Unemployment Update

The US Bureau Of Laboring Statistics calculates the latest rate of unemployment at 9%. We do however have to question the methodology and the real fact that another 300,000 or so people gave up looking for work. Real Unemployment is still in the teens and inflation for food and fuel is rising.

Agenda: Grinding America Down

Tomorrow Morning on Grok Talk, the writer and director of the documentary Agenda: Grinding America Down, former Idaho State Legislator Curtis Bowers, will be one of our guests.  Here’s the promo reel for the movie.  Check it out, then listen in at 9am tomorrow, Saturday Feb 5th.   AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Trailer) from Copybook … Read more

Want Cheap Health Insurance? Support HB 241 – And Hey! It’s Also A Jobs Bill

Iage: Insurancepersonalhealt.com HB 241  is a bill everyone needs to pay attention to if for no other reason than that it will piss off some progressives and liberals, and aggravate the behemoths who have monopolized New Hampshire’s health insurance market for years thanks to progressives and liberals like Jeanne Shaheen.

If passed HB241 will allow a willing consumer and willing insurance carrier to contract on mutually agreeable terms for individual or group health insurance which is not subject to regulation by the (state) insurance commissioner, insurance mandates, or administrative consumer protection law.

Put simply, individuals or groups in New Hampshire would be able to buy health insurance from any provider anywhere (that’s anywhere) on whatever terms they can both agree on and the Insurance commissioner cannot stop you.

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Got Civility? The “Beheading Sarah Palin” Edition

The most recent rhetorical left-wing bridge to nowhere comes courtesy of a wide-brush narrative that swept across the progressive talking points the way “teenage girls falling in love with bad-boy vampires” recently consumed the media verse.

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GrokTalk! Saturday January 29th 2011 [UPDATED]

Live Streaming local and National News from GraniteGrok.com Former GOP gubernatorial candidate and Tea Party favorite Jack Kimball was elected chairman of the NH Republican Party. So…what’s it all about? What does it bode for the NH GOP? What’s it mean for the state of New Hampshire? We’ve got a star-studded cast coming on the show Saturday morning to … Read more

How About Them Nazis?

Given how touchy the New Hampshire Democrat Party (NHDP) leadership is about comments relating to Jews and Nazis I wanted to wait a few days before addressing the words of Tennessee House Democrat Steve Cohen. Cohen made a few, lets call them ‘off-hand remarks’ about propaganda, Republicans and Nazis. He then did it again with spin. And again. (and..Zzzz)

Play OBAMA BINGO! During The SOTU Address

Don’t forget to get your Obama Bingo cards from American’s For Tax Reform.

GrokTalk! for Saturday January 15 th 2011

It’s 120 minutes of Live Streaming local and National News you could ONLY get from GraniteGrok.com   This week… 9am to 11am EST NRO Editor Kevin Williamson, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide To Socialism will be our guest Jordan Ulery candidate for NH GOP National Committeeman calls in And Jim Bender talks to Skip … Read more

Picture Of The Day 1-9-2011

Some pictures come with stories.  Today’s picture of the day has a story.  But as with all stories it appears to have been embellished. So I have edited out the parts that may not be accurate.  I edited them out because the picture is compelling without them, and they would only serve as a distraction. 

It is a picture taken during surgery on a 21 week old fetus.  It is one of dozens of procedures already performed on unborn babies.  Babies who could spend another 19 weeks in the womb before birth.

It is compelling because this is a surgical procedure in the womb to help a baby.  This is not surgery on a lump of tissue.  It is a tiny person.  The picture is it’s own story.

The picture is that of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by surgeon named Joseph Bruner. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother’s womb.

Little Samuel’s mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta. She knew of Dr. Bruner’s remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb.

Picture on the jump…

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Did you Question Those ‘Declining’ Teen-Mother Birth Rates?

The day after we celebrated the birth of Christ the Nashua Telegraph treated us to a report that birth rates among teens had declined. If you poked around beyond the confines of the Telegraph piece you would discover that New Hampshire was one of the states leading the way. And there were some very amusing thoughts on the decline, but no one even suggested an increase in chemical or surgical abortions as a cause.

I Tried It At Home

I%20tried%20it%20at%20home.jpgFergus Cullen has some advice in his Union Leader column this morning.(print or e-edition) Resolutions that do not include exercise or dieting, to quote the author.  They are all of course political, the most entertaining of which is a suggestion that Carol Shea-Porter run for President.

But my favorite was this one.

For bloggers and online posters, man up and identify yourselves when you comment. There are too many anonymous cowards in the online world. Civility is more persuasive than angry rant. If you don’t have the courage to say who you are when taking a shot at someone, you probably shouldn’t say it.

I agree, mostly.

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The True Meaning Of Christmas

Starting in 2011, public sector workers will no longer get days off related to any religious holiday, nor will they receive any compensation for these days unless they actually work. If as the liberals and secularists suggest, that we can’t have any God in government, then no one in government should get a paid day off as a result.

