Elections Aren’t the Only Thing Joe Biden Steals

I confess that the title is a bit hyperbolic only in that it will set a certain set of individuals who are themselves election deniers in denial (Democrats) into a rage, and that’s never a bad thing. But it’s true. Joe Biden is a crook and a thief, and it’s not just money or public office.

Related: Candidate Joe Biden Caught Plagiarizing Again and Again and Again

He is notorious for lying (sometimes referred to as embellishment when it is a Democrat) as well as lifting the work of greater men and women and claiming it (always accidentally and without malice) as his own. Until 2020 it was one of many flaws that left Joe Biden in a different basement with his own primary voters. He never managed more than 4% of their support prior to the great awakening.

Sadly, much like Biden, it was all bullsh!t. The man has committed more crimes of various sorts than perhaps any elected official in recent memory (perhaps only becasue the Clintons are better at choosing associates who like to commit suicide). One of which is plagiarism, an academic crime, one also of copyright violation, bad form, and poor judgment.

Not the well-known incidents chronicled here, nor the more recent ones recounted here, but a new one.


“Cite-checking involves formatting case citations under highly prescribed rules and searching Westlaw to make sure the cases haven’t been overruled or superseded,” Severino explained. “Because I was interested in the article’s topic (civil rights), I read a bunch of the cited cases all the way through.”

Severino said that at this point, he noticed that “a certain turn of phrase” in one of the opinions he was reading sounded “oddly familiar.”

“So, I turned back to Biden’s article, and there it was,” he said. “He had lifted language straight out of a [Supreme Court] opinion, changed a couple words, and called them his own. There were no quote marks and no footnote or anything else attributing the court as the source.”

“I then read the piece through again, and multiple other phrases sounded familiar,” he continued. “Turns out they, too, were plagiarized from opinions. I believe this merited rejecting the article outright for plagiarism, so I emailed the lead editor and presented the indisputable proof.”

The Harvard Journal on Legislation’s editors “covered for Biden,” according to Severino.


People have been covering for Joe Biden for 50 years, and we can’t help but wonder what else has managed to slip past or been massaged for then-Senator, later VP, and now President* Biden. You don’t suppose any of that was in Jonathan Alan’s latest Biden book, ‘Luckey.’ You’d think it might be but sales of the thing have been, much like the President’s* head, a bit soft.


The author of Joe Biden’s book “Lucky” sold so few copies that he did not even tour with it. Recent books about Joe Biden and his wife have failed to sell at all.

Jonathan Alan, the author of “Lucky” how Joe Biden won (stole) the 2020 election was only able to sell 10,000 books and skipped his tour.

Yet, they want us to believe this groper got 81 million votes!
Sorry, we’re still not buying it.


And neither is anyone else, the book, I mean. That other thing (the election) is still up for debate, though not open for it. The Left has done such a bang-up job ensuring that, much like racism, sexism, tokenism, elitism, and hypocrisy (to name but a few), election denying is something only they are allowed to do—just one more example of them covering for Joe Biden.



HT | The Daily Signal

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