ACTION ITEM! – To RESOLVE the “Windham Incident” – DO THIS! (Updated)

The largest vote discrepancy in the history of NH remains unexplained.  Please take a few minutes to support a thorough and transparent audit of Windham’s voting machines and ballots to RESTORE ELECTION INTEGRITY in NH! 

Per Senator Bob Giuda, this issue arose because “Assistant AG Edwards and Election Law Chief Chong Yen stated categorically that they are not going to investigate the machines or the total ballot count – the only two actions that can provide the answer to what exactly happened.

Related: The “Windham Incident” – Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste!

The resulting debacle has been aptly named the “Windham Incident.” You can help get it fixed! Support Senate Bill SB43 to perform a thorough election audit in the Town of Windham. Follow the step by step instructions in the “HOW TO SUPPORT SB43” section below.  It is very easy to;

At the very least, choose the “Support this Bill” radio button on screen #1 to register your support and complete the next three screens.  It will take 2 minutes for the entire process.

Option #1: Click the “I wish to Speak on this Bill” checkbox on the first screen to register to speak via zoom this Friday during the 10:30a hearing.  If you do speak, please ask for and support amendments regarding any of the following (if proposed);

    • Hold the audit in Windham
    • Ensure 100% of the ballots are run through ALL of the voting machines
    • Ensure the Windham Selectmen have input into defining the audit process
    • Count the votes for all races on the ballot

Option #2: Submit your support in writing via email by clicking on the link: on screen #4.  If the email address does not work, then please copy and paste it into your email application.  Some simple suggestions;

    • “We need to know why the November General Election Day vote totals in Windham were off by so much after a recount.”
    • “Windham should not be prevented from performing a thorough, complete and transparent audit on their voting machines.”
    • “Election integrity is essential to retain the First in the Nation status for the Presidential Primaries.”
    • “Count all of the races on the ballot.”
    • “Windham wants to perform a forensic audit on the voting machines and ballots.”
    • Provide your support for the potential amendments mentioned under Option #1.

After completing the process to support SB43, please consider clicking on the “Sign Up Again” button to SUPPORT the following Bills:

HB480 – This bill allows for public access to cast ballots. (makes it easier for ANYONE to perform their own audit!)

HB491 – This bill requires that ballots that include a federal office and which contain more than the allowable number of votes for an office on the ballot be returned to the voter for possible correction before the ballot is counted.  This bill also requires the number of over voted ballots be included in the return for each election that includes a federal office.


If you don’t want to sign up to support the Bill, then send an email directly to every member of the Election Law Committee.  Make it respectful.  Express your support for SB43.  Express your concerns that nothing less than a thorough and transparent audit of Windham’s machines and ballotsunder the supervision of the Windham Board of Selectmen is acceptable.  The Windham Board of Selectmen MUST define and drive the process!

IMPORTANT: Click here to register your support for SB43. Use the step by step instructions provided below for each screen (Steps #7 and #8 are only necessary if you plan to speak on the Bill).

After you click “Continue” above, the following screen will be displayed.  Follow steps 10 – 15.

Verify all of the information is correct and click the “Continue” button.

That’s it, you’re done!  Unless you want to provide written testimony… then click on the “” link.  If you want to support additional Bills that increase voter integrity, please click on the “Sign Up Again” button.

Thank you for your support!




  • Ken Eyring

    I'm a Constitutional Conservative, proud of our country and the founding documents our Constitutional Republic is based on. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. I'm passionate about Parental Rights and properly educating our children, who will someday become our country's leaders.

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