“Retard” Makes A Comeback

In another moment of left wing civility, John Gage, the head of the American Federation of Government Employees Union (AFGE), calls elected officials who want to cut government pay "Mentally Retarded."

The thought police have not filed a report as of this writing to publicly lynch Mr. Gage but Gage is a card carrying member of the Hypocrat party which means he is exempt.  It also means that former congressman and part-time Senate candidate Paul Hodes will not have to return any of the $10,000.00 dollars that AFGE donated to his failed bid for the US Senate in New Hampshire.

That’s probably something of a relief for Hodes who can spend it on more hot dogs for his next campaign-whatever that might turn out to be.

In the meantime we have the video of Gage in polite Union company, and the satisfaction of knowing that Gage’s investment in Hodes belies a greater truth about who it is exactly that is mentally retarded.


H/T Michelle Malkin

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