Schools as Institutional racism

Is Your School District Buying Anti-Racism Audits from Third Party Vendors?

The answer to the question posed in the title is probably yes, but this post is more a call to action. In 2015, we helped expose Cenergistic, a third party taking huge payouts from NH school districts to do fake energy audits. Racism Audits feel like a similar scam, though one with a very progressive purpose.

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Smartphone Facebook original Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

As Predicted: Social Media Thought Police Find New Excuse to Suppress Your Speech

Nine days ago I told you to get out – of Facebook and Twitter. Well, I actually suggested you diversify to other platforms where you can find the same Grok content. Why? Corporatist pressure was coming to strictly police speech on those platforms. And that day has arrived.

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We must defend our values and principles

Don’t “Insult” or Question Islam or its Prophet under penalty of arrest (or worse)!!!

The legal system in the US (other than in Louisiana) was originally derived from the legal system that prevailed in England for centuries, including the personal freedoms extracted from the King by the Maga Carta. Even with that long history of personal liberties, the colonists ultimately rebelled against the English Crown’s abuses as enunciated principally … Read more

California Democrat Party Convention Amends Free Speech and the First Amendment

The California Democrat Party Convention is over, but there’s still plenty of fun to be had. Take this nugget. Resolution 19-05.94. Dems think the First Amendment is Critical, but not when it comes to hate speech.

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Microaggressions snowflakes Campus Safe spaces

Being Special is Contingent on Ideological Purity – Not to Worry, Instructions are Available

People need to know what words are approved and who you can bully. That’s what campus inclusion is all about. Defining the protected classes, all of whom have to think one way and one way only. Failure to comply will result in “discipline” regardless of race, sex, age, or gender.

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Amherst College

Amherst College Speech Guide Tells Students What Capitalism and Exceptionalism Should Mean

The Amherst College Office of Diversity and Inclusion released a ‘common language document‘ for all of its students this past week. If you are guessing that it was not at all diverse and exclusionary you’d be correct. A problem that led to the office reversing course within days.

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Speech Police

The Culture That Hates Speech

University speech guides, free speech zones, microaggressions, and the entire campus thought-police culture is programming future generations to accept that those in “authority” cannot only define where and when ‘speech’ may occur but who may participate and what words they can use.

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If you See Something Say Something…or something.

Now that Bill Ayers-like terrorism has reared its ugly head again, the same people who have asked you repeatedly to spy on your neighbors, share their emails, and report them to the government,  would like you be an extra set of eyes yet again.  “If you see something, say something.”  I guess all that previous spying didn’t work out that well.  That was probably because they wanted you to spy on Republicans, libertarians, bloggers like us.  But despite what you’ve been see something binoculars spyingprogrammed to believe, we’re too busy working and taking care of our homes and families.  And while we may not love the current leaderships, we do love law and order, and a society that is allowed to function freely.

That doesn’t happen when you blow things up.  In fact just the opposite happens.  But back to the problem of spying on your neighbors and fellow citizens.  The buzz phrase is “if you see something, say something.”  This is both asinine (as if you wouldn’t want to do that already) and hypocritical.  It’s hypocritical because the same people who want you to report your suspicions are the same people who will let their media and political guard dogs tear your limbs off if there is even the slightest chance that you said what you said because you are a racist.

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