Zandra “Rice-Out-Of-State-Palooza” Hawkins

Out of State funded, Colorado Model, intrusive Democrat Agenda-thumper Zandra Rice Hawkins of Granite State Progress, is a progressive mole, and paid lobbyist, planted by the out of state agenda-mill Progress Now to operate as a “local” left wing propaganda machine.  (Progress Now is an extension or partner with Democracy Alliance   both of which are funded by politically connected liberal millionaires none of whom are from or live in New Hampshire).

Out-of-state-funded-So-called in-state activist Hawkins latest event featured out of state parents whose children were tragically killed in a different state from ours,  so that they could come here and tell our US Senator (Kelly Ayotte) how she should vote.

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Did NH Democrats Encourage Erica Lafferty to Crash Kelly Ayotte’s NH Town Hall?


Who in the New Hampshire Democrat party reached out to Erica Lafferty–the daughter of slain Sandy Hook Elementary School principal Dawn Hochsprung–to encourage her to leave her own state, which has all kinds of background checks for gun purchases that did no good at all, to come to New Hampshire and lean on our State Senator?

Talk about out of state influence.

With all due respect and deepest condolences to Ms. Lafferty for her loss, you are being played.  All you did was reduce your very real tragedy to a tragic comedy by coming to my state to intimidate my Senator for not voting to pass a bill that would not have done one damn thing to prevent what happened to your mother.  Or didn’t the Democrats, or the magazine editors, or the folks on the Today show, or whomever they’ve had you with or in front of tell you that yet?

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Some Murders Are More Newsworthy Than Others

“Reserved media seats Thurs a.m. in Courtroom 304 in Phila where Gosnell is on trial” jdmullane; credit jdmullane

Children slaughtered by streaking lead projectiles, punched out of a menacing-looking barrel, wielded by an unhinged psychopath, is newsworthy.  Children slaughtered by other means is not, or so it seems.

The news that’s been visiting the nation endlessly for months now is about a white-skinned fruit-loop, hell-bent on slaughtering white children.  If he was seeking media attention, I suppose it’s a good thing for the Newtown psycho boy that he didn’t stroll into a hospital and replace his fiery hell with something more subtle on infants, because we’d never hear about it. But he didn’t; he used a gun on grade-schoolers.  Therefore, let loose the media spigots and on with the deluge.

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Liberal Policies have caused enough Deaths

by Don

How many more innocent lives are Progressives/Liberals/Democrats willing to sacrifice to further their political goals of controlling people and making them dependent on government?

While Democrat gun control proposals in Washington and Concord wouldn’t have stopped the Newtown massacre, they would make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to defend themselves from assault, rape, robbery, murder and other crimes.

Similar delusional Democrat policies, e.g., their counter-productive “Gun Free Zones” and highly restrictive gun controls that leave people defenseless, have already sacrificed far too many children and adults.

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A thought from watching Meet The Press’s host, liberal David Gregory

by Skip
  • I normally DVR the Sunday talking head shows to watch them when it is convenient for me
  • Today was the “convenient for me” as I had other things to do in the morning and then met with some of the Groksters in the evening as we got together for a “shoot & yak” time

Sidenote:  Hey, ‘Grok readers!  If we were to do this again, would you want to come and join in the range time and the politics / cultural / misc. discussion (er, the latter lasted much longer than what I originally told TMEW – her response as I headed north to home on the phone was “and you thought I thought it would be otherwise??” (with a wee smile in her voice)

So I am just watching them now.  A couple of takeaways from watching David Gregory:

  • True to form, he definitely fits Glenn Reynold’s (Instapundit) description of almost all of the media pundits nowadays: Democrat operatives that have media bylines.

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Do Something that Actually Dissuades and Stops Killers

by Don

I am sympathetic with Ben Fordham’s call, in his 12/19 letter to the editor of The Citizen of Laconia (, to “DO something“. We should do something that works. What we have been doing fails because it has been based on fantasy, not realism.

We have established “gun free zones” to protect children and others, but “gun free zones” only protect the killers and serve up unprotected victims.

Fordham apparently wonders why people want guns for protection since we have so much law enforcement, police, FBI, etc. If law enforcement is the answer, then why are there so many dead in Newtown? Newtown is evidence of the truth of the NRA claim, “when seconds count, the police are minutes away.”

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Sober Talk From New Hampshire Democrats on Assault Weapons?

The Union Leader has an editorial out this morning that quotes some members of New Hampshire Democrat leadership as tip-toeing around the current wave of rhetoric and discussion on what to do about guns. Instead, they are asking what are probably important questions about mental health services but I suspect that their interest here is … Read more

Univ RI Professor Erik Loonis- Oops, Sorry, He Spells it Loomis

Erik Loomis Univ RI goes on a twitter rantThere is so much hate and vulgarity spewing from the Twitter account of University or Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis that I am reluctant to post any of it here.  But I have no objection to you going here to see for yourself.

Let me just prepare you.  University professor.  Anti second amendment.  Newtown.  Hate.  Anger.  Vulgarity. Beaten to death. NRA. Wayne La Pierre.  Head on a stick.  etc, etc.

Commenter Jason provided the phone number to the College “Please contact the president of the college here: 401-874-2444.”

It sounds like a lot of people have been calling.  No reason to stop now.

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by Tom

Student Loaded With Debt

As tragic as the shooting event in Connecticut was, when you actually look at the data on US Deaths, you can plainly see the totally overblown, reactive tizzy that the American Liberal community, and their lapdogs, the mainstream media, have themselves in.

Using official CDC data, guns are not nearly our biggest problem….

US Deaths in 2009: 2,437,163

Deaths related to injuries: 177,154 (7.3%)

Of these injury-deaths, Poisoning/Drugs accounted for 23.5%, Motor Vehicles 19.5%, Firearms 17.7% (31,347), and Falling (yes, “Falling Down”) 14.4%.

Before going any further, let me point out the obvious fact that….

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Many Still Ask Why…

“The police cannot protect the citizen at this stage of our development, and they cannot even protect themselves in many cases. It is up to the private citizen to protect himself and his family, and this is not only acceptable, but mandatory.” —Jeff Cooper Twenty Children and six adults are dead. Senseless, violently shot down by … Read more

Jeanne Shaheen Wants to Ban Guns

Tragedy always attracts a parade of progressive mountebanks, anxious to peddle their faulty wares as cures for what ails us, and US Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D- Utopia) is no different.  In response to the heinous criminal acts perpetrated in Newtown, Connecticut she observed that

“We need a comprehensive approach that includes improving access to mental health services, better enforcement of our current laws, and we need to get deadly assault weapons off our streets.”

Whatever you do, do not ask Senator Shaheen to describe an ‘Assault weapon’ because I am reasonably certain her talking points palm card did not include that.

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