The Bill Binnie Network?

Word has it that Bill Binnie has considered buying WNDS to use as the flagship studio for what would be called the New Hampshire 1 Network.

Who Voted Against HB 474? The Right to Work Bill

Right To Work MapYou can probably guess who voted against HB 474.  Democrats.  In fact not one single Democrat voted for it. But they are not beholden to the unions.  Nah.

The Final Roll Call was 221 for, 131 against.  My original post, with a margin of 221 to 121 was incorrect, (which means I need to find a second tweet source in the House for verification purposes.)

Of those voting no 40 were Republicans.  Of those not voting, 11 were democrats and 36 were Republican.  So while a veto is promised, an override is still very possible.

But is it likley?

The Republicans can’t just hope the entire caucus shows up, they need to flip a chunk of those 40 Republicans to make this happen.  But can they herd cats like the left?

We’ll probably get to find out.

Until then, here are the lists of those Republicans who voted no, and those who did not vote. (on the jump.)

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What Zandra Rice Hawkins Was Really Selling At Her “Fake” Sale

cupcakeZandra Rice "The Huckster" Hawkins of Granite State Progress (an out of state funded left wing group) staged a bake sale based on words she put in State Rep Jeanine Notter’s mouth.   

Hawkins just decided that because Notter had more faith in individual responsibility and more local control that this guaranteed that people would suffer; that Notter’s solution meant people would need to have a bake sale to raise money to pay for cancer treatments if New Hampshire tried to opt out of the unconstitutional Health Insurance mandate.

I think this says a good deal about Zandra the Huckster’s world view and it’s not all that flattering.

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Bedford School District Book Woes Re-ignite

Warning. Strong Sexual Content.

The Bedford Public School system is back in the news again.  Another book has popped up in the curriculum that is questioning the standards of the towns (cough-cough) educational experts. This time is it ‘Water For Elephants.”

This book appears to have some very interesting subject matter, which someone in the Bedford District finds suitable for students to read.  I’ll let you be the judge. (This is just a sample, and relates to the “warning” strong sexual content” portion.)

(Warning! By jumping to the conclusion of this post you accept all responsibility for the content you are about to read.)


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Half-Bass’d Mast [Updated]

Well the timer was short. The result? When you copy an image location and someone does not like what you do with it, they snip your little life-line and the image goes away. You are left with a broken link, some alternate text if you added any, and plenty of people asking–huh?

Atlas Shrugged – The Movie?

Someone said this was one of the most anticipated movies…..I….no, I was not anticipating it.  In fact I didn’t know they were making it. And having watched the trailer, the first two words to come to my mind were ‘Red Box.’

But who am I?  Certainly not a qualified movie critic.  And this has to be at least as good as most of the crap that Hollywood makes.  And Hollywood makes a lot of crap.  So will this be more crap?  I can’t tell you that from the trailer.  Movie trailers are like airbrushed models in print.  That’s about as good as it is ever going to look.  So does it look good enough?  Red Box. 

I realize the books continued appeal is why we have a movie based on it.  I get the whole idea of going Galt.  And that will appeal to a slice of the movie-going public, but how big a slice.  Ayn Rand is provocative but can it be translated onto the big screen, and since this is part one, how many more parts must we endure to resolve the driving question of this trailer.  Who is John Galt?

One bonus I can comment on is that it is NOT scheduled to be released in 3D.  Movies are made in 3D as an excuse to charge 50% more for a ticket, turning a nice family outing to the cinema into another reason to refinance.  The movie is not supposed to cost more than dinner is it?  For that kind of cash you should get live actors and sets and an intermission so you can hit the restroom and not miss anything. 

But that doesn’t get us any closer to the trailer for Atlas Shrugged Part 1.  So here it is, on the jump, one of the most anticipated Movies….well, we talked about that already.  I watched the trailer.  I’m still not anticipating it.  Sorry.


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GrokTalk! Saturday February 12th 2011

GrokTalk!Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok.

It’s GrokTalk!

This Saturday from 9-11AM…

 NH House Rep Laura Jones, Doris Hohensee and Rep Andrew Manuse all check in with Skip.

Author and National Review Managing Deputy Editor editor Kevin Williamson is back to continue the discussion on his book, The politically Incorrect Guide To Socialism.

Lear More About Our Guests on the jump

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RINO Remover!!!

RINO Remover!!  Adult content alert.  The very end of this video has the word S**t in it.  You have been warned.   H/T NHTEA Party  

The New Hampshire House RINO Caucus

RINOsHow a representative votes can tell you a lot about their priorities.  The folks who just  voted against HB 89, who happen to run around with an (R) next to their name, think that state-crushing federal mandates like Obamacare should not be resisted by every means possible. 

