Granite State Progress Goes Tucson

GraniteGrok has a weekly on-line internet broadcast called GrokTalk! that streams every Saturday from 9am – 11am–posting pod-casts after.   I do some behind the scenes production work, occasionally co-host, and every now and then call in.

This week I did a call-in because last week Zandra Rice Hawkins of Granite State Progress attended Congressman Guinta’s town hall in Laconia, and at one point decided to storm up towards the podium to ‘set the record straight.’  She was not tackled, tasered or shot.  In fact she spoke her mind–as liberals are wont to do–without interruption and was even given a chance to ask questions despite essentially hijacking the event.

While I have to wonder if she was hoping for some sign of violence it did not occur.  In fact she was not  escorted out, arrested, or even asked to leave.  The congressman listened and responded, allowing follow ups as he had throughout the event.

Compare that to the behavior of our former, ever-paranoid and remarkably unstable Carol Shea-Porter, keeper of the egg timer, refuser of follow ups, and high horse evictor of conscientious objectors who dare to disagree with her in any tone she finds unworthy.  Rude and elitist only scratches the surface.

Mr. Guinta, so far, has shown a lot more class than the woman he replaced.  You don’t have to agree with him politically to appreciate that.

So back to Hawkins.

In celebration of her going Tucson (that’s charging a sitting member of congress) just weeks after that tragedy,  and given ex-Kongresswoman Carol Che-Porter’s history at Town halls on both sides of the podium, I threw together a “Public Service Announcement” about Zandra and the group she leads to commemorate the event.

Skip plays it in this segment from GrokTalk! this past Saturday, and we discuss it briefly after.

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