The Editors at the New Hampshire Gazette enjoy commenting on letters to the editor and getting in the last word from their leftist viewpoint. Their comments in response to my recent letter to the Editor about the recently defeated NH Parental Rights Bill included,
House GOP Grills Christopher Wray … YAWN
Christopher Wray is a shameless, arrogant LIAR. The FBI is the modern-day equivalent of the Stasi. Yet the House GOP is content to preen for the television cameras … “GOP grills FBI Director,” “Wray on the Hot Seat,” blah, blah, blah.
US DOJ Launches Massive Blitzkrieg Against Trump Supporters
If you don’t think the DOJ, FBI, IRS and myriad other federal agencies are eventually coming after you for Wrong-Speak, Wrong-Think, etc., etc., etc. … you are delusional. This … taking down a former President and all-but-declared 2024 candidate … is just the beginning.
If You Think There’s a Difference Between the FBI and the Stasi … Think Again
The Stasi’s mission was to keep the Communist Party in power. The FBI’s mission during and since the Obama administration has been to keep the Democrat Party in power.
A Message to Zuckerberg’s Stasi as Facebook Locks the ‘Grok – We “Unpublished You” First
Facebook’s blacklisting campaign against us began over a year ago, during the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. Just days before, actually. We have been repeatedly restricted, quite often (and this is the amusing part) for reasons their fact-checkers invented.
“We Have A Mask Mandate, too.” Sure Thing, Boss – ‘Grok Mask Exemption Placard to the Rescue
Ah yes, another story of the GraniteGrok Mandatory Mask Medical Exemption placard (with lanyard!) in use. I wish this video was just a BIT longer but the point was made. It’s amazing when Governor’s own words are used against his own Mandate.
How the American-Left is Emulating the Stasi (the East German Secret Police)
Must-read thread. I am going to use screen-shots, in case the communists at Twitter censor it. HERE is the link.
Stasi: Zersetzung is American Cancel Culture
When Zersetzung is upon you or your spouse, is suddenly beset by serial misfortune. Perhaps you are being cancelled.
Stasi: The East German Secret Police: An Overview, written on January 30th summarized how the “Ministerium für Staatssicherheit,” (MfS) operated from 1950 to 1989. Colloquially known as the, “Stasi,” this was one of the most effective and repressive secret police agencies ever to have existed.
Zersetzung: Biodegradation

The fifties and sixties in the GDR brought secret arrests, repression, physical torture and imprisonment. German civil law required warrants for detention and surveillance. Despite that, the Stasi regularly surveilled its citizens, arrested them surreptitiously and held them without charge or cause.
The 1970’s saw monumental concern from the Party apparatchik of the GDR over its international image on the world stage. Consequently, the Stasi sought to retool their operations to be more subtle with their repression. The birth of, “Zersetzung,” sought to provide the East German State with a more positive face in the international community.
The American Community Survey Stasi Dossier Compilation
I have this 45-page document to fill out. Forty-five pages of invasive and IMHO illegal personal-data-raping by the US Census Department. Yes, the census! Let’s look at the source code, i.e., the US Constitution:
Stasi: The East German Secret Police. An Account
Hubertus Knabe was one of the East German citizens surveilled by the Stasi. Hubertus Knabe has called for a more outspoken anti-communism in German society, and has particularly called upon the SPD party to identify with its anti-communist tradition as part of its democratic legacy. He has pointed out that social democrats were the first … Read more
Stasi: The East German Secret Police. An Overview
Surveillance States were long used to repress citizens by State Actors. An examination of the Stasi will illustrate for us the parallels we are now seeing in the words and deeds of our government, Big tech and other corporations in America. But first…a historic overview of the Stasi.
Stasi was the colloquial name for the East German Secret Police. More formally, the, “Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, “(MfS) Ministry for State Security. Additionally, Stasi was referred to as, “Staatssicherheitsdienst,” (SSD) or, State Security Service. The Stasi was the internal Security arm of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). This was the East German Secret Police that operated from 1951 until 1989 until the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The MfS motto effectively conveyed their mission: “Shield and sword of the Party.” (Schild und Schwert der Partei)Party, referring to the “Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands, (SED) or, the, “East German Communist Party,” formed in April of 1946 with the merger of the Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party of Germany.
The SED was the single dominant party for the German Democratic Republic. A Marxist-Leninist political party that remained in power from its formation post World War II and remaining in power until its dissolution in 1989.
Disturbing Notable Quote – “Seeing Half the Country Cheer THIS On.”
The topic is the censoring of Conservative Speech even on conservative platforms (as opposed to the Big Tech platforms like Facebook and Twitter – you know, the “Mean Girls”). Disturbing – yes. Unexpected? No. Why?
Obama’s Stasi Get Rebranded (Again) – Is This The Change We’ve Been Waiting For?
The death of Attack Watch may have been premature. Well, that was always a given. And Skip beat me to the punch in announcing the resurrection of yet another Stasi, left-wing, rat-out-your-neighbor program, from the People that brought you Obama. Yes, for what is this the third or fourth time now, you are being encouraged … Read more