ACTION ALERT! The “Windham Incident” Update / Learn What YOU Can Do!

by Ken Eyring

I believe the audit for the “Windham Incident” has lost all credibility because there is no way for observers to observe in a meaningful manner.  “Trust but verify” is difficult, and in many cases impossible.  While the AG’s office and auditors have responded to some concerns, they have repeatedly ignored most legitimate requests for transparency. Dismissive excuses abound by he AG’s ofice – who, contrary to legislative intent, has injected their will into the process on a daily basis. It has been a frustrating experience for many – but we are not powerless.

Join Ken Eyring and Tom Murray – founders of the non-partisan Government Integrity Project (GIP) – this Saturday (5/22/21) in Windham, NH for a FREE EVENT from 12p-3p.  You will receive an update to the audit process; learn what We, the People can do to respectfully hold our elected and appointed representatives accountable; and learn how together, we can peacefully restore our representative government as intended by our founding documents.

Ken and Tom will be joined by Marylyn Todd, Founder of the NH Voter Integrity Group, and Senator Bob Giuda, the prime force behind SB43 – the Bill that mandated the audit.  Together, they will provide an audit update.

In addition, the GIP is building strength through relationships with other non-partisan organizations across NH to grow a new grassroots movement to take back control of our local and state governments. Come and learn about how you can help restore control of our government to We, the People.

This EVENT is FREE and OPEN to the public.  Food and drink will be provided at no charge.  Please click here to register.



Hope to see you there!



  • Ken Eyring

    I'm a Constitutional Conservative, proud of our country and the founding documents our Constitutional Republic is based on. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. I'm passionate about Parental Rights and properly educating our children, who will someday become our country's leaders.

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