NH Dem Praises Repub AG for lobbying for Transgender Sports DOK

Say NO to the Woke NH DOJ – Keep Girls Sports for Real Girls

by Skip

A Petition to Protect Fairness and Dignity for Women and Girls  To the legislature of New Hampshire; New Hampshire is a centrist state. Yet, on gender issues, our state Department of Justice has the views of the DOJ of California. For years, the New Hampshire DOJ has vigorously advocated for the forced inclusion of … Read more

Sun King Sununu

Sun-King Sununu Wouldn’t Want You To Watch This Video …

According to Presidential supposed wanna-be Chris Sununu the key to “winning” in 2024 is to simply pretend that there is no DEI, there is no CRT, there are no late-term abortions, that changing your gender is the equivalent of changing your shoes. In other words, the Sun-King wants us to accept the Democrats’ LIES and … Read more

Lily Tang Williams

Decouple From China

Here is my most recent interview on Fox & Friends to comment on the University of Virginia using taxpayer dollars to partner with a Chinese-controlled school.

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Laptop Pixaby student-849825_640

SUPPORT SB272 Parental Rights Bill

If you haven’t already, please take 1 minute and register your support for the Senate version of the Parental Rights bill; if you already did register, thanks. Take an extra couple of minutes and pass along for others to register their support. Our kids need to be protected!!!!

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parental rights

Dillon’s School

Browsing though SB 272, the so-called Parents’ Bill of Rights, I came across this little gem: The right to exempt a public-school student from participating in required statewide assessments in English, language arts, mathematics, and/or science, as set forth in RSA 193-C:6. Sorry, but no.  First, note that RSA 193-H:2 requires that schools shall ensure … Read more

Skip's Sauntering Snippets Podcast

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets #7 – Why Is NH Governor Groomer Protecting School Districts and Putting Them in Charge of Your Kids Instead of You???

by Skip

NH Governor Chris Sununu (Governor Groomer!) has promised to veto the Parental Bill of Rights (HB1431) that would legally put you, Parents, in charge of your kids while in school.

WHY is he protecting School Districts that are refusing to tell you the Transgender status of your child? Or is this just another manifestation of his true political soul – a Big Government progressive masquerading as a Republican that’s decent on guns and taxes but swallows whole the Left’s social agenda? 

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parental rights

HB1431 and the Logic of Parental Notification

There are many discussions happening right now regarding HB1431, the Parent’s Bill of Rights. Those who oppose it appear to be focused on one aspect alone: how they believe this bill would endanger students struggling with gender identity. Those who share this viewpoint do so despite the actual language in the bill, which only requires … Read more

Teacher-I will be your mommy because your parents hate you

NH Senate Debate – Parental Bill of Rights

by Skip

May 5, 2022 was the Senate hearing on HB1431 – a Parental Bill of Rights I asked both NH State Reps Paul Terry and Jeffrey Gleeson Greeson (thanks John, for the correction!) for comment. Paul Terry sent this commentary in with this link: Lo and behold, in the article covering Sen. Kahn’s announced retirement from … Read more

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