More Stupid Environmentalist Notions

Liberals say the dumbest things.  A few days ago we read (in the UL) that a number of activists are trying to terminate the license renewal for Seabrook Nuclear power plant because, they insist, renewable sources will become available to replace the power Seabrook currently generates.

This is of course absurd.  Nuclear is already several hundred percent cheaper per kilowatt hour than any renewable even with all the taxpayer support they gets now.  Were renewables forced to compete on their own that number would skyrocket.  So in real terms, what the wacko’s want is to increase the cost of energy in the region, already some of the highest in the nation, by a factor of three or five or maybe even ten.

Take your current electric bill and do the math.  Then add that percentage increase to the cost of all goods and services you pay for, add it to the cost of running state offices and schools (higher taxes) and consider the reciprocal decrease in employment opportunities and wage growth as every business tries to offset these new mandated costs of doing business.  Seabrook looks good doesn’t it?

And we’re not even addressing the pipe dream that offshore wind-farms and solar represent as unreliable, ineffective sources of electricity.  Every one of them will need at least one natural gas plant back-up because they are incapable of meeting increases or unplanned surges in demand.   Without one, rolling brownouts and blackouts would become common as the load was shifted to these warm and fuzzy resources.

And all of this for what?  A refusal to admit that nuclear is actually safe and can continue to be a renewable resource, and in support of the lie of CO2 as a driver of climate change?

Move to France or something…oh, sorry.  They get 78% of their energy from nuclear, and its considered carbon neutral, unlike the way the democrat-socialists view it here in America.

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