Thanks to the NHTPC, I found a video in which Carol Che-Porter, then candidate for Congress (beating Jeb Bradley shortly after), spoke at a NH Tea Party rally!
Yes, it’s true! Gadsden flags were flying, tri-corner hats were worn, and such liberty-loving creatures as Rep. Neal Kurk, Elbert Bicknell (GONH), Katherine Albrecht, and former State Rep. Don Gorman (NH Liberty Alliance, firearms advocate/instructor) were in attendance.
Carol, the Tea Partier? (she does her Michele Bachmann shtick at the 3:24 mark)
Even more incredible? This was a 2006 “nullification” rally, protesting the REAL ID Act, which the Democrat-controlled NH legislature rejected a year later (after boosting up all those taxes and fees). New Hampshire joined twenty-four other states who dared stand up and nullify a federal law! (see my earlier post about NH Liberals performing this satanic ritual of nullification)
Will the wonders ever cease? You just can’t make this stuff hypocrisy up.
PS – The “boogeyman” of nullification is alive in well in these still-United States. Check out this great site and you’ll see.