They seem willing to accept that the Federal government has the right to require citizens to buy something, though I can almost guarantee they would never force you to buy and own a gun for your own self-defense.

A handful of elected "republicans" always seem willing to give up a little more State sovereignty and local control to a distance central power. (A dwindling handful, if you take my meaning).

They are what we lovingly refer to as RINO’s.  Republicans In Name Only.

Now some will argue, RINOs and Democrats mostly, that these folks voted against HB 89, and ACT requiring the NH Attorney General to join the challenge against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, because it was (insert left wing rhetoric here.)  It really does not matter, but I think my favorite is separation of powers which is a silly argument.  How do you legislate anything affecting any department under the governors leadership under those terms.  You can’t.  But I digress. The point is that for most of them this is not their first visit to the RINO rodeo.

These folks are the kind of republicans who might support John Lynch for Governor, or go to a No Labels meeting, or join a left wing run ‘bi-partisan’ House caucus.  Of course that is the only way the democrats will have them.  As democrats they would have no voice in that party at all unless they went all in on the socialist progressive agenda.  They are old school democrats, and unless their only hope is to either form an independent/moderate caucus, or take back the democrat party from the extremist liberals.  There is no longer any room for big government politicians in a small government party.

So without further delay, and to ensure their continued glorification by the left as victims, here are those ‘republicans’ who voted against HB 89 …on the jump!

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Yes, More US Energy Use Equals More Output

This is not a theorem, or a rule, it is more of a guideline.  That US Energy consumption produces  equals output.  I made this case back in 2008 when wackadoodles like Jeanne Shaheen, Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter (among others milking the teats of the earth-mother for green votes) complained about how America used 25% of the worlds energy–or something close to it, and we were evil for using all that energy.  The narrative was that we were domestic abuses of a child named "resources."

My point, proven time and again, and again, and again, is that we took roughly 25% of the worlds energy and turned it into 25% or more of the worlds wealth and prosperity.  The US GDP as a percentage of global GDP was almost identical to our percentage of energy consumption. 

But we did it cleaner, faster, better, with more freedom and choices than anywhere else on the planet. And the end result was the richest nation with the fewest poor, the best health care, and almost a better everything else.  Even our poor are better.

Liberals and progressives in the democrat party however hate that, just like they hate this; more proof that we do more good things with energy by 6AM than the rest of the world does all day.

It is a chart (on the jump), that shows GDP output compared to energy consumption.  Follow the link, and you can play with the interactive version that shows you who, where, what and so on.  Press play to watch use and growth. Try the tabs and check boxes, and have a grand old time–for about 90 seconds.  Then share it with your annoying liberal friends, and make them buy you another drink for being wrong yet again about something else they will continue to insist is true despite evidence to the contrary.  (There is no settled science but global warming after all.)


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Can You Smell The Campaign Fires?

After two years of extravagance on the taxpayer dime. Week after week of high priced parties with expensive food and high priced entertainment. Date nights that shut down cities. Frivolous trips (in his and her jetliners complete with entourage) to various parts of the globe. Vacation, after vacation, after vacation. And despite the glamor of a designer wardrobe, pimped by the adoring media for the past 24 months, we are now supposed to be impressed by this?

Supporting A Corrupt Business

Would you stand up in a public hearing and defend an organization implicated in aiding illegal activity, sexual abuse, statutory rape and sex trafficking?  What kind of people would?  How about democrats, union members, and greedy corporate stooges on the take? (oh, my!)

If it was anyone but Planned Parenthood, the national media sensation that admits it has a ‘training’ problem, the professional left would be storming the castle not just to demand why taxpayer dollars were begin given to these criminals, but when the bastards were going to be rounded up and put on trial.

There would be bus loads of angry folks protesting outside executives homes, harassing staff and customers.

Left wing bloggers, even at that sad little web site Blue Hampshire, would be disconnecting their brains from their keyboard, bellowing about the injustice and abuse, the violation of civil rights, and another destructive association by a political party full of hateful bigots and misogynists who view women as second class citizens.  A few of them might even ponder running a few people down in the crosswalk.

But this is Planned Parenthood, a national business, a big business, that makes plenty of money while using its status as a “health care provider” to milk taxpayers for money it does not even need.  And there are still a few people here in New Hampshire willing to stand up and say incredibly stupid things in defense of a business model that seems incapable of protecting the interests of the young girls it claims to champion from a life as an underage sex slave.

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“Retard” Makes A Comeback

In a moment of honesty, John Gage, the head of the American Federation of Government Employees Union (AFGE), calls elected officials who want to cut government pay “Mentally Retarded.”

