NH GOP Platform
“New Revenue Stream”; So What’s The Difference Between Democrat Lou D’Allesandro and Newly Minted Republican Senator Tim Lang?
“Reject expanded casino and video lottery gambling as a means to balance the budget or increase spending” That’s from the Republican Party Platform. Guess NH State Senator Tim Lang, in his exuberance of being more than a State Rep, decided to “exercise his muscles” and forgot that Republicans are supposed to be known for a … Read more
To Repeat, Granitegrok Is Often More Republican than the NH GOP
When I first announced the return of GrokTALK! a few weeks ago, in pursuit of likely guests, the very first response I got on my status update from a Republican Facebook page was, “Great, just what we need, more anti-Republican crap.” – Steve Go ahead, change my mind. Or rather, Steve’s and mine. Again, researching some stuff in GraniteGrok’s archives (try … Read more
NH GOP/RNC: Politics Over Your Rulebook? The Joe Kenney Edition
One of our mantras is “Thank’em when they do right and spank’em when they do wrong so, step right up, (my) District 1 Executive Councilor Joe Kenney. And no, this isn’t a thank you letter so you only have one choice left as to why I’m writing this.
NH GOP/RNC: Politics Over Your Rulebook?
I just got this from the new RNC / NH GOP representative for Belknap / Strafford Counties Director as they gear up for the 2022 elections I said that I would put this one up (emphasis mine):
Which Republicans Didn’t Vote to Save a Baby Born Alive (After a Botched Abortion)?
As I tell everyone, one of our Standards of Measure is the Conservative Planks from the NH GOP Platform, like, “We believe that life is sacred, from conception to natural death and that we cannot diminish the value of one category of human life without diminishing the value of all human life.”
NH Log Cabin Republican Chair Jim Morgan Slays Strawmen
In his media campaign to remove traditional marriage from the NHGOP platform, NH Log Cabin Republican Chair Jim Morgan is deftly dispatching strawmen.
NH GOP – Open Primaries should be done away with
I was included on an email thread that had a number of people on it and one of the issues is that of Open Primaries in NH. Here’s the initial email: <redacted> wrote (to a number of people) including Steve Stepanek who has announced that he is running to fill the soon to be empty … Read more
Apparently, Vicki Schwaegler didn’t like the information I included in rejecting the Biomass veto effort

That would be here due to the news that she actively politicking on overriding Gov. Sununu’s veto override on SB 365 and SB 446 instead of recusing herself from the efforts due to her family’s landholding. I was told that she decided to run again (originally she wasn’t) in no small amount due to getting the override done and promote Crony Capitalism / Corporate welfare (and I reject what a lot of Republicans are saying, in effect, “everybody is getting a subsidy so why not them because JOBS!”. Sorry, this is not the Proper Role of Government to force the population to have their money taken from them to give to corporate interests; in this case, pay higher electrical bills all over the State for a fairly few number of people. This is fair?
I even got an email over this from the Grafton Registry of Deeds complaining about the post I did – that email thread after the jump. Silly person.
“I’m so angry that he put us in this situation. I’m in no mood to help him right now.”
That from an ally over NH Gov. Chris Sununu signing HB1319, the latest Bathroom Bill (aka “today I feel like a women even without the lady bits so I’m going into the ladies room”) and HB587 (gotta let gays be gays and no talking them out of it) which is a sop to the gay lobby and is an affront to both the First Amendment and NH’s Constitution in the matter of denying free speech and free conscious. I wrote this at the time:
So Governor Chris Sununu just told his Conservative and Faith-Based base to buzz off. You just told those that brung you to the dance that you’re in love with another. OK, buzz off we shall – like a buzzsaw. You asked we’ll deliver.
So how do I tell him and NH State Rep Mindi Messmer apart, who is running for US Congress with pretty much the same message
Jay Matthews – reconsider your “Wood Welfare” please
I just read Steve’s post North Country “Wood Welfare” and went to the NHPR article he links to and pulled this additional quote from “beleagured” logger Jay Matthews
“I’m concerned with my electrical bill like anybody, but … I think we’d probably be better off paying a little more money in our rate and then still have the logging community working, [rather than] to put ’em all out of business,” Matthews says.
Note the assumed all inclusive “…we” part – only if you are a logger. WHY should the rest of us pay more for your lifestyle/business model via enforced corporate welfare? I’m out of work (but working on a plan) so why should you demand that *I* and others like me have to pay more for you to keep your company going? Fairness? I don’t think so. As a
So why is NH State Rep Mark Proulx against the GOP Platform? And against Private Contract? And Self-Agency. Freedom?
