No Respect

Sanctuary Did you know that in 1966 the Congress of the United States passed Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA)? They did and it passed with support from both political parties. Did you know, the IRRIRA requires local governments to cooperate with federal officials in apprehending illegal immigrants? Sanctuary involves religious congregations declaring … Read more

Filthy, Crime-Ridden, Democrat-Run Cities Take Next Obvious Step in Their Decline

The majority of crime in the U.S. occurs in a handful of cities. Urban plantations run (into the ground) by decades of Democrat ‘leadership.’ Laboratories of modern liberalism that are the Democrat Party promise to the rest of America.

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Sanctuary: Imposition of Religious Belief?

What is sanctuary? Sanctuary involves congregations declaring themselves official “sanctuaries”. That means they are committed to providing support to refugees. Various denominations participate. Movement members act in defiance of federal laws they oppose and they uphold laws they think their government violates. Where did sanctuary come from? The historical roots of the movement derive from … Read more

mexico-caravan-abc news

My, don’t they feel….entitled? Illegal immigrant caravan “migrants” demand money to go away.

Last time I knew, that was call “extortion” (“nice country you have there, shame if we were to enter it”). Yup, that’s what they’re doing – people that shouldn’t be here, didn’t bother to follow our laws, making demands on no basis at all.  How about another choice: go home?  Oh, and note how they’ve learned the lingo from the American Left who holds that America is horrible (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Migrant group demand Trump either let them in or pay them each $50G to turn around: report

Two groups of Central American migrants marched to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana on Tuesday with a list of demands, with one group delivering an ultimatum to the Trump administration: either let them in the U.S. or pay them $50,000 each to go home, a report said. Among other demands were that deportations be halted and that asylum seekers be processed faster and in greater numbers, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported. The first group of caravan members, that included about 100 migrants, arrived at the consulate around 11 a.m. Alfonso Guerreo Ulloa, an organizer from Honduras, said the $50,000 figure was chosen as a group.

“It may seem like a lot of money to you,” Ulloa told the paper. “But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

Right. Let’s see, 10,000 illegals X $50,000 works out to be $500 million – that’s not just “walking around” (pun intended) money.  Yet, they feel entitled for that

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Illegal alien caravan

Referendum on Illegal Immigration…

By Marc Abear

How long ago was it that both political parties supported America? How long ago was it that both political parties believed America’s border laws should be enforced? Leftists now openly advocate for open borders which is dissolution of America. Earlier this year, the call to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, morphed into a Democrat Party position through support from Senators Warren and Gillibrand It is easy to see how this high visibility public position encourages more illegal immigration, including the caravans.

Even former President Obama when he was a senator said, at least rhetorically, that illegal immigrants couldn’t be let into the country en masse and without restrictions. “… We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants into this country…” Do you support Obama or Warren & Gillibrand?

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Presumption of Guilt – Another Reason to Oppose The Left

Differing on matters of policy is one thing but the New Left’s presumption of guilt, at least as it applies to presumed political opponents, is despotic. It must be opposed as should be any member of the Democrat Party who condones it.

From the Wall Street Journal c/o Instapundit.

As Ms. Hill and Sen. Hirono aver, the Democratic standard for sexual-assault allegations is that they should be accepted as true merely for having been made. The accuser is assumed to be telling the truth because the accuser is a woman. The burden is on Mr. Kavanaugh to prove his innocence. If he cannot do so, then he is unfit to serve on the Court.

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Bob Greene – candidate for NH State House, Hillsborough County District 37 (Hudson/Pelham)

bob_greene_portraitHello! I’m Bob Greene and I’m running for NH State Rep in Hillsborough District 37 (Hudson/Pelham). I’m a 13-year Hudson resident, married to Kathy for 29 years, and a 20-year Air Force veteran with assignments in Illinois, Germany and Hanscom AFB. I currently work as a communications specialist for the defense industry and am a member of the National Rifle Association and American Legion. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal responsibility, and the Rule of Law.

