Russian Secret Nuclear Missile Detonates on Secret Russian Nuclear Base

Russia had a secret missile base surrounded by a “national park” outside of the city of Severodvinsk. It’s still there, it’s just not a secret.  It is alleged that one of their hypersonic cruise missiles exploded on the base after background radiation spiked!

The Government is admitting there was an explosion, probably because that’s hard to hide given that it’s an explosion. Oh, and that background radiation thing. And, that residents in nearby Severodvinsk (19 miles away) have been told to stay indoors and take iodine tablets. 

I guess this is not a test.

In another Tweet, the Russians reportedly admit that two died and four were injured. This is a lot like the way the NH AG’s office reports embezzlement by local bureaucrats. Reality has a few more zeroes at the end of whatever number they provide.

Being that this was a secret, and all, probably not hundreds but potentially dozens. And if they handle this “as well” as they did Chernobyl, total casualties or just those affected will never be known.

To phrase this in math Democrats might understand. Some people did something.”

Now all that’s left is for the media to blame Trump.

| RedState

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