Outlaw the EPA in NH

Imagine a Mosquito at a nudist colony that knows what to do but doesn’t know where to start. Kudos to State Rep. Michael Granger and the five co-sponsors who know where to start! Introducing HB1294 to Nullify the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in NH will preserve state sovereignty and nullify (EPA) regulation enforcement.

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Missouri Moves to Nullify ALL Federal Gun-Control Laws In the State

This is not Missouri’s first rodeo with nullifying federal anti-gun laws. Back in 2014, they tried it. We didn’t follow up – turns out that then-Gov. Nixon vetoed that one (wait, we did). But it’s back. If it became law it “would prevent all state agencies and their employees from enforcing any federal law that infringes the Second Amendment in any way, including gun registrations, fees, fines, licenses and bans. “

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Missouri Nullification Bill Set to Become Law

Missouri.svgMissouri House Bill 436, the Second Amendment Preservation Act, has arrived at the desk of governor Jay Nixon, who by all accounts,intends to let it become law without any action on his part.

When asked about Governor Nixon’s intention, a source inside his office told The New American that in an effort to avoid multiplying the several scandals already plaguing his administration, Nixon would likely let the bill sit on his desk without signing or vetoing it, thus allowing the measure to become law without his participation.

The bill would prohibit the Federal government from regulating arms or ammunition manufactured in Missouri that was only distributed or sold in Missouri.

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Louisiana Follows Kansas On Federal Gun Law Nullification

Gun Rights prevent rape

Last month Kansas–those radical flatlanders–passed a bill that nullified a wide range of federal gun laws for weapons manufactured and sold within the state’s borders.  Holder and the gun ninnies were naturally put off by this.  (Feds no like when u nullify their unconstitutional power grabs.)

The Missouri House has also passed legislation to send a message to its governor that “…rejects all federal acts that infringe on a Missouri citizens’ rights under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.”

ABC News 17

The message sent throughout the building was anger towards Governor Jay Nixon and the Department of Revenue. They’re angry because their conceal carry information was sent to the federal government twice. Many tell ABC 17 News being a conceal carry holder for several years, this was an invasion of their privacy. 

And now the Louisiana House has passed its own bill, similar to that in Kansas.

House Bill 45 (HB45) would exempt firearms manufactured and remaining in the state of Louisiana from federal law, federal taxation or federal regulation, including registration.  It passed by a vote of 75-20.

The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Joseph Lopinto, finds its foundation in a proper understanding of the commerce clause.

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NH Bill to Nullify Indefinite Detention Passes Committee Vote 16-0

The Tenth Amendment Center Blog is reporting that Dan Itse’s HB 399 has come out of committee slightly amended–stricter than when it went in–and is heading to the House floor with a recommendation to pass. Rep. Dan Itse’s original bill provided for class A misdemeanor penalties on any state agent cooperating with indefinite detention. An amendment … Read more

Notable Quote: Wisconsin State Legislature -1859

Resolved, That the government formed by the Constitution of the United States was not the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself; but that, as in all other cases of compact among parties having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well … Read more

Nullification…Liberal Style (part deux)

by Tom

Thanks to the NHTPC, I found a video in which Carol Che-Porter, then candidate for Congress (beating Jeb Bradley shortly after), spoke at a NH Tea Party rally! Yes, it’s true!  Gadsden flags were flying, tri-corner hats were worn, and such liberty-loving creatures as Rep. Neal Kurk, Elbert Bicknell (GONH), Katherine Albrecht, and former State … Read more

Nullification….Liberal Style

by Tom

Back in 2007, when the New Hampshire legislature was dominated by Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and all other sorts of flotsam and jetsam, something interesting happened: They nullified a federal law…..Gasp! Yes, sir, they certainly did.  New Hampshire’s HB 685 nullified the REAL ID Act, passed in 2005 and signed into law by George W Bush, … Read more

A Patriotic “New Years” Resolution – Resolve To Be Free From Tyranny

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Independence day, which I did not in my previous post with the Declaration of Independence.  I also wanted to mention the strange feeling that I awoke with today.

I think I know what the second or third generations of conquered nations felt like; remembering the “old ways” out of deference to our ancestors or as a way of expressing defiance.  You can see the history in your own past, that of friends and neighbors, places and days, stories told, in objects and heirlooms.  You can even smell it and hear it.  But you can’t quite remember it.  That is how I felt when I woke up. Unfocused. Not certain of where the path was that I am looking for.

But I am not a “Sunshine Patriot.”  Most of my activism has occurred during these dark hours of the Obama years.  I didn’t have to be afraid of the Socialists hiding in the bushes.  They have been running my country under the cover of a propaganda media.   And despite these odds I am here, on the front line, every day, investing my own time and effort to promote a different message.   And I am not alone.  Everyone here at GraniteGrok is doing the same thing.  And at blogs all over the country.  And that is the message.  No matter what is set before us, we are not going quietly.  We will not just shout in the darkness.  We will instead light another candle to push back the infringing pall of tyranny just a little bit longer.  But we need your help.

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Nullification – Sort Of…

Section 400-A:14-a  400-A:14-a Health Insurance Coverage. – No resident of this state, regardless of whether he or she has or is eligible for health insurance coverage under any policy or program provided by or through his or her employer, or a plan sponsored by the state or the federal government, shall be required to obtain or … Read more

Nullify Now! – The Panel Discussion

by Skip

     At the end of the day, there was supposed to be a panel discussion with members of the local groups, and I was supposed to moderate it.  Well, it didn’t quite work out as planned – it turned out to be more of a Q&A from those still in attendance throwing questions up … Read more

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