To Repeat, Granitegrok Is Often More Republican than the NH GOP

by Skip

When I first announced the return of GrokTALK! a few weeks ago, in pursuit of likely guests, the very first response I got on my status update from a Republican Facebook page was, “Great, just what we need, more anti-Republican crap.” – Steve

Go ahead, change my mind. Or rather, Steve’s and mine. Again, researching some stuff in GraniteGrok’s archives (try it, you may like it!), I came across Steve’s defense of both ourselves and former NH State Rep Stella Trombley (R).  I’ve always maintained that GraniteGrok opines and reports based on both the NH and US Constitutions virtues, the Conservative planks of the NH GOP, and what used to be our American heritage of Judeo-Christian philosophy.

Sidenote: I often think that in the Left’s race to more and more, “Multiculturalism” is just a means to run away from our own history and philosophies so as to implement THEIR new history and chains.

And because we have been consistent over the 16 years we’ve had the GraniteGrok doors open, we get a LOT of flack from “Republican Republicans for the sake of the Republican Party” (or “RRftsoTRP'” meme #1, sarcasm towards the idea that anyone that has an R after their name is goodness incarnate).


Because they refuse to acknowledge the truth of “Consistency breeds Trust which yields Votes” (meme #2, HAVING to point out that more than a fair number of Republicans lack “Platform discipline,” which means a Purple State is the result).

Republicans that (generally) only observe the first clause of “Winning is just the precursor; it’s what you do afterward which is most important” (meme #3, which SHOULD mean doing what aligns with the Constitutions, the Platform, and what your true Republican base put you into those seats want).

And just like Back Row Baptists that show up in the last pew in church on Sunday morning after a bacchanalian Saturday night of carousing, they hate having their “political sins” pointed out to and at them.

Some abstracts from Steve’s post “Great, Just What We Need, More Anti-Republican Crap.” The RRftsoTRP’s back in May, 2013 didn’t like it then, and they still don’t like us being the fire and brimstone preachers foretelling their futures by being “not Republicans” (reformatted, emphasis mine):

When I first announced the return of GrokTALK! a few weeks ago, in pursuit of likely guests, the very first response I got on my status update from a Republican Facebook page was, “Great, just what we need, more anti-Republican crap.

In some respects yes, but not because the objects of our remarks happen to “claim” to be Republicans.  It would be a result of their behaving as something other than a Republican.  (And yes, I probably am a better arbiter of who is or is not behaving like a Republican, as we shall see shortly.)

…My first thought upon hearing that was, what support? The NH Republican state party doesn’t do crap to help “Republicans” in their House races, is notorious for ignoring Republicans who do not kiss the right rings, and has been known to even work against them if they pose a threat to local or state party leadership’s internal goals. So, on the one hand, we are told to be tolerant of all Republicans because we need R’s in the seats while with the other they are making it as difficult as possible for solid Republicans to get their butts in those seats. And that’s been going on for years.

Who is it that is bashing Republicans again?

At least I am trying to stand on a consistent set of principles, the state constitution, the US constitution, the New Hampshire Republican party platform’s principles even, while the GOP experts are running away like scared children from dependable elected representatives.

Yes, Stella Trombley, who Leadership ran away from, is in there. Go read it as Steve rightly tells the sordid tale. And he also lays out this:

Conveniently enough, we are not here to seek your praise.  Nor are we here to toe the anti-GOP libertarian line, the pro-GOP libertarian line,  the Neo-con line, nor the Republican party line, local, national or other.  We are here in defense of First principles,  conservative principles, and even NH-GOP platform principles, where and when they align. This isn’t a popularity contest.  We’re not looking to climb any ladders. This is about the future of the Republic, and if you intend to put that at risk, I don’t much care who you think you are or for where you claim to stand.

Does the NH-GOP step up and say they will not support legislators who advance the power of the progressive democrats?

And recently, that would have been voting against (or too cowardly to even vote) the Parental Bill of Rights like Belknap County’s own Mike Bordes and Travis O’Hara, part of the Kiedaisch/Tim Lang Gang that wants to throw out Conservative Republicans because “they get in the way because of their Principles.” They hate NH State Reps Paul Terry and Norm Silber because the latter two actually implemented the Party Platform in a bill.

No.  But they are more than happy to bail on a woman who is a more reliable Republican platform vote than most of the other Republicans we currently have in elected office.  If you were of a mind, it might occur to you that the NH-GOP is bashing people who consistently vote their own platform and defending those who do not.

Tell me again how the NH-GOP is not broken? Tell me again how GraniteGrok and by extension GrokTALK! will just spew more anti-Republican crap?

Steve has the Right of it.  And I will defy any Republican that can actually prove him wrong. In fact, I challenge these no-Principles/no-Honor Republicans to debate me – if they think they can!



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