Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

Smoke 'Em If You Got 'EmI haven’t written a post about energy for almost a week so I’ll keep this one short.

Greene Shaheen, Carol CO2-Porter, and Paul ‘Carbon Credits’ Hodes, all support massive taxation on emissions because without them, we are doomed…doomed I tell you DOOMED!  So doomed that  Hodes and Porter at least, voted for a remedy that doesn’t do anything except make energy cost more while enriching energy companies, corporate farms, green energy companies in China, themselves, and the government.  But they insist it’s to save the earth.

Don’t be surprised, they are full of crap.

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Saturday Humor

Last Tuesday, President Obama got off the helicopter in front of The White House carrying a baby piglet under each arm.  The squared-away Marine guard snapped to attention, saluted and said: "Nice pigs, sir." The President replied, "These are not pigs. These are authentic, Arkansas Razorback Hogs.  I got one for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and I got one … Read more

John Lynch Must Go!

New Hampshire Democrats, and John Lynch have seen their own policy goals mirrored on the big screen in Washington DC and they could not be happier.  Every time the feds have a handout, no matter what the strings, Lynch grabs it with both hands, pimping out the Granite State for one time Federal dollars with … Read more

Hey, Hodes Campaign! Riddle Me This…

The larger problem for Mr. Bergman is this; if in fact, he has evidence to prove his otherwise vague remarks, he might be subject to investigation for violating federal law himself by obstructing, concealing, or failing to promptly report legitimate violations of federal election law.

Shea-Porter has amended 27 Seperate FEC filings.

If FEC disclosure amendments are really that big a deal, then why are we not discussing the fact that Carol Shea-Porter has had to amend her FEC filings 27 times. That’s one filing amended for ever 1.6 months in office. Is she that sloppy? Maybe she took advice from Nancy Pelosi instead of reading the filing rules herself –we know she’ not very good at reading things.

What About Union Campaign Ethics

Bill O’Brien, the next speaker of the New Hampshire House, has drafted a bill for next session meant to resolve the conflict of interest that exists when state employees campaign for state politicians.  Mr. O’Brien’s motivation, as reported in an article in the morning UL by John DiStaso, is Pam Walsh who  collected thousands in political consulting fees from Teflon John Lynch while employed by the state.

The State Union objects to the bill on the grounds that the language in the proposed bill is too broad, that no state employee would be able to work for anyone running for office in the state.  But maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

When you boil it down, there really isn’t any difference between a lobbyist and a public service union member who draws a taxpayer funded paycheck.  These folks have an immediate financial interest in who is elected to office.  They actually pay an entity (the union) to represent them in negotiations with the very government for whom they work, for the purpose of expanding their share of taxpayer patronage, a goal that is directly affected by who is elected to office.  Their natural inclination will be to support politicians who will reward them with financial remuneration and/or expand union access or power to achieve similar gains.  Not only is it a conflict of interest, it is a home field advantage that no other voter or taxpayer can hope to compete with, paid for by the taxpayers themselves from the dues paid out of taxpayer funded paychecks.

Why is this even legal? 

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The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

This from the "Pot calling the kettle black" files: Ray Buckley is grinding his little Facebook propaganda mill again in an effort to get the liberal-regressive’s to put down the latte’s and lose the sad little faces from the implosion of Obama’s partisan, moonbeam,  Che Guevara cotillion and get their little rumps in gear to save his chairmanship.

This weeks episode: Citizens United destroyed campaign finance law because the democrats are (according to Buckley) being outspent 8 to 1.  The real problem is that others can now compete with unions and the lefts monster cash apparatus and Ray is just whining about the sudden appearance of real equality.

All one needs to do is sell their soul to a billionaire or industry that will spend millions destroying their opponent. That way the candidate will have only one master instead of those peksy constituents and $100 donors. But my point isn’t to state the obvious it is to slam the progressives unwilling to help.

And Ray would know all about that which is what makes this just so…damn…funny. So I’m clear on the hypocrisy part, (and by the way, when Republicans line up to object to liberal billionaire ATM’s that’s just nonsense) but I do have one question for Ray.  What is a "peksy" constituent?

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Fact Check (Dot) Wrong

It’s not news that is run by the Annenberg Foundation, which is one of many Soros left wing cash machines giving grants to liberals and non-profits set up to destroy freedom in America.  So to even venture that might have a bias seems like a waste of perfectly good digital trees.  But sometimes it’s too good to resist.