Day 50

As the sun rises over New England on December 22nd, 2010, we will have begun the fiftieth day since the November 2nd Election. As it comes to a close, fifty full days will have passed. Fifty sunrises and sunsets. Fifty breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. And by some estimates, as many as 250 billion phone calls will have been made in that time period, and not one of them (to the best of my knowledge) was from Carol Shea-Porter to congratulate Frank Guinta on his victory over her in the the NH first congressional district race.

Little Footprints In The Digital Snow

someone-wrong-on-internet.pngSome of the establishment ‘insiders’ in the New Hampshire political news firmament are clinging to their status as the connected resource for information, defending their political crack house like some kind of punditry-pusher for the news junkies in the Granite state.

One of their weapons is the exclusive.  They need them to feel relevant.

Case in point, James Pindell, who unknown to most, had posted the news of Jack Kimball’s announcement to seek the state GOP chairmanship as a WMUR/Political Scoop exclusive.  But he did it after it had been posted by GraniteGrok, on GarniteGrok.com, the Grok’s facebook page, each of the Groksters facebook pages, at NH Insider.com, at the NHRVC web page, at my Live Free or Die WordPress page, and on several email lists like those of the NHRVC and RLCNH.

After a conversation with one of the Grok’s contributors, the word "exclusive" was reportedly removed from the Political Scoop post, but the act of trying to claim exclusivity still remains, embedded in the original web address to the article as posted.


[Emphasis mine]

It’s just like little foot prints in the digital snow, staggering away from the scene of a crime.

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A Letter From Crazy Aunt Nancy

I just received this in my email. [my comments bracketed and bold]

Four Years All For Naught?

I have just three thoughts to share for the moment; Carol had four years in a democrat majority congress–which promised to clean up the swamp, two of them with a democrat president, and I do not see any attempt by her party or by Carol herself (she is defined legislatively as a follower not a leader) to address this or anything else outside the big blue box of liberal progressive agenda items.

Progressive Flatulence

So maybe the 700,000 taxpayer dollars given to UNH to advance the study of “organic farming” was not just a left wing exercise in global warming alarmist advocacy. Maybe, just maybe, it was not meant to study cow farts.

Calendar Roulette With Janet Napolitano

From the "You can’t make this stuff up" file.  Janet Napolitano is fighting Terror 364 days a year.  So which day are they taking off?      

Did Maggie Hassan…Just Take A Step To The Right?

which%20way.jpgNow that she has so much free time on her hands, former State Senator Maggie Hassan is proudly advocating for her newest hobby, the group No Labels.  This means that Maggie ‘The Red’ Hassan is advocating for moderate debate that is open to all sides with a goal of non-partisan compromise.  I also hear that Michael Vick would like to buy a dog?

I’d sooner trust Vick with the dog.

This is a woman who tried to socialize medicine in-state, legislate away free speech she objects to, advocates for abortion from conception to delivery, and is committed to advance the size, scope, control, and cost of the government.  If she has a middle ground, it is not just left of center, it is far left.  So Hassan advocating No Labels is like Kathy Griffin, or Janeane Garofalo advocating tolerance.

It’s only funny because it is so absurd.

But could Hassan have had an epiphany?  Has her unexpected defeat resulted in a cathartic de-gentrification of her traditional ruling class elitism?   Is it possible that a woman steeped in the progressive super culture could abandon her pro-government/liberal materialism to spend forty days in the desert on a moderate vision quest? Or is this, more likely, just a flanking maneuver.

Maggie ‘The Red’ Hassan is advocating No Labels because she wants to be governor Hassan; think of it as an undocumented progressives worker program or Fascists anonymous–only it’s not about recovery or remission, it is about hiding who you really are from the voters until after you get elected.

But it can only happen if we allow it to. So let us agree not to allow it.

And for those who caught the Rocky Horror Picture Show reference, take a jump of your own and get your reward.

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Revisiting Censorship In the Wake Of “Nickel And Dimed..”

The dust up in Bedford over the Book ‘Nickel and Dimed’ continues to linger in the local news–which reminded me that back in 2009 we had a similar situation in the sleepy town of Litchfield where  comments by locals and students emerged in defense of the material on the grounds that its exclusion would constitute book banning and or violate protected free speech rights.

This was (and is), of course, total rubbish.

So I wrote at least two articles on the subject back in 2009, this one–from June 20, 2009 on the bankrupt educational-industrial culture that leads to this kind of moronic nonsense, and then a followup on censorship in general after a local ACLU lawyer felt the need to add her two cents.

What follows on the jump is my response, the article from July 5th, 2009–originally posted at NH Insider.  I believe it (and my comments in the previously mentioned post here) are equally relevant to what has transpired in Bedford over the past few weeks, and demonstrates a lack of understanding by the public (and progressives) of the differences between first amendment speech and censorship.  That this keeps coming up in the context of the public school curriculum is nothing short of ironic.

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