I’ve steadily ramped up my activism over the past several years — from attending presidential candidate town halls and NH GOP summits, to participating in focus groups which have appeared on Fox News Channel, to attending the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) the past three years in a row. The next logical step for me is to get off the sidelines and run for NH State Rep, because although we currently have a Republican majority in the House, we have too many reps in our party who either 1) don’t represent the party’s interests by kowtowing to unions or political correctness or 2) have poor attendance/voting records in Concord, resulting in devastating GOP losses on the House floor on several critical issues. My goal will be 100% attendance in NH House sessions — no less, since I have the flexibility with my employer to be in Concord for all sessions and committee work. And I am making a solemn promise to my future House GOP colleagues and my constituents to have a voting record that truly represents my district’s and party’s values and supports the NH Advantage.

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Liberty Forum part VII – Alvin and the Constitution

Alvin C, who generously donated to the cause so we could buy a new headset for the program,  joins us for a conversation about the rule of Law and the constitution as the highest law.  We also touch on keeping your oath, King v. Burwell, and why words need to mean something.    

A voice suffering from Government Tyranny – simply for being TEA Party – Part 2

“I think the IRS needs to fix its labeling machine: we’re the San Fernando Valley TEA Party not Occupy Oakland”

In addition to Becky Gerritson, another TEA Party founder by the name of Dr. Karen Kenny  of the San Fernando Valley TEA Party testified to the Congressional committee on the targeting that they received from the IRS (emphasis mine):

Thank you Mr. Chairman.  John Adams knew that facts are stubborn things. In this district, facts are hidden under the mantle of office.  They get used as tools or weapons but they wait for us. We must seek them with the Lamp of Truth and put them into words.

But you and I speak languages in this Republic. You speak the language of Power, of pen, purse, and gavel. I speak American grassroots, the language of Liberty, through Providence, Property, and Civic Virtue.

We seldom speak together about The Rule of Law unless it is ignored or violated; now is such a time. I have a story that bridges the distance between my State of California and this Capital.  What I say here must be said here.

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Internet Doodlings – Tree Hugger commenter Bussdriver87 wants a Peoples Government or something…

Well, I have been absent from Tree Hugger (the Greenie Communitarian with Fascist leanings site) for a while so I figured it was time to pay a visit.

SideNote: due to the Great Diaspora / Banning by TH of those willing to challenge their “Green Come First” religion, it has been OUR great benefit that “ e. doG” and “Cris P. Bacon” have become tremendous commenters here – again, thanks guys!

At “Should We All Be Working a Four Day Week“, an architect decided to put her firm on a “5 days work in 4 days” schedule.  Great!  If she’s the owner and wants to do that, she should have the Right to do so (as long as no laws are abrogated).  They also had a poll asking what folks thought  about a 4 day work week (e.g., yes, no, other).  I left the following for the original downer premise (emphasis mine):

We are working’ 5 days in 4’ week because how we live as individuals has consequences for everyone else. The way we live now has created many problems: scarcity of resources, scarcity of jobs, climate change, wealth discrepancies and many wasted lives. These are all escalating problems which are not being addressed by the institutions of power: Governments, Banks, the Multinationals have too many vested interests in the current system to be the agents of change.

for the architect:

Why should it be up to OTHER entities (“Governments, Banks, the Multinationals have too many vested interests in the current system to be the agents of change”) to make such a decision for YOUR company?

You made it for your’s – good for you. If employees like it they will stay; the converse if they do not. Push the decision making down to the lowest granular level – if you can make and win the argument, congratulations! To have those “Power Entities” make the decisions for others is summed up in one word: “tyranny”.

Blaming it on others or other entities is a cop out – especially when one has made the right decisions and done the hard work to be in a place where they are able to make such a decision.  I figure that some might not like the longer days but some might really like always having 3 day weekend but one didn’t (emphasis mine):

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Illegal Immigration Benefits Politicians, Employers, and Union Bosses, and Hurts Everyone Else

Donna Brazile’s column in Wednesday’s (2/6/13) “The Citizen”,, is typical of liberal writings, an attempt to mislead the American people.  Brazile inappropriately interweaves legal and illegal immigration benefits and falsifies immigration enforcement effectiveness.

