nuclear-power-71442_960_720 Geralt Pixabay

Let’s Go Nuclear

We hear those on the Left admonishing us frequently to “follow the science”. We hear it regarding global warming (very much debated), homeopathy medicine (the debunked theory that ultra-small doses of poisonous substances are actually healthy), men can get pregnant and give birth, there are multiple genders and other such nonsense then push us to … Read more

Rosie Rung1

Merrimack State Rep. Rosemarie Rung just accused you of treason

by Tom

In a never-ending competition to be as publicly abrasive and unprofessional as NH State Rep. Sherry Frost (Lunatic-Dover), one of Merrimack’s new leftist State Reps, Rosemarie Rung, has gone off the rails yet again. (and again here) This time, she’s actually calling you a traitor to your country if you support Trump – simply because … Read more

More Stupid Environmentalist Notions

Liberals say the dumbest things. A few days ago we read that a number of activists are trying to terminate the license renewal for Seabrook Nuclear power plant because, they insist, renewable sources will become available to replace the power Seabrook currently generates.

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