Straight? Republicans Want To Meddle In Your Marriage, Too

That is the title of Kathy Sullivan’s most recent contribution to the Union Leader. "Straight? Republicans Want To Meddle In Your Marriage, Too."  And I must confess that my initial reaction after trying to wade through her editorial and then through HB 569 to see if she was just making stuff up again was, "what the hell is this bill?"

And then it dawned on me. (or maybe the coffee kicked in.)

The sole purpose of HB 569 is to preserve existing civil unions and Marriages while removing the State almost entirely from the business of marriage altogether.  HB 569 does not dissolve your marriage, it simply (well, not simply) re-defines the state’s role in the decision of any two legally eligible persons to form a domestic contract, with or without a religious ceremony referred to as a marriage.

It’s like a union between "State" and "none of your damn business."

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Guest Post: Richard Olson Jr. “Send In The Clowns”

While the UL’s Mark Hayward story gives a description of some of the things the bill would allegedly do, the story also contains statements that the leadership disavowed this piece of legislation. Regardless of where one stands either supporting HB 523 or HB 330, it is clear that Republicans agree to disagree on some levels.

Granite State Progress Goes Tucson

This week I did a call-in because last week Zandra Rice Hawkins of Granite State Progress attended Congressman Guinta’s town hall in Laconia, and at one point decided to storm up towards the podium to ‘set the record straight.’ She was not tackled, tasered or shot. In fact she spoke her mind–as liberals are wont to do–without interruption and was even given a chance to ask questions despite essentially hijacking the event.

What It Means To Support Planned Parenthood

PPProgressive-liberal democrats will present themselves at the hearing for HB 228 on Tuesday February 8th to advocate for the continued public funding of Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire.  So maybe we should ask what it is they could be advocating?

Planned Parenthood has been implicated in a willingness to conceal sex trafficking, hide abortions performed on minors and prostitution.

Trafficking illegal immigrant minors in the sex trade.

And allowing the sexual abuse of minors including statutory rape without consistent and prompt reporting to the proper authorities.

Now I am not claiming that Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire or New England is complicit in any of these acts specifically, though they may be, I cannot say.  But they are guilty by association and it is that association that by itself should exclude them from any taxpayer funded support of any kind–particularly for those who think giving tax dollars to an abortion mill is not reason enough.

Planned Parenthood is guilty at the very least for failing to ingrain in their corporate, medical and professional culture the need to protect and defend the lives and bodies of these young girls, these children, in every office, in every community they serve, before any other corporate, professional or ideological objective.

That has not been the case and those who advocate for them should be considered complicit.

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Norelli Tries To Feed You The Blue Pill (again)

Democrats latest rallying cry is that we can’t cut the state budget if it means downshifting costs on the towns.  But they didn’t seem to care too much about all the downshifting when they were doing it. 

But that is what you get when you let left wing clowns run your state.  Larsen/Norelli/Suckley Investment Advisers Inc, the Fat Cat Executives of the Tax and Spend Democrat Party of New Hampshire, gave the state government a one billion dollar bonus ($1,000,000,000.00) on the backs of the towns and the taxpayers during a job shedding, wage declining recession.

And we are now to believe this concerns them?  The only thing that concerns the Democrats is if and how they can blame someone else for their destruction, and find a way back into power so that the lefts only solution to a billion dollar deficit can be enacted as swiftly as possible.

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GrokTalk! Saturday February 5th 2011

GrokTalk!Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok.

It’s GrokTalk!

This Saturday from 9-11AM…

Freshman NH House Rep John Burt (Goffstown) from the House Municipal and County Government Committee and…

Documentary Film maker Curtis Bower, writer and director of Agenda: Grinding America Down.

Learn more about our guests on the jump!

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The One-Trick Tax-And-Spend Donkey By Any Other Name…

No Good Dancing DonkeyThe New Hampshire democrats have a name for their new 501(c)(4) non-profit.  It’s the July Fourth Forum. What, “We just lost The Whole Damn State” was already taken?

As with most things named by democrats it presents a notion diametrically opposite its true intention.  We see this same naming tactic in their legislation  (at least in DC).  Their bills always have the words American, Freedom, Rights, Choice, or Affordable in the name, usually including two or more at any given time.  This is meant to serves as a warning to anyone who dares gaze upon the hundreds of thousands of words that follow the name of their bill (not that they want anyone to actually read them).   If allowed to become law it will hurt Americans, deny freedoms, infringe rights, cost a fortune and leave you with whatever choice the government has decided is best for you and few if any other.

So the only word in any name of any Democrat bill that has any hope of being remotely accurate must be the word “Act.”  As in, that American-Freedom-Rights-and choice-stuff  is all just an act.

Which brings us back to Kathy Sullivan’s ‘”July Fourth Forum.” 

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