The Next Pandemic: It’s Just a “Strep” to the Left…

Steve MacDonald

The COVID variant domestic terrorism machine isn’t working well anymore. Flu season is all year-’round, and most folks have settled into the idea without fearfully donning masks (though there are exceptions). It must be time for something new.

The Left’s moral equivalence of war machine is still chugging along. Biden keeps renewing the state o emergency. DHS keeps firing up the terrorism alert sirens. But Monkeypox failed to deliver. It’s seldom fatal and horny gay men sharing it with multiple partners is not exactly a national crisis. What to do?

The UK might have the next new thing.


The UK headlines are full of talk of Strep A. The infection – formally referred to as Group A streptococcus – has allegedly killed seven children across England and Wales.

The familiar refrain is echoing again – “The disease is harmless in the vast majority of cases” – and experts are coming out and saying there’s nothing particularly alarming or concerning” about the disease.


Two thoughts. First, YES! There is talk about developing a vaccine and, hey, why not – money laundering!

Second, how many of these infected kids, especially those that died, were victims of the mRNA vaccines*? Find the answer to that question, and if it’s yes, the fledgling Strep epidemic dies in the crib.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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