All Nashua Taxpayers Need To Let These Figures Sink In:

by Laura Colquhoun

City of Nashua Budget FY2017 $263,823,554

City of Nashua Budget FY2025 $456,635,638

Difference $192,812,084

That is an increase of 73.08%

This is all due to Mayor Donchess’ spending programs. So when are Nashua taxpayers going to wake up and realize taxpayers cannot afford to have Mayor Donchess doing our budgets?

It looks like Mayor Donchess wants the City of Nashua to be like the federal government and just keep spending our tax dollars.

Budget for 2025 $456,635,638.

Principal Bonds $456,018,609.

Interest on Bonds $177,320,220.

Total O/S Expenses for the City of Nashua $1,089,974,467. BILLION!!

However, Mayor Donchess wants to add the following to the FY2025 Budget:

Birch Hill and Main Dunstable (R-22-066) $16,000,000

Middle School Contingency (R-22-098) $ 5,500,000

Birch Hill and Main Dunstable (R-24-005) $ 8,500,000

Police Training Facility $3,500,000

High & Elm Street Parking Garages $15,000,000

Total Additional Expenses $48,500,000

This would bring the total outstanding expenses (not including interest on the “new” bonding) to $1,138,474,467. This would bring our bonding up to over $504,518,609 in principal only. This would give the Nashua taxpayers a 21.84% on just the General Fund. How many Nashua taxpayers can pay a 21.84% increase in their property taxes? And even if the mayor awards us 2-3% off our tax rate it will only bring it down to a 19% increase. Mayor Donchess will blame the state however the state is not the one making up the Nashua budget.

Some of this money allocated for bonding is for projects already paid for and completed. How was the City able to construct projects without bonding? Because the budget has tens of millions of excess revenue and unspent appropriations to pay for these multi-million dollar projects. The Board of Aldermen should rescind these bond resolutions as interest rates have climbed, and committing to this heavier debt burden is unnecessary. This City does not feel the pinch or pain of the typical family. They have decoupled from our reality.

Nashua is an older community. It is important we consider the younger generation and not leave this heavy debt burden for them to deal with.

Please write to your Alderperson and tell them to control spending, rescind bonds on projects completed, and vote no on R-24-089


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