
The Windham Incident Audit Is Complete and Has Been Delivered to NH “Officials” [Update – Report Released]

The now infamous Windham Audit has concluded. A long process searching for why a hand recount produced 300 more votes for four Republican candidates and about 100 fewer votes for a Democrat.

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ACTION ALERT! The “Windham Incident” Update / Learn What YOU Can Do!

I believe the audit for the “Windham Incident” has lost all credibility because there is no way for observers to observe in a meaningful manner.  “Trust but verify” is difficult, and in many cases impossible.  While the AG’s office and auditors have responded to some concerns, they have repeatedly ignored most legitimate requests for transparency.

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RTK and Temporary Injunction Requests Filed Against the “Windham Incident” Forensic Audit

The forensic audit of the Windham voting machines and ballots from November 3, 2020, is scheduled to begin tomorrow at 10 am – but that might be delayed if the temporary injunction I filed today is approved by a Judge in the morning.

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Voter Suppression and fraud

The Windham Incident Thing – Did You Really Expect Anything Different?

Call it the System. Or the Machine. Or the UniParty. Call it whatever you wish. But did you really expect it to allow us to uncover evidence that the 2020 election was RIGGED in ways that could not be euphemistically described as “fortifying the election”? Evidence beyond the blatant censorship by Big Tech. Beyond the … Read more

SB 43 marked up

SB43 (Now Law) Makes Absolutely No Provision for an Actual Forensic Audit in Windham

As the town of Windham loses its collective mind over the Board of Selectmen’s choice of forensic auditor, SB43 (now law) makes absolutely no provision for an actual forensic audit.

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BIG NEWS! Windham Officials Reverse Course: Will Choose “Windham Incident” FORENSIC AUDITOR in PUBLIC!

When Senate Bill 43 was signed into law on April 12, 2021, it triggered forensic audits of the Windham ballots and machines that were used in the November 2020, general election. It also triggered a 45-day clock that mandates a deadline for the audit to be completed.

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BREAKING NEWS! The “Windham Incident” Election Forensic Audit SIGNED INTO LAW!

HUGE NEWS! I just received word that Governor Chris Sununu signed Senate Bill SB43 into law.  It mandates a forensic audit of the ballots that were cast, and the voting machines that were used, by Windham, NH during the November 3, 2020 election. The Bill became law because Senator Bob Guida and NH activists demanded … Read more


BREAKING! NH Senate Sends the NH “Windham Incident” FORENSIC AUDIT BILL to the Governor! (24-0 Vote!)

In a HUGE WIN for We, the People, and for New Hampshire election integrity, the NH Senate voted 24-0 just minutes ago to concur with the House amended version of SB43.

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GREAT NEWS! The “Windham Incident” Forensic Audit PASSED the House! – We’re Almost There!!!

SB43 was PASSED by the NH House of Representatives this morning on the Consent Calendar! Because it was modified with an amendment in the House it will have to go back to the Senate, where there are three different paths for the Bill to take. The Senate can vote to:

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ACTION ALERT: Pending House Vote for the “Windham Incident” Forensic Audit (Tomorrow or Thursday) – UPDATED

Please contact all NH State Reps TODAY (easy email address lists below) and respectfully ask that they support SB43.  Your voice makes a difference!

This important Bill is currently part of the House Consent Calendar, which is usually passed by a voice vote without incident along with all of the other Bills on the Consent Calendar. But any State Representative is entitled to pull a Bill from the Consent Calendar and ask for it to be voted on separately.  If that happens, them amendments could also be proposed and voted on and it could get messy… so as a measure of caution, it is important to let our State Representatives know that we want them to support SB43.

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Windham November Election Audit Legislation (SB43) Gets Full House Vote This Week

The New Hampshire House is back to work this week, and they have a lot of legislation to address. The Democrats are expected to delay delay delay and drag the session out into the wee hours – there’s a lot of stuff they lack the votes to stop, so parliamentary hijinks are the order of business.

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Update on the Windham New Hampshire Recount

Many of you have been asking for updates on the Windham Incident. After a pile of articles, a webinar, a follow-up, and additional news from our authors, it got quiet, and people are getting worried. Did this die on the vine like so many other efforts to resolve suspect election results?

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NOW OR NEVER! The “Windham Incident!” – If You Want FORENSIC Audits… IT’S UP TO YOU!

If you want election integrity in Windham, NH… then TAKE ACTION!  NOW!!!  It’s not tough to get out of that comfort zone… just do it!  The past several months have been filled with others doing the heavy lifting seeking answers to the “Windham Incident”. Last week ended with the excellent news that NH Secretary of … Read more


ACTION ITEM! – To RESOLVE the “Windham Incident” – DO THIS! (Updated)

The largest vote discrepancy in the history of NH remains unexplained.  Please take a few minutes to support a thorough and transparent audit of Windham’s voting machines and ballots to RESTORE ELECTION INTEGRITY in NH! 

Per Senator Bob Giuda, this issue arose because “Assistant AG Edwards and Election Law Chief Chong Yen stated categorically that they are not going to investigate the machines or the total ballot count – the only two actions that can provide the answer to what exactly happened.

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A Fork in the Road For the “Windham Incident”!

A reminder to stay engaged.  The Windham Board of Selectman will hold a meeting tonight via zoom and in person at the Windham High School at 7p (details below).  The meeting has one agenda item: the status of the “Windham Incident.” That’s what this meeting is about. Who should run the audit?  Who should define … Read more


STAY ENGAGED! The “Windham Incident” Selectman’s Meeting – Monday, March 1 at 7p

Last week the Windham Board of Selectmen planned to provide an update on Senate Bill SB43, a Bill that forces the AG and SOS to perform an audit of Windham’s November 3rd election. The overwhelming interest from the public exceeded the zoom capacity of the meeting, so the Chairman made the right decision and postponed … Read more


BREAKING! NH AG & SOS to “Take Possession” of the “Windham Incident” VOTING MACHINES!

Based on Senator Bob Giuda’s Op-Eds “The Windham Incident – Election Results vs Recount Totals” and “The Windham Incident Deception“, alarms went off throughout the Town of Windham when the AG’s office informed Windham of their plans to “take possession” of Windham’s voting machines (see appended email).  Those are the SAME MACHINES and includes the … Read more

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