How a representative votes can tell you a lot about their priorities. The folks who just voted against HB 89, who happen to run around with an (R) next to their name, think that state-crushing federal mandates like Obamacare should not be resisted by every means possible.
They seem willing to accept that the Federal government has the right to require citizens to buy something, though I can almost guarantee they would never force you to buy and own a gun for your own self-defense.
A handful of elected "republicans" always seem willing to give up a little more State sovereignty and local control to a distance central power. (A dwindling handful, if you take my meaning).
They are what we lovingly refer to as RINO’s. Republicans In Name Only.
Now some will argue, RINOs and Democrats mostly, that these folks voted against HB 89, and ACT requiring the NH Attorney General to join the challenge against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, because it was (insert left wing rhetoric here.) It really does not matter, but I think my favorite is separation of powers which is a silly argument. How do you legislate anything affecting any department under the governors leadership under those terms. You can’t. But I digress. The point is that for most of them this is not their first visit to the RINO rodeo.
These folks are the kind of republicans who might support John Lynch for Governor, or go to a No Labels meeting, or join a left wing run ‘bi-partisan’ House caucus. Of course that is the only way the democrats will have them. As democrats they would have no voice in that party at all unless they went all in on the socialist progressive agenda. They are old school democrats, and unless their only hope is to either form an independent/moderate caucus, or take back the democrat party from the extremist liberals. There is no longer any room for big government politicians in a small government party.
So without further delay, and to ensure their continued glorification by the left as victims, here are those ‘republicans’ who voted against HB 89 …on the jump!
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