run the Federal Agency that might be inclined to investigate it. Like, for real. And until that moment, no one outside the Granite State had likely ever heard of her, but the performance was impassioned, if not a bit too theatrical (drama!), but at least a few folks noticed.
She was never going to vote for RFKJ, so it was actually a complete waste of time but with what we might call unexpected side effects. Steve Kirsch, who has been chasing data and facts and reality in the COVID and post-COVID era from his Substack, saw her little speech.
You said that you want to know what the cause of autism is. After your speech, I spent time assembling a small group of people with unique expertise and insights in the autism area to meet with you on this issue. Are you willing to meet with them? If not, would you let me know why refusing to engage in a dialogue with any of these people is more likely to help us to resolve this very important issue more quickly? Thanks!
Steve didn’t just pick a few names he went deep, and he is serious about wondering if Maggie is serious (she’s not, by the way), and he likely knows this but the exercise is itself the action. You said this, and I can help you meet with autism experts. What do you say? Nothing from team Maggie yet (as I write this), but Kirsch has his lineup up, and he’s ready to get them wherever they need to be to meet with Senator Hassan over this serious issue.
Who are the experts? He’s got 14 (give or take).
- CDC scientist William Thompson. He was the lead scientist on the CDC’s autism study. He will tell you what he was ordered to do when his study found a huge safety signal between the MMR vaccine and autism. He will also tell you what his boss and co-author Coleen Boyle said she would say if asked to testify under oath in Congress about the study. I have all the documents to back up Thompson’s statements and offered them to the mainstream media, but they all refused to look at them.
- Medical journal editor James Lyons-Weiler: He’s written a 5-star rated book on autism. He’ll tell you what one of the world’s top autism researchers told him in confidence that all of the world’s top autism researchers know but nobody else is supposed to know. It’s “we all know what causes autism, but we aren’t allowed to talk about it.”
- Prof Chris Exley. He has analyzed brain tissues of young people who died with autism and was shocked to find huge amounts of aluminum compared with control brains from individuals who died without autism or any neurodegenerative disease. One of the main suspects: aluminum adjuvants from childhood vaccines. See his website
- <NAME REDACTED>: She is with a large pediatric practice in California where the rates of autism are 1 in 22. They have never had a case of autism in any of the children whose parents followed their advice (which is 99% of the parents) in 25 years. She’ll tell you what they did differently. She’s afraid they will strip her medical license if her name was released.
- Doug Hulstedt: He’s a former pediatrician so he’s not afraid to speak out since they took away his medical license for speaking out. He’s had over 100 autistic kids in his medical practice. In 44 of these cases, the autism was “rapid onset.” All 44 were within a week AFTER a vaccination. That’s like flipping a coin and getting heads 44 times in a row. The statistical chance of observing that is 1 in 17 trillion.
- Brian Hooker: He has a severely autistic son and is a medical researcher himself with many published papers. He’ll tell you what he found and what the other studies have found. He’ll point out that you can’t prove the null hypothesis so that it is actually scientific fraud to claim that “vaccines do not cause autism.”
- Brenda and David McDowell: I don’t know if I can get them, but all three of their kids regressed into autism within hours of each other. You need to hear their story because it is not written about in the scientific literature for some reason.
- Katie Wright: Daughter of Suzanne and Bob Wright who founded Autism Speaks which says autism is NOT caused by vaccination. You should hear what Katie thinks.
- Polly Tommey: She’s a filmmaker and has met hundreds of parents of autistic kids. So there is selection bias here since all the parents would blame the vaccine who came to see her. But here’s the thing: every single parent noticed the start of symptoms within 1 week of vaccination. Why not 2 weeks or 3 weeks? This is statistically highly unlikely if vaccines do not cause autism. How do you explain that?
- Paul Thomas: He’s a pediatrician who has written papers on autism. He will talk about his study of kids with various levels of vaccination and what happened after he published it.
- Joy Garner: She’s published her study on fully unvaccinated vs. vaccinated people. She’ll tell you what the autism rates were in the two groups and talk about the statistical significance.
- Nicole Shanahan: She is a mother of an autistic child and funds research on autism. She will tell you, without mentioning names, what the researchers told her in confidence. You need to hear this.
- Tony Mawson: He just completed a study on 9 year olds in the Florida Medicare system. RFK Jr. mentioned it in his testimony. He’ll tell you what he found.
- JB Handley: His organization, Generation Rescue, hired a professional third party survey firm to survey parents of autistic kids. In 2007, Generation Rescue commissioned a telephone survey conducted by SurveyUSA, which included parents representing a total of 17,000 children. The survey found that vaccinated boys aged 11-17 were more than twice as likely to have autism as their unvaccinated counterparts. Nobody can explain that if vaccines don’t cause autism. Furthermore, no one else has ever attempted to replicate or dispute that survey with a “more accurate” survey. Why not? Why are they afraid of the truth?
I bet Maggie could suggest a few names of her own. Tony Fauci, maybe, unless he’s busy enjoying his blanket pardon. Sunning himself next to Joe, somewhere warmer than Rehobeth. Fetching Lunchbox his meds, slippers, or whatever favors he is expected to provide in return. And hanging out with Joe solves his protection detail problem since Trump canceled it (‘cuz Tony can afford his own security).
I’m not sure how well received he’d be at the Kirsch Autism Summit that isn’t happening because Maggie Hassan doesn’t want to know anything that isn’t provided to her on index cards from staffers at the DNC. She couldn’t possibly sit in a room full of “anti-vaxers” who don’t think babies need a COVID mRNA shot as soon as possible.
A shot that is likely to kill them long before any of the other dozens of vaccines presents the potential risk of autism.
One more point. Kirsch asks, at the end of his Substack piece,
My question to you is why haven’t you brought any of these top autism researchers in front of Congress and had them testify, under penalty of perjury, about what they know that you are not supposed to know? …
The scientific community is avoiding these issues. If you want to get answers, it needs to be driven by influential people from outside the scientific community. You sound like you’re motivated to find answers.
Sound and fury, signifying nothing because she’s been in the US Senate since Jan 2017, and this is the first we’ve heard of it. But you never know. Once confirmed, RFKJ might invite them all to DHHS, and Maggie can stop by with a list of questions.