Immigration laws have not been changed because the American people believe in the rule of law and in real “Fairness”.  It would be wrong for people to benefit from their illegal immigrations.  And, it would not be FAIR to the people trying to come to this country legally (often waiting years or decades).

Brazile tries to assign the benefits that legal immigrants bring to this country (e.g., working legally without burdening taxpayers, starting businesses, paying taxes, assimilating into our country and culture) to illegal immigrants.  That, of course, is false.  On average each illegal immigrant annually costs taxpayers about $11,000 worth of medical, housing, food, and other benefits intended for needy Americans citizens.

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Notable Quote: Necessity of Rule of Law to Freedom, John Locke

“Freedom of men under government is to have a standing rule to live by, common to every one of that society, and made by the legislative power erected in it; a liberty to follow my own will in all things, where the rule prescribes not: and not to be subject to the inconstant, uncertain, arbitrary … Read more

This seems about right – but he’s WAY too polite

‘Grok friend Chan over at Weekend Pundit has a quick succinct summary of Barack Hussein Obama’s 4 years: Despite the water-carrying the MSM is doing for Obama, the narrative has been shifting from Romney’s perceived ‘deficiencies’ to Obama’s failures, both foreign and domestic. His Middle East foreign policy has been shown to be a disaster … Read more

There Are No Republicans For Obama

There are no Republicans for ObamaBack in 2008, and I may have shared this story before, I was discussing with a longtime friend my conclusion that then candidate John McCain was not really a ‘Republican.’  He could not understand why so I asked my baptist minister friend…”there are a lot of ‘interpretations’ of Christianity, and for the most part each is reasonably accepting of the others…but isn’t there a point at which what it is they are “practicing” is no longer Christianity?”  He said yes.  I said, “OK, same with being a “Republican.”

Believing in abortion, global warming, stifling paid political speech (to name a few) and…most importantly, the very strong belief that the federal government must regulate things from a central location, to mandate policy to the states and the people from on high….that is what progressives and socialists do, no matter what they call themselves.  That is not what it means to be a Republican.  We have a different party for people who think that way.  They are called Democrats.

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UN Calls For Tax on Wealthy to Help Poor – Still Wont Work

The UN want’s more money.  They are after the global wealth tax again, a tax favored by Obama, and the social/environmental justice movements who benefit from it.  But we know that the money will never actually get to the poor, not enough of it.  Nor will it alleviate anything but the misery of some NGO functionary or UN lackey paid to make sure pennies on every dollar end up in the hands of third world dictators.  So perhaps the UN could suggest a policy that will actually help the poor?

Instead of taxing people why not encourage things that actually reduce poverty.  Property rights and rule of law.  People who know that their labor will produce things that will not be seized or stolen by capricious warlords or uncontested acts of theft or intimidation, are more likley to work to improve their lives; because they know that the work may actually…you know…improve their lives.

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Gingrich Soundbite Smackdown

Newt Gingrich is definitely on a roll. And while I completely disagree with him on Global warming, (and have endorsed someone else) it warms my heart to see him standing at the cafeteria line of ideas with the graduates of the Left-wing School of Journalism, taking the crap sandwich they are trying to hand him, and stuffing into their pompous little pie holes.

There Are No “Rules” For Radicals

The democrat leadership loves to project their feelings and intentions on others.  By their calculus, if it is happening inside their obsessed little minds everyone has to feel that way.  It is why they can’t help claiming that anything anyone does or says in opposition to them or their agenda does so from a position of fear or hate.  That is how they think and feel.  It is what drives them.  It must also drive you. 

They then filter that misconception into populist rants demanding that everyone within a 100 mile ideological radius of some perceived slight denounce whomever or whatever they have painted as ill will. 

 This is classic Alinsky with a twist.  Rules for Radicals demands that you hold your opponents to their own moral standards, make them follow their own rules, and pummel them (and anyone near them) relentlessly at every opportunity.  They do this knowing humans are flawed and incapable of perfection on their own which is amusing because in their preferred secular state there is only one source of power to guide us and it is them and the same rules do not apply to democrats.

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