Selling The Side-Effects as An Outbreak

Will Rogers famously said: “The problem in America isn’t so much what people don’t know; the problem is what people think they know that just ain’t so,” Reminds me of what wannabe dictators and bureaucrats think about how blind the American people have become and, perhaps, how easy it will be to steal the rest … Read more

Books: ‘Stay Safe’ by Michael Lacoy – A Dark Comedy Set During a Global Pandemic

Stay Safe by Michael Lacoy is set in the make-believe town of Beauville, New Hampshire, and features characters who fit into any number of pandemic archetypes. You’ll recognize them and associate them with people and behaviors experienced after the world was turned upside down in the spring of 2020.

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Biohazard sign

The Next “Pathogen with Pandemic Potential” Winner Is?

Pandemics, as it turns out, are incredible opportunities for profit. Trillions globally was dumped into the funding streams of states, local governments, and public health apparatuses – from pharma to hospitals. They are Sacred Cash Cows of the New World Order.

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Did the Pandemic Shutdown Affect Student Performance? Part 1 of 8

At the June 6 meeting of the Croydon School Board, Associate Principal Nicole Lackie presented the results of Croydon Village School’s (CVS) end-of-year diagnostic assessment.

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FDA Approved COVID 19

Wolf’s Howl part 2: Bio-war Against Americans?

In the first part of this series, we looked at the massive amount of evidence from Pfizer’s own “confidential” documents illustrating almost Nazi-like experimentation on innocent people via COVID mRNA shots.

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Citing a Yiddish Proverb

There’s an old Yiddish proverb that my late mother would cite on occasion:

Don’t Open Your Mouth to the Devil.

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Adam Exton

Canadian Pandemic Health Response Leader Dies Suddenly at the Age of 35

Adam Exton died suddenly at the age of thirty-five, and this is a tragedy. Any loss of life is, but the irony should not be lost on any of us. Adam may be a victim of his policy preferences, given his position in the Canadian Government prior to his untimely passing.

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Catastrophic Contaigen 23 oct 2022

Guess WHO Just Ran a Desktop Simulation for An Enterovirus Global Pandemic Originating in Brazil?

Bill Gates recently got “the band” back together to play that “what if” a global pandemic board game he fancies. The last one was Event 201, and we all know how that turned out. This time the “virus” has a “higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.

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throat sore strep

The Next Pandemic: It’s Just a “Strep” to the Left…

The COVID variant domestic terrorism machine isn’t working well anymore. Flu season is all year-’round, and most folks have settled into the idea without fearfully donning masks (though there are exceptions). It must be time for something new.

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Hancuffes handcuffed

Taking Another Whack at this So-Called Pandemic Amnesty Thing …

The answer is still no. You don’t get amnesty. Your behavior was reprehensible. You’ve damaged millions of people and ruined millions of lives, and when the accounting is done, you were complicit in what may be the single most significant genocides in human history.

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NH Commissioner of Education Frank Edleblut2 - NH Dept of Ed pic

When Our Children Prosper, We All Prosper

Both before, during, and now post-pandemic, the Department of Education remains committed to supporting our children and our schools. This support extends beyond the traditional classroom and aims to reach a vast array of students, educational facilities, and learning environments. Support for our public schools does not mean that one does not support our non-public … Read more


Vermont and New Hampshire: A Tale of Two Unemployment Rates

Both New Hampshire and Vermont have unemployment rates below their pre-fake-pandemic numbers. Reporting for July puts Vermont at 2.1% and New Hampshire at 2.0%. But there’s a critical difference hiding in that reported 0.1%.

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China, Chinese Flag

How Many Ways Can China Destroy Us

There are many threats to America on the global front. Russia, Iran, and North Korea are the most talked about, but nobody comes close to the level and number of ways that they are attacking our people and country as China. China is our greatest threat, and we are complicit in much of what they … Read more

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How Did Putin Manage to Give Gay People Monkey Pox?

Bad news for the Gaystapo. Pride parades and events are being flagged (that’s FLAGGED) as Monkey Pox superspreader events. “The Gran Canarian pride festival attended by 80,000 from Britain and across Europe is being investigated after being linked to numerous monkeypox cases in Madrid, Italy and Tenerife.”

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Monkey Pox

Donkey Pox!

The Progressive Pandemic Theater has announced its new season. A twenty-four-week run of Monkey Pox. Shows daily, until the November elections, with an option to pick up additional weeks until the Dems have stolen that one in the name of making every vote count for a Democrat.

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great reset wants war

Ukraine-Russia: Look… SQUIRREL!

Not sure if I’m back-back quite yet, but like my prior post The Next Pandemic I need to get this out there.

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Gov Phill Scott - Gov Page Screen Grab

Vermont Stupid!

Most of the activity or inactivity resulting from pandemic political policy has been for show. I know they believe or pretended it had meaning, but we’ve known since a few weeks in it was meaningless, at least as far as flattening curves was concerned.

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Science Didn’t Change, The Polls Did

This end of the Pandemic, the Endemic, is becoming the most confusing situation since the government manipulated the COVID data to their benefit. I wrote earlier this week that we would have to pull the power from the dead hands of Democrats, and they are proving this true.

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Four Horseman graphic - painting - artwork

The Next Pandemic

Nitzakhon note: I am not really out of my hiatus mode but this is IMHO critical enough that I am putting it out anyway despite the risk to my personal situation.  This was started a couple of months ago, but in light of recent events vis a vis a potential new virus, plus other things happen globally, I wanted to get it out there ASAP.

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Vaccine covid 19 vials

Welcome to the Pandemic of The Vaccinated

Last Summer, the experts selling the COVID secret sauce started the pandemic of the unvaccinated narrative. It was garbage then, and it’s garbage now. In truth, the vaccinated are the pandemic even IF there were a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

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