Naomi Wolf’s Howl: Pfizer COVID Docs Reveal “Greatest Crime in Human History”

Naomi Wolf was once a darling of the Democratic Party. A Yale graduate with a Ph.D. in history, Wolf worked as an advisor to the Clinto-Gore administration. Described as an American liberal progressive, feminist author, and journalist, she rose to prominence as the author of The Beauty Myth in 1991, which was named one of The New York Times’s seventy most influential books of the twentieth century.

For all intents and purposes, she had built up political capital both in and outside of Washington D.C.  None of which was able to keep her from being canceled once she started to push back against the elite left’s manipulation of the pandemic.

Wolf made a now famous video that went viral where she expressed profound concern over the proposed vaccine mandates being discussed in her state of New York.  Governor Cuomo and Mayor Deblasio had both exposed themselves as authoritarians whose agendas superseded the Constitution, and civil and human rights, all of which Wolf holds dearly as a Jewish American.

Following her fall from grace, she was targeted again for speaking out against the rising number of reported abuses from mandates and adverse reactions specifically harming women.  The number of miscarriages, jobs lost from refusal to comply, and attacks on parents’ rights were cause for more concern resulting in Wolf being kicked off most of her social media accounts for speaking out.

Suddenly she was embraced by the strange bedfellows from the right, such as Steve Bannon and other lifelong progressive liberals like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Together, they were amassing a body of intellectual and medical professionals who knew the pandemic and it’s government response was not an organic anomaly due to random biological evolution but a well organized, well funded, and targeted bio-weapon attack on American’s including their loved ones.

As a result, Wolf seized the opportunity made when Pfizer was court-ordered to release their trove of COVID research documents rather than their preference to have them sealed for 75 years.  At a rate of 55,000 documents released monthly, Wolf knew she needed help weeding through the jargon to develop the picture she suspected would emerge.  That people were being injured at record numbers in the U.S. and likely around the world.  That Pfizer knew this was happening and hid it from the public, and that members of the government, the military, Big Tech and Big Media were colluding to deceive, coerce, and intimidated Americans into injecting themselves with not just an experimental mRNA gene “therapy,” but a bio-weapon that would decimate thousands if not millions of Americans.

Her appeal for help netted 2,500 experts willing to volunteer their time to read the Pfizer documents and produce reports. The team included: physicians, RNs, bio-statisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians, research scientists, cardiologists, pathologists, and anesthesiologists.  Wolf was barely able to manage the incoming reports. However, what she and her staff uncovered she describes as “evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in the history of our species.”

Here are a few of the details from the 58 reports she shared during her recent speech at Hillsdale College:

  • Pfizer knew one month after roll out the vaccines didn’t stop COVID despite paying for massive celebrity campaigns. They also knew they had “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy”; documents identified third most common side effect of the vaccine is “COVID”.


  • Pfizer was receiving so many adverse event reports they needed to hire 2,400 staffers to simply process the paperwork.


  • Pfizer knew in May of 2021 the vaccines had caused heart damage in 35 minors within a week after the injection. The FDA knew since the documents all say “FDA confidential” at the bottom.  Parents were not told of this risk until August of 2021.  During those four months parents and youth alike were propagandized by celebrities and advertisements funded by the CARES act and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to “be strong” and “do it for grandma”, despite knowing of the life threatening side effects.


  • Looking at the bio-chemical interaction the CDC and Pfizer, when asked how long do the petroleum based lipid nano-particle and spike protein contained in the vaccines stay in the body, lied and said they are metabolized. The truth is the vaccines were designed to “bio-distribute” to major organs.  Meaning they cross every membrane in the human body. In women they accumulate in the ovaries and there is yet to be a mechanism for safely removing them.


  • Robert Chandler, a respected pathologist who treats the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Angels, discovered the particles decrease at the injection site yet increase in the organs over time. Pfizer knew all of this.


  • In only three months there were 1,200+ deaths out of 42,000+ reported adverse events. The documents also reveal Pfizer deceived the public by listing minor side effects while knowing they would cause strokes, hemorrhages, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia type disorders, Guillain-Barre syndrome and Bells-Palsy.


  • #1 side effect is joint pain. Wolf knows young people, teens and twenty-somethings, with limps and chronic joint paint following getting the COVID shot.  She explains the nano-particles pass into the cartilage.


  • Perhaps the most appalling, before it was legal to do this in early 2021, Pfizer injected 62 kids, as young as 2 months old. Twenty-eight of them we don’t know what happened to them.  Records show a seven-year-old British girl who sustained a stroke and a two-month-old baby with liver damage.


It’s no wonder they wanted to seal the evidence for 75 years, given these details alone indicate crimes against humanity on a global scale worthy of the death penalty.  However, the leviathan behind all of this is international in scope and so well funded. Thanks to the trillions of dollars controlled by the captured industries, the battle for justice already in the courts is severely uphill.

The second part of Wolf’s speech details her reasons why she is convinced this is a bio-weapon intended to target Americans and Western culture in general.  We will cover this in part 2 of this series due out tomorrow.


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