More Science That Says CO2 Isn’t Causing Sea Level Rise

I have the good fortune of getting invited to go boating out of Portsmouth a few times each summer, and we pass the lighthouse on our way out to sea. High tide, low tide, you, me, anyone who looks can tell there is nothing to see. There is no connection between sea level and “carbon” … Read more

hand water help sea level

Same Old Song – Same Old Lie

It has become something of a ritual. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) issued yet another ‘report’ warning about accelerating sea level rise along the New Hampshire coast, and the local media parrots it without question. It happens every few years, and wouldn’t you know, we’ve been around to report on it. “Back in 2016, … Read more

Putting Recent Sea Level Rise Acceleration ‘Panic’ Into Perspective

Last Week, the coordinated media made noise about accelerated sea level rise. That’s nothing new. They do it all the time, though, not as often as the hottest thing ever. Both lack evidence and rigor, neither of which are required to snap coastal elites like a twig.

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‘Experts’ Said ‘Global Warming’ Would ‘Affect’ Island Nations And They Were Right…

Island nations like the Maldives quickly lined up for handouts when the Global Warming Cult got its sea legs. In the decades since that overlubricated wheel still grinds and screeches despite the very real fact that these places are not getting swallowed by Poseidon’s climate rage—quite the opposite.

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Ocean shore beach

Maui’s Other Catastrophic “Climate” Emergency – Sea Level Has Steadily Declined for the Past 4 Years

New Hampshire has a red-headed stepchild it is hiding in the basement. Since 2012 catastrophic sea level rise has fallen. That’s not news. Neither were power lines causing the Maui “wildfires.” Another climate “catastrophe that’s not newsworthy is Maui’s collapsing tide levels.

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Ocean shore beach

Sea Level Rise Blamed for Increasing Coastal Property Values Instead of Depressing Them

The Climate Cult is a belief system whose tenets or dogma are unassailable. Cooling is warming. More snow is the same as less snow. It causes rain and drought., extreme weather, or no weather.

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Ocean water shoreline beach sunset

NOAA’s Updated Tide Gauge Data Show No Sea Level Rise at NH Coast For The Past 10-12 Years

The Climate Cult won’t like this news much. NOAA recently updated its Tide Gauge data. What post-ice age rise in sea level there is, continues at a mere few millimeters per year. There is no evidence of the tipping point acceleration nonsense peddled by the Planeteers.

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snow ice cold original Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Truth About Sea Level Rise Could Have Significant Impact on Honest Reporting

Two weeks ago, WMUR wanted everyone to know how awful it would be for the New Hampshire Seacoast if arctic ice melted and the seas rose. Don’t tell the burning hot housing market for these “projected” to be “underwater” properties because Realtors and buyers are not listening.

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Jetty beach Provincetown Cape COd Image by Mark Martins from Pixabay

The Climate Cult’s Cape Cod Conundrum

There’s a lot of geologic history to be found on the subject of Cape Cod. A long finger of “land” thatconsists almost entirely of sand, gravel, silt, clay, and boulders, with no solid bedrock whatsoever showing anywhere or even to be found at depths of many feet below the surface.”

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Obama Marthas Vinyard Mansion - Image Credit - Zillow

The Obama’s Want to Burn More Fossil Fuels at “soon to be underwater” Beachfront Island Mansion

If you want a story with layers of hypocrisy, this is probably it. The Daily Caller reports that Barack and Michelle Obama want to install underground residential-use propane tanks at their seven-bedroom, 8 1/2 bath Martha’s Vineyard Mansion. The one on a beach, at sea level.

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Glacier Geology - Screen Grab Glacier National Park Web Site

Is That Your ‘Glacier’ Growing or Are You …

Glacier National Park famously posted signs for years claiming the Glaciers would be gone by 2020. They were close. The signs about the glaciers were gone by 2020, but not the Glaciers.

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Beach palm tree maldives

Narrative Shattering News With Global Consequences That Has Nothing to do with Kyle Rittenhouse

Special snowflakes melting makes for great blogging, so we have more Rittenhouse hot takes, but “man cannot read blogs about Rittenhouse alone.” And this news is not just huge.

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Desert dry sand heat tree Photo by Jordi Vich Navarro on Unsplash

The Hottest Lie On Record?

The scaremongering climate cultists are relentless. But since the IPCC, who’ve yet to predict anything with any degree (see what I did there) of accuracy, released their most recent requiem to the earth mother, they’ve been intolerable.

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As the IPCC Ramps Up Climate Fear Just How Bad Are These Experts At Predicting?

The so-called experts among the climate consensus are so bad at guessing they couldn’t predict the winner of a one-horse race. We’ve killed a few digital forests reporting their failures, but now that the IPCC is ramped up climate fear, it’s time to do it some more.

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Obamaville - Huge tent for scaled down party

“Only Family and Close Friends” – Looks Like We Were Right not To Believe the Obama’s

I got the date wrong, but it looks like we were right about the rest of it. Obama’s promise to downsize his massive 60th birthday superspreader event was “change” in which we could not (should not!) believe.

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barack-obama-mimics-mckayla-maroney Image by janeb13 from Pixabay

Obama’s Announce Super-Spreader Birthday Event Cut Backs But is This Change We Can Believe In?

The optics of Obama’s 500-guest super spreader Birthday event have apparently penetrated the tone-deaf Dems just moments before it begins, and there’s been a change. But is it one we can believe in?

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New Narrative: Thanks To You Moon Wobble Will Cause Tidal Flooding

The latest warning to come out of the Climate Cult Bible of Western Sin is to a twofer. One item, presumable naturally occurring, combined with another that’s all your fault, to create more fake fear.

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Ice sheet glacier argentina

14,600 Years Ago Prehistoric SUV’s Melted Ice Sheets Causing 60 Feet of Sea Level Rise

14,600 years ago (give or take), the ice sheets melted, and the seas rose. These would be the land-locked ice sheets that rapidly retreated after the first warming period of the last de-glaciation (the Bolling period or Bølling-Allerød Warming).

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Because it Will Trigger Leftists – Antarctic Ice Extent and Concentration Greater Today than in 1980

We’ve all got decent Democrat friends, well, most of us. They are often working stiffs, maybe in a union, but not interested in letting men use women’s bathrooms or conception to birth abortion. And many could care less about the global warming scare. So, this is for all the other Democrats.

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What it Really Means when “Journalists” Report Claims That the Ice Sheets are ‘Rapidly Melting’

If you pay attention to the corporate media, even if it’s just a drive-by glance in your news feed or from some search result, you’ll have heard this one. Massive polar ice loss! We’re doomed! It’s accelerating. We’ll be inundated! 

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