It is because of HIM I have to join a union against my will and contra my Freedom! Thanks for nuttin. In this, you are a totalitarian simply because I want to freely contract with my employer – and you decided to not let me. So what WILL you run on if the Janus vs … Read more
Steve? Here’s the Republican names that voted for the HB617 Gas Tax:
Yeah Steve, the figure I’ve seen is up to $1 Billion in new taxes embedded in HB617 over the next few years – and YOU get to help pay for them each and every time you put the gas nozzle into tank for a fill-up (that is, if you can afford the 83% rise in the State tax). IMHO, simply because the Politicians can’t keep their cotton picking hands outta the proverbial cookie jar called the Highway Fund. They complain that there are roads and bridges that NEED REPAIR NOW – yet most of them were red listed when the Democrats held the supermajorities in the NH House and Senate, and holding the Governorship.
You asked, I provide – the list of Republicans that helped the Democrats in the House making life more expensive for Joe and Jane SixPack:
Frank Tilton Mark McConkey John Graham Shawn Jasper Dave Danielson Charlene Takesian Dave Kidder
David Hess Priscilla Lockwood Bill Friel About Khan Dave Milz Kevin Waterhouse John Sytek
Jim Grenier
Yeah. Two of Gene Chandler’s Leadership team (bolded) – way to go Team! Consistency of action. Discipline of message. What do you say about a Leadership Team that can’t vote straight? Good news coming from this session for taxpayers, I’ll say.
So, is NH GOP Platform Chair Jennifer Horn going to take the Platform towards being Democrat-lite?
The present NH GOP Platform is a rather conservative document. When it comes to spending (something that Government does rather too well unless brakes are applied to it), it works fairly well as a philosophical foundation. Well, the NH GOP Platorm Committee is now meeting to review the Platform and to make changes to it. A little birdie let me (and a couple others) know that the following is under discussion:
Simple question about the NHGOP platform: Should it say:
1) We will limit the growth of spending; or
2) We will reduce spending
It now says “Work to limit the growth of state spending”. Well, for me, THIS is easy: REDUCE! After all the Repubs in the House and Senate HAD to REDUCE the spending as the Democrats had deliberately left an $800 million deficit to be used as a club for cutting the services that they had put in using the “excessive” Fed stimulus money flowed in via Obama’s “slush funding”. To go further, I suggest to the Birdie:
“not only will we seek to reduce the State budget, but we will seek to reduce all of the unfunded mandates that the State requires of towns and cities which will result in reduced local property taxes as well.“
A two-fer! Given that the Republican Party is supposed to be for limited government and not just “well, we’ll settle for a slightly smaller (and slightly less expensive and taxing) government than the Democrats”, my answer back to the Birdie actually addresses two components of the Platform, so I thought “there, done!”.
And then the Birdie relayed more info, and I went – Here comes the cowards that can’t stand up to the heat!
Pam Tucker: New Hampshire’s answer to Sarah Palin?
In one week the New Hampshire Republican Party will hold its annual meeting. At that meeting the members of the Republican State Committee will vote on various matters, including

the election of two members to the Republican National Committee (RNC) from New Hampshire. The winners of the two elections—one man and one woman—will sit on the RNC along with 164 other members.
State Representative Pam Tucker, who lives in Greenland with her husband and children, is running for one of the NH Republican National Committee seats on Saturday. She is the vice chairman of the powerful State House Rules Committee, a deputy speaker of the State House, and is the best kind of Republican: As a strong conservative activist for the NH GOP, she believes in all the values in our state party platform. She has a nice dash of the proverbial “libertarian tendencies” too. All of which makes her acceptable to all branches of the NH Republican Party, including the establishment, the Main Street Republicans, the social conservatives, the free marketeers, the Tea Partiers, and my own libertarian-conservative Republicans.
Sound familiar? This lady has it all, just like Sarah Palin (who is standing the test of time far better than those who ran the smear campaigns against her in 2008).
But there’s more….
GrokTV Special Interview: Pam Tucker-Candidate RNC Committeewoman Candidate. Q5: What part of the NH GOP Platform is in danger and why should people rally around it?
More questions, and more answers. I picked up on something that Pam had said earlier and bluntly asked – what needs to be protected in the NH GOP platform? And here was her response: Note: Also, we have been getting some observations and questions in the previous posts’ comments, mostly from Commenter “C. dog e. … Read more
GrokTV Special Interview: Pam Tucker-Candidate RNC Committeewoman Candidate. Q4 – Why should NH Committee members choose you over your opponent?
Ah yes, the second point – the pitch. The first point is that every politician has to know why they are running. The latter can be simple (“somebody asked me to, and I said ‘why not?’”) involved (i.e., a whole series of either interlocked or random issues that finally, in toto, reached a tipping point), … Read more
GrokTV Special Interview: Pam Tucker – NH House Deputy Speaker, Candidate NH GOP RNC Committeewoman – Question 3
Continuing on with our interview with Pam Tucker who is running to be the next RNC (Republican National Committee) Committeewoman from the NH Republican Party, we switched our emphasis to that of the Party platform. This document represents the approved (by the State Committee in toto) philosophy and political stances of the NH GOP. As … Read more