It Isn’t Easy Being Green – Lessons From Germany in The Winter

A snowstorm that pounded North Europe has made its way to Turkey and Greece but not before revealing a major weakness in Team Greens’ power plan. Germany’s reliance on wind and solar could be leaving people out in the cold.

Related: “The Cloud Cover Obviously Reduces the Solar Output and Tightens our Electricity Supplies”

In Germany, the rise of solar and wind has paralleled a decline in coal and even nuclear, creating a new form of energy dependence that is not new at all.

Energy Germany

If the sun doesn’t shine or the wind does not blow (or turbines freeze), power becomes a problem, as does everything that relies on it.

A 12th-century serf could burn wood or peat or dung. But the so-called modern German is increasingly dependent on political agendas and strict rules that leave them with few options.

They only have themselves to blame.

When you elect idiots, their ideas permeate your life until there’s no escape. If that results in harm today, the excuse is that it will save someone or something down the road. A cold, dark road for you because that sort of government will claim dibs on what power is available under every circumstance.

Who wins and who loses?

Chinese Wind and Solar companies are pumping material into these countries and encouraging so-called green energy.

The green is the money pouring back to China. But when it comes to energy, sure, China has wind and solar, but they are building dirty coal plants as fast as possible.

If anyone is without power in China, it will be because the government shut them off, not because idiots left them with no other options when they needed it most, which brings us back to Germany,

One reports claims they have had to run their brown-coal-fired plants at 100% capacity and will for the week as bitter cold grips the nation. It’s good that they still have that alongside nuclear and some natural gas, but the long term plans in #woke western countries is to phase out reliable on-demand energy.

And yes, some modifications can help remove snow from panels that use electricity, but with no sun, you are left in the same sinking boat. And the problem isn’t solar itself. It is government intervention.

If you want it and want to pay for it, by all means, do that. But States have forced taxpayer subsidies to encourage the adoption and mandated it for power companies, both state and private. You already paid for it once only to pay again, and then again when the power goes out.

In the Middle Ages, green was a color, not a program.

A program intent on dialing society back toward those Middle Ages, and after all that, the energy isn’t even green.

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