Kill Trump?  WaPo Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

I have several readers who send me news-related articles on a daily basis. Some of them funny, many of them concerning the shifting political winds and typically all of them bent toward conservatism. 

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Poster_Kulak_Punch_The_Rich John Burtis via ThePeoplesCube

Just Call Me a Kulak

I am so tired of being castigated for being a member of the monied class by Democratic billionaires like Bill Gates, whose divorce threw around more money than many countries.

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Unhinged Democrats

They Could Be Twins: Comparing the Current Rise of the American Left With the Rise of the Nazis in Germany

We’ve spent no small amount of time pointing out how the left is fascist and as required, they are projecting that on their political opponents (enemies). But Steve McCann at American Thinker went one better. He has a point-by-point comparison that should not surprise anyone but a Registered Democrat.

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Stalin - who counts the votes

And we wouldn’t be seeing the destruction of yet another American institution, either

And just think – if the Dems hadn't so insisted on early voting / vote-by-mail, they wouldn't be in this trouble of having to remind people to vote. Like everything else, they have to make the easy (vote on Election Day) much harder. Serves'em right. — GraniteGrok (@GraniteGrok) October 31, 2020 And now we … Read more

Constitutional Convention

Independence Day – Observed

We just passed July 4th, what most people the world over consider American Independence Day. (That’s independence from the British Crown, for those currently in public school.)

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Progressives erasing history5

Seems apt today….

Bruce Currie, former Government School teacher, approves of erasing history and substituting Communist ideology instead. After all, being a Bernie-Bro AND all of his comments over the years here at GraniteGrok pretty much backs up that assertion. Whereas, the rest of us want our history on display – especially the Civil War era as it … Read more

Looking down the road to November

The Left’s History of Bigotry

The Left’s History of Bigotry is long and deep. Socialists and leftists generally claim they support equality and diversity. Sounds great doesn’t it? It’s part of virtue signaling in this age of political correctness.

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Steve “Pocket-Stalin” Shurtleff Disgraces Himself and Makes a Mockery of the N.H. House By Holding Soviet-Style Show Trials

Yesterday Speaker Steve Shurtleff earned the moniker I use for him … Pocket-Stalin … by spending half a day conducting Soviet-style show-trials of the handful of GOP Reps who had the courage of their convictions NOT to attend the House’s reeducation camps (House Rule 67). In a recent post, I demonstrated that House Rule 67 … Read more

Steve’s right so I’ll just leave this here for day dreaming…

That would be this from Steve: We’ve no reason to believe their run of bad luck will stop nor the predictions that make it possible. The byproduct of decades worth of socialist sympathizers (and actual socialists) pushing socialist solutions to advance socialism in the name of saving the planet (but not from socialism). Which is … Read more


Liberal Democrat Dershowitz Compares Democrats To Russian Secret Police Under Stalin

I’ve felt for a long time that the mainstream media in America has become a propaganda machine, much like the USSR’s state-run Pravda back in the days of the Soviet Union — supplying support for those who wish to undermine our Constitution and inalienable Rights.

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Columbus was a murderer

Teacher Wears ‘Columbus was a Murderer’ Shirt to Spark Debate in Her 5th Grade Class

Need a conversation starter with ten-year-olds? Wear a ‘Columbus was a Murderer‘ Shirt to class. No, a student didn’t wear one; that was their teacher. Emma Howland-Bolton claims she wore the sweatshirt on Columbus Day to ‘spark discussion.’ It Worked!

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There’s More To The Stalin Resemblance Than Just The Mustache

This: That’s a great mustache you are sporting Stevie: Befitting of a petty, vindictive, drunk-on-power, tin-pot tyrant who would ban scarves because they symbolize the underprivileged youth you want to prevent from attending schools they love and are thriving in. Because you and your fellow Democrats believe in the Stalinist model of education, where schools … Read more

Thanks, Progressive Democrats – you’re making his words come true

I decided to review the comments that Steve alluded to on the “not a word but just a socially awkward boffin and a topless SJW” 2014 Top post because, well, because I can – it amused me.  And this popped up: Which didn’t amuse me at all because of what it has become.  No, Joe … Read more

Happy Roe v Wade!

In order to properly celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Roe v Wade, I offer the following: Below are famous genocides of the 20th century.  The table ranks them in order of the estimated number of human beings slaughtered and tells us the times we would need to commit those same genocides again in order to match … Read more

Picture of the day

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