Coming Soon To A Tea Party Rally Near You

I bet the Obama Police State wants to get them some of these…(and I’m not saying they don’t already have some). The Scandinavian-designed Black Hornet Nano weighs as little as 16 grams (roughly half an ounce) — the same as a finch. The 4-inch (10-centimeter) -long helicopter is fitted with a tiny camera which relays … Read more

That’s How I Was Raised…

Trained to live in a police state
Trained to live in a police state

I was wandering through a retail store yesterday when I happened through the baby section.  There was what the folks in manufacturing call a bottleneck–where things being what they are create a pinch point that slows or stops progress.  In this instance the “things” were people, with carriages (sleighs?) loaded down with goodies, placed at angles in the aisle to optimize the stoppage of movement in both directions, while they chatted with animated voices and nonthreatening hand gestures.

No threatening hand gestures from the other shoppers who were being inconvenienced but that may have come later.  I had no “sleigh” so I scooted around through children’s where I happened upon the cribs and baby monitors and that was when it occurred to me.

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The Promise of The Democrat Police State

Inconvenient Speech Equals handcuffs in the Democrat Police State
Inconvenient Speech Equals handcuffs in the Democrat Police State

Democrats obstructing speech they object to continued… after yesterdays post, which produced some necessary followup.  Obama campaign officials obstructed a Pennsylvania reporter from speaking to Obama supporters waiting outside, in line for an Obama rally.  A Commenter, C. dog, responded with a link to this story from 2008, at the Democrat National Convention, in Denver.

ABC reporter Asa Eslocker was filming for a story about the financial influence of lobbyists and wealthy donors.  While taking pictures of Democrat Senators and others on a public sidewalk he was arrested and detained by the police.

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WORTH READING: A rumination on government and the sociopathic personality.

This from Doug Casey at Casey Research: “The Ascendance of Sociopaths in U.S. Governance,” wherein Mr. Casey makes a number of trenchant observations. You need not agree with all of them to gain insight into a different way of thinking about the problems facing America. Here are some quotes from the article…food for thought:

  •  All the institutions that made America exceptional – including a belief in capitalism, individualism, self-reliance and the restraints of the Constitution – are now only historical artifacts.
  •  Have you ever wondered where the 50,000 people employed by the TSA to inspect and degrade you came from? Most of them are middle-aged. Did they have jobs before they started doing something that any normal person would consider demeaning? Most did, but they were attracted to – not repelled by – a job where they wear a costume and abuse their fellow citizens all day.

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“We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.” Justice William O Douglas


Perhaps some will read this and the knee-jerk reaction might be, “Oh, there goes one of those tin-foil-lined hat rants again…Like the government doesn’t have anything better to do than watch, “me.” Perhaps on some level, thinking of the government having citizens under surveillance harkens back to Soviet-style citizen oppression, much less being an inefficient and wasteful use of valuable resources.  This issue, however, focuses on the incidental happenstance of average citizens and the likelihood of being caught up in something few contemplate or even envision.

You’re watching the news and a story about bombs and explosives airs and part of the interview features some law enforcement mouthpiece claiming, “The bomb was constructed from instructions readily available on the internet…and materials bought at local hardware and home goods retailers…” You have never given thought about building a bomb, much less how to build one. So, being bored you grab your laptop and Google, “How to build a bomb” Sorting through the various hits the topic garners, you spend all of ten minutes searching and reading. All you really want to know is if the claims made have any credibility.

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