Yesterday I wrote this about the Seiu-Porter campaigns response to an Ad by George Pataki. (Didn’t he play Lt Sulu?)  Pataki, the former moderate (small r) republican governor of New York–is that redundant?–fronted the Ad through a group called Revere America, a 527 /non profit.  Fact check, fact cheeked the ad, but got a few ‘facts’ wrong.

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Will Buckley come Out Against Horrigan?

So I wonder what Ray Buckley thinks about Tim Horrigan changing his mind?   Mr. Horrigan found himself stuck in the event horizon of Keith Halloran’s "dead Palin" remarks in early August and in a fit of malaise swore off the House and resigned his position.  While I implied that would hardly last, (and I … Read more

NHRVC Web Site

NHRVC LogoThe NHRVC has until now, done most of its business through email groups and Facebook.  And so far they have been extremely effective.  (They played a part in almost every GOP special election win since Nov 2008).

For those of you who do not know who they are the NHRVC is the New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition, a grass roots group that helps activists and candidates find each other.  But not just any candidates, they NHRVC is "working to elect articulate and principled Republicans who stand for low taxes, fiscal responsibility, free enterprise, individual liberty, and most importantly, the U.S. and New Hampshire Constitutions."

That means No RINO’s!

So in the fight to stop the RINO’s and unseat more liberals, we decided to launch a web site, and you are invited to check it out.

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John Lynch – Job Destroyer

Governor Lynch and the left-o-crats are guilty of false advertising.  He (and they) have framed John Lynch as a man who is good for the state, and a shining example of how best to ride out a recession.  To support this claim they point to the states better than average unemployment rate, which while lower … Read more

Lack Of Enthusiasm Ray? Well How About Carol Seiu-Porter..

Just a few hours ago I reported the thoughts (see-gross exaggerations) of one New Hampshire democrat chairman on a so-called lack of enthusiasm in the GOP based on the delegate turn out at the GOP convention.  So what does it say of one Carol SEIU-Porter, who prior to this mornings debate had a rather serious lack of enthusiasm problem all her own.

Let me paint the picture for you.

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Tax Cuts For The “Insert name here”

Don’t expect ShaHodeSheaPorter to wrestle with this conundrum; while running for office in 2008 they insisted that the Bush Tax cuts were "for the rich," or "the wealthiest Americans."  The class warfare rhetoric made the case that Republicans didn’t provide tax relief for anyone else, and the democrats promised to remedy this the moment they were elected.  The result was to embark on a multi-trillion dollar spending binge that cannot possibly be paid for without taxes on everyone and everything–though they still insist otherwise.

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(D)i Fruscia Takes His Toys And Goes…

With any luck this will be the last time Tony (D)iFruscia leaves the republican party.  Kevin Landrigan reported yesterday that (D)iFrusica, who lost his seat in the primary last Tuesday has officially declared himself an independent.  Mr. (D)iFruscia–and oddly enough Harrel Kirkstein (spokesman for the New Hampshire democrat party) agree that this is another example … Read more

Mustache Love

Lyndon LaRouche democrats have been showing up at tea party events with the Obama Hilter-mustache signs and posters, and now we have Obama For America democrats–now Organizing For America–waving pictures of Republican candidates, or pundits like Glen Beck and Sarah Palin, with Hitler mustaches painted on them.

Do they have special markers for that at the DNC headquarters?

What is up with democrats and their obsession with Hitler? Methinks they doth protest to much.

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New Hampshire On The Potomac

Paul Hodes is trying desperately to change his image to that of a fiscal hawk and independent voice, but Paul has some monumental hurdles to get that line past the party base and into the general populace.  First, if he want’s anyone without Kool aid stained lips to buy into the fiscal song and dance … Read more

I Beg To Differ


An editorial in this morning’s UL attempts to suggest the voting results demonstrate a unique character to New Hampshire’s electorate but it makes some assumptions that to me seem a bit naive

That’s not to say the premise is wholly wrong, just that anyone who was really paying attention to the finer details during the primary would not have been fooled.

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Read This Now

No, not my latest essay.  I’m not that arrogant.  I’m referring to (This!) by Angelo M. Codevilla at the American Spectator.  Every one should read it.  Everyone.   Here’s the opening and I will leave you to trust me or not. As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in September 2008, the leaders of the Republican … Read more

Gud Lernnin

I live in Merrimack so I got to vote today.   As I approached the polls there was a small knot of young people holding handmade signs.  I’m always excited to see people who look to young to vote being politically active so I was curious about who or what they are supporting. The signs either … Read more

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