Claudine Gay, Plagiarism & the DEI Lie.

Claudine Gay was celebrated as the first black woman president of Harvard. She is not the first black woman to have reached the giddy heights of leadership in the US however. Before she came along there were several notable ambitious and brilliant black women: Condoleezza Rice, Jennifer Rubin, Shirley Chisholm to name a few.

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Elections Aren’t the Only Thing Joe Biden Steals

I confess that the title is a bit hyperbolic only in that it will set a certain set of individuals who are themselves election deniers in denial (Democrats) into a rage, and that’s never a bad thing. But it’s true. Joe Biden is a crook and a thief, and it’s not just money or public office.

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Thanks for the memories, Joe…

by Tom

If you are old enough to remember 1987, you probably forgot all about this. If not, then it’s no surprise you had no idea that Joe Biden dropped out of the 1987 Presidential Race, in disgrace, thanks to allegations of plagiarism in his Presidential stump speeches (he stole lines from Margaret Thatcher’s challenger Neil Kinnock). … Read more

Research Opportunity for Todd I. Selig?

Durham Town Administrator Todd I. Selig, according to this report, is in lock-down at Harvard.    He’s supposed to be there for an executive course in negotiations but perhaps this will afford him the opportunity to ‘research’ his next editorial? (see here, here, here, here, and/or here.) Remarking on his purpose for being at Harvard, and the lock-down,  Selig said… “Negotiation isn’t only asserting one’s … Read more

Guest Post by e.doG – “But a Mere Point of View on Plagiarized Platitudes”

(Note: I often cross-post content on NH Insider.  I appears that Mr. Selig had comments there as well. found them, and here responds.)

But a Mere Point of View on Plagiarized Platitudes

Heeeeee’s back.  Some guys just don’t know when to shut up and crawl under a rock … thank Tod.  So, our dutiful town administrative hero, I. Toddius Selig, is plying his peculiar brand of apology over at NH Insider  for his gross acts of plagiarism in true Bill Clinton style: “I did not have sex with that source, not once … We just shared a special bond, ya, that’s it, a special bond involving me “lifting” huge amounts of text from their writings, ‘cuz we have one of those loving – those sharing – kinda relationships – group hugs!”  I guess ol’ Todd ain’t none too proud about whom he sleeps around with as he also kept the NH Municipal Association’s identity secret.  I guess they’re a real dog – perhaps coyote ugly?

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