In Blue Hampshire, Parents Have No Rights … Thanks For Nothing, Low-T NHGOP

Remember what we were told by our NHGOP “leaders” after the NHGOP got shellacked in the 2022 midterms? We still have a Republican Governor, a Republican Executive Council, a Republican Legislature! Well … the NHGOP “leaders” need to be held to their words … to be held accountable.

Despite that nominal majority in the House, “leadership” failed MISERABLY yesterday … failing to get Republicans to show up and thereby allowing the NH-Communists (aka NH-Democrats and certain NHGOP) to destroy the parental rights bill and make OBAMACARE Medicaid Expansion permanent. Apparently Osborne and his “team” were too busy shilling for DeSantis to DO THEIR JOBS.

Packard/Osborne and their “team” need to step down as leaders. They are LOSERS. Indeed they don’t even know how to fight … being more concerned with “decorum” than winning. The parental rights bill was a choice between good and evil … BUT our decorous NHGOP leadership was too spineless to say that … too spineless to call the NH-Communists what they are … COMMUNISTS.

And, apparently, nothing … not even ignominious failure … will snap them out their delusions. Here is Joke Sweeney … clearly the court jester of the Packard/Osborne regime … trying to spin HIS and the rest of the team’s failure to turn out GOP Reps as a positive for 2024:

If Joke Sweeney really believes this … then he is hopelessly stuck in an alternative reality. The NHGOP can scream “we are for parental rights” from now until Election Day in 2024 and it will not move the needle one bit … calling out Democrats by name for using public schools to groom children would … but that wouldn’t be “decorous” … “we’re better than that!” You are LOSERS, Joke Sweeney, total LOSERS.


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