
NH Democrat Rep Sherry Frost – Irked By Pledge of Allegiance ‘Every Time.’

A sitting New Hampshire House Rep tweeted, regarding the Pledge of Allegiance, that the “Liberty and Justice for All’ line irks her every time. Would it work better for you if we put the word ‘Social’ before Justice?

We’d have to take out the ‘liberty’ and ‘for all’ parts because social justice is for a select few who agree to toe a very narrow set of double-standards across the nation, without God, truly divisible, no matter what the inclusive excellence dogma may advertise.

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Net Neutrality – Because ‘They’ Want To Bring It Back!

When the Trump administration encouraged the FCC to pull the plug on a Government regulated internet, they did just that. They got the government out of your “digital bedroom.” The usual suspects were outraged. But you don’t want the government regulating the internet like a utility. Not under any condition. And that includes crafting new regulations to control how entities like Google or Facebook or Twitter behave in the free market.

Let the marketplace work it out because it will.

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If the Internet is a ‘Public Utility’ You Can’t Just Ban Alex Jones

I don’t pay any attention to Alex Jones. It’s not a value judgment he’s just not anywhere in my top-ten, twenty, or perhaps even 100 (500?) political talkers, writers, or thinkers for whom I make time. I am aware of him but not overly familiar.

Others think he’s the bee’s knees. I’m not here to tell you one way or another, but recent actions by social media tech giants against Mr. Jones have demonstrated another potential layer of liberal hypocrisy worthy of our exploration.

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twitter-logoThe left is so unhinged about the nomination of (XX) that the progressive monkeys are “digging deep” for any bit of poo to throw. This has ignited the Twitterverse with a new hashtag. #BrettKavanaughScadals.

As you might expect, the denizens of said ‘verse’ are having a blast owning that hashtag to make fun of the left.

Carrie Severino’s got her top ten posted at National Review. I searched the hashtag and here are mine (so far), some of which are the same, and in no particular order.

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No, Google isn’t biased against conservatives. It just calls the GOP Nazis

Google calls CA GOP Nazis
To be precise, it was the California GOP (not exactly the MOST conservative of state-level GOP organizations) that Google labeled as Nazis:

Less than a week before the California primary, Google listed “Nazism” as the ideology of the California Republican Party.

In the “knowledge panel” that provides easy access to information next to search results, Google was showing “Nazism” as an “ideology” of the party as of Thursday morning. The word “Nazism” was hyperlinked to a secondary page that shows “Nazism” alongside other “ideologies” of California Republicans like “Conservatism,” “Market liberalism,” “Fiscal conservatism,” and “Green conservatism.”

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Stormy Daniels Lawyer is an Idiot

Ken White and Marc Randazza from Pope Hat have some thoughts about Stepanie Clifford’s defamation suit against Mr. Trump. White and Randazza are mightily versed in Free Speech law, and it is their shared opinion, more or less, that her lawyer is a dope.

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Robert Stacy McCain on Being Banned From Twitter

Robert Stacy McCain got banned by Twitter’s Orwellian Trust and Safety Council. He joins us to talk about his commitment to the platform, the circumstances leading to being banned, and how Twitter has tried to suppress the movement to get his account reinstated.  

Feb 27th, 2016 Podcast

AFP State director Greg Moore co-hosts as we welcome guests Chrissy Harbin, Stacy McCain, Michelle Levell. and Ed Naile, to talk about asset forfeiture, internet taxes, the newest Project Veritas  vote fraud video, school choice, and getting banned from twitter. It’s Talk Radio done “Right!”  

Muslims who use Twitter….Are Going to Hell

Sheikh Abdul Latif Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said Wednesday that Muslims who use Twitter or other social media have “lost this world and his afterlife,” as quoted byBBC News. Lost in the next world…they’re going to hell. But I bet…and I’m just guessing here..that if it is OK to lie, cheat, steal, kill, or do anything … Read more

Well, it’s about freaking time…..

Looks like the NH Democrat Party is finally following GraniteGrok on Twitter.  Nice to have you aboard – we’ve been waiting for you! You know, this causes me great joy!  Why?  Because with every tweet they read (and post they then go and read), they’ll slowly be pulled, nanometer by nanometer, to the Right.  Or … Read more

2012 NH Elections – random thoughts on NH Senate District 4

OK, this is going to end up being a VERY busy summer season doing and talking politics here in NH.  Some of the events will be full blown posts, and some will just be a couple of thoughts.   NH Senate District 4 is open – no incumbents.  Republican Phyllis Woods (former NH State Rep and RNC Committeewoman)  and Democrat David Watters (UNH Professor and NH State Rep).  So, what’s going on?  Well, Ray Buckley is burning off his fingertips on Twitter – showing his real personality.

  • Right out of the box, Ray “Hitler should have bombed them” Buckley, NHDP Chair, immediately started in with the ad hominen attacks (I keep looking – there has GOT to be some sub-sub clause in there that causes the Dems to immediately have to resort to such – no other ideas or clues as to what to do, I guess); on Twitter:

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Even to a Mushroom, Facts Are Stubborn Things

I encountered a Tweet-Hole yesterday.  Some liberal mushroom thought they had something to add to the vote fraud debate and sent me this.

what about vote fraud in Iowa

The link takes you to a Media Matters article in which the author loosely speculates about close races and claims of voter fraud.  We are apparently meant to assume that fraud has occurred because the race is close.  Media Matters, the Soros funded left wing mouth piece of the Democrat party, is simply trying to create conflict between factions to cause division.  Sasha2000 seems to think that this non-issue in Iowa is the same thing as New Hampshire poll workers, caught on video, giving ballots to whomever walks up to the table and provides a name that happens to be on the checklist.

More likely sasha “the mushroom” 2000 has only heard the left wing spin on the video.  What follows is both predictable and priceless.

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Harrell’s New Gig?

  I got a Direct Message from New Hampshire Democrat Party Propaganda Minister Harrell ‘Jersey Shore’ Kirstein last night.  I guess Jersey Shore got himself a new gig.  He’s promoting weight loss programs on Twitter now. This is not much different from his previous job helping State government lighten your wallet.  

What a Twit

Twitter’s Link service automatically shortens links when you put them into Twitter, and even identifies Larry the Twitter Bird c/co www.stargroup1.comthe untrustworthy ones for the recipients.  An example of this comes courtesy of Harrell ‘Jersey Shore’ Kirstein, who sent me a direct message with a link that produced such an alert.

Twitter’s link service at is used to better protect users from malicious sites that engage in spreading malware, phishing attacks, and other harmful activity.

A link converted by Twitter’s link service is checked against a list of potentially dangerous sites. When there’s a match, users can be warned before they continue:

Why would the spokes-model for the New Hampshire Democrat Party be sending me a Direct Message on Twitter, linked to a dangerous web site, at 2:45 AM on a Sunday morning? 

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If You Are Not Following Me On Twitter….

Twitter inspires the opportunity to aggravate the leftists who insist on following conservatives there. Not every witticism will fit on Twitter. Sometimes you have to write a blog and post a link. And then there are the thoughts that are too short to blog and too long to tweet. (Some things can’t be said in under 140 characters.)

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