Support Parents’ Bill Of Rights in New Hampshire

by Op-Ed

S B272 “Establishing a Parents’ Bill of Rights in Education” is the Senate version. The New Hampshire House Education Committee will have a hearing on SB272, which passed in the State Senate but will need the State House to advance.

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It is sad that we need a Bill of Right for Parents, but Democrats and Leftists have forced us into passing laws to protect our kids in school. Please come to testify on Thursday 3/30/23 at 1PM in the NH Legislative Office Building (LOB) -33 N State St, Concord (right behind the State House) in room 205-207or email your support by using this link: The New Hampshire House of Representatives (


My Interview of Katerina From The Former Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic

“I Thought Communism Was Done but It Is Back” – Katerina

Katerina was born in Prague in the Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic. She studied at the Prague College of Economics. Like thousands of others, Katerina took part in the Velvet Revolution in 1989 and saw the fall of the communist regime. Katerina was twenty-five at the time. For her, it was an unforgettable and exhilarating experience.

I interviewed Katerina about her life in Czechoslovakia under Communist rule, and her concerns for today’s America as she observes the specter of communism looming on the horizon.

Immigrants Speak Week 11: Katerina from Czech: I Thought Communism Was Done but It Is Back – YouTube

My Thoughts

DEI training reminds me of Struggle Sessions of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

This is a clip from my first appearance on @timcast in 2021. “We see the writing on the wall.”
DEI Training Reminds me of “Struggle Session” – YouTube

Save Our Children!



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