Gov Kristi Noem - Go Page Screen Grab

On Redefining Currency

Kristi Noem was on Tucker Carlson with a warning. There’s been a lot of chatter about virtual money, digital dollars, the end of cash, and all of that, so states are looking at legislation to update the banking rules.

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Chris Sununu celebrates

Kristi Noem Pulls a Sununu

to pull a Sununu – to fail to support solid conservative legislation or policy, or conversely to support Leftist legislation or policy, while attempting to mislead Republican and Independent voters by giving totally specious reasons for doing so. New Hampshire’s self-crowned Sun-King Cris Sununu recently pulled a Sununu when he tried to justify his promise … Read more


Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia for Their Unlawful General Election – Joined by 8 States!

Texas filed a lawsuit to the Supreme Court Monday evening against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, challenging their unlawful procedures in the general election.  Yesterday, seven other states joined Texas in their lawsuit; Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota – and Missouri joined the lawsuit today. Related: BOOM!!!! BREAKING NEWS!: … Read more

Kristy Noem - South Dakota

Gov. Kristy Noem Signs Constitutional Carry in South Dakota

Governor Kristy Noem kept her promise. She signed a Constitutional Carry bill making South Dakota the 14th state in the US to pass permit-less carry for law-abiding citizens. We reported on the story Wednesday with the expectation that it would become law and it has. Noem said the new law is in line with the country’s founding principles … Read more

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