Where are the Nashua Democrats?

Last Saturday, we attended a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) rally on the Nashua Library Plaza featuring Congresswoman Ann Kuster and Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Dan Feltes. Only a couple of dozen people attended.

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man crying

NH Dems’ Beta Male Soy Boy Communications Director

When Skip wrote about the New Hampshire Democrats’ new communications director yesterday, I decided to check out his Twitter feed and totally forgot that I had already ‘met’ him… and his very first tweet that I noticed a few months back tells you all you need to know about him (a pinned tweet no less): … Read more

New Hampshire Democrats are Lying about ‘Believing Survivors’

Over the past several days, New Hampshire Democrats, especially Senators Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan and Gubernatorial Candidate Molly Kelly, have gone out of their way to claim that all sexual assault claims and survivors should be believed and that they actually believe them. They are lying. They are referring to the disgusting spectacle Senate Democrats … Read more

New Hampshire Democrats Propose Passing the Highest Beer Tax in New England

NH Democrats look to make New Hampshire Highest Beer tax in New England
NH Democrats have goals. One of them is having the highest beer tax in New England

Whenever you are sitting with ‘friends,” talking about what you could do to help create jobs and improve the economy in New Hampshire, I bet one of the first things you think of is instituting the highest beer tax in all of New England, right?

Well if you happen to be a New Hampshire Democrat that is exactly what you do.

HB 168 would increase the excise tax on any beer that’s sold in New Hampshire to 40 cents per gallon, a 33% increase.

CBS Boston reports (WBZ) that this would surpass Maine’s 35 cents per gallon, making New Hampshire’s tax the highest in New England.

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Are New Hampshire Democrat’s Pushing a Mental Illness Narrative?

Mental illness is a moving target, but one that keeps getting bigger.  Here in New Hampshire, if you Google Mental Illness, you will discover that it is getting bigger here as well.  Mental illness is up, we are told.   More patients are going unreported or untreated.  And just in time for a Democrat Budget writing House and their spend then-tax-den mother (Governor Maggie Hassan) to ignore the delicate state of the economy, rising payroll taxes, unemployment, wage stagnation, and the cornucopia of looming federal burdens, cliffs, debt, and spending, and Obama care, to justify growing our own budget right here in the Granite State on top of all that.

Look,see!?  Mental illness.  It’s right there!  We (politicians and government) are the only ones’ who can do something about that.  We have to do something…

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Rush Limbaugh Mentions Me On The Air.

Rush LimbaughThis goes into the “Wow that’s kind of cool category.”  Today Rush Limbaugh mentioned me by name.  I didn’t hear it but Skip called me from the road, and he was pretty darn excited for me.

Rush was reporting on the Breitbart post that Warner Todd Huston put up linking to my GraniteGrok post about Democrat Cynthia Chase.  So I give all the credit for Warner.  Thanks for sharing.  I got a serious kick out of being mentioned on the most listened to radio show in America.

But I have to wonder, as people give me digital high-fives and attaboys, just how much street-cred does this give to Ms. Chase?  My earnest hope is that the weight of her remarks humbles her into reevaluating her worldview, but seeing as she is a New Hampshire Democrat the NHDP will probably give her an award and throw her a party for having Limbaugh call her out.

Such is the nature of the divide.   Accused of Legislative Tyranny –Way to go Progressive Girlfriend!

Meanwhile,  it is only January 4th.  I’ve been linked to on Breitbart and Rush Limbaugh has quoted me on the air.  Not a bad start to 2013.  (And I was just awarded AFP’s blogger of the month for December 2012).  I can’t say I expect the rest of the year to be more interesting but I’ll keep writing and sharing as I always do and whatever happens, happens.

(Transcript on the jump -MP3 available later today.)

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New Hampshire House Democrat Respect & Civility Alert!

New Hampshire Democrats ran on respect and civility.  And we knew it for the fraud it was but people still fell for it.David Miller Democrat Roch NH

Part and parcel to the fraud was Speaker Norelli claiming to shake up the seating arrangements in the House to help build respect and civility,  bi-partisanship, working together…I figured it was so the Democrat majority could intimidate the minority members.  Another rep I spoke with suggested that this seating plan would make it easier for the Speaker to call close voice votes however she felt like calling them.

I can’t speak to the latter but the harassment by Democrats has already begun.

Today’s Respect and Civility Award goes to David P. Miller D- Rochester.

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Why We Can’t Have A Discussion With New Hampshire Democrats

Over at my other haunt, NH Insider, my Fridge mag cross-post elicited the following response from Democrat Jim Splaine on the matter of gun ownership, which exemplifies the reason why any discussion with Democrats on any subject is unlikely.

Why can’t we have a real discussion about this issue? Just like the myths of an “$800 million deficit,” or that “Obamacare is socialized medicine” (whereas it’s mostly privatized), or that “gay marriage is a slippery slope,” there a new myth a-brewing among the Tea Partiers and right-wingers that President Obama and the Democrats are after everyone’s guns.

We cannot have a discussion because the 800 million dollar deficit is not a myth, the goal of Obamacare is a government-run single-payer system, the slope is slippery because Democrats lied about their goals and intentions, and Diane Feinstein has legislation right now that includes gun grabbing language.

Real discussions begin in reality.  Democrats refuse to begin in the real world preferring the one they’ve created to explain what they claim to believe.  And you can’t negotiate with madmen.

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Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan Takes a Swing at The NH Democrats ‘Civility’ Narrative

Maggie  the Red Hassan shows us the new civilityAnyone who bought or sold the New Hampshire Democrats bringing ‘Civility’ to Concord narrative has a very short memory, is a complete fool, (an out of state voter domiciled here on November 6th for voting purposes), or just another New Hampshire Democrat–and we’ve said as much time and time again.  They are incapable of civility.

To help us prove our point, before the ink was even dry on the ballots, Governor Elect Maggie “Beat Republicans With a Bat” Hassan was already cackling like the left wing, partisan harpy, she tried to hide during her race for Concord’s highest perch.

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“Obama-Care To Kill More Jobs as Employers Struggle to Stay in Business”

One provision of Obama-Care requires employers to recognize anyone who works 30 hours a week as a full time employee.

The pertinent section (1513) of the law reads as follows:

(4) Full-time employee

(A) In general

The term “full-time employee” means, with respect to any month, an employee who is employed on average at least 30 hours of service per week.

(B) Hours of service

The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, shall prescribe such regulations, rules, and guidance as may be necessary to determine the hours of service of an employee, including rules for the application of this paragraph to employees who are not compensated on an hourly basis.

Anyone working 30 hours will require employer paid benefits, or the employer will be fined for failure to comply.  SO where’s all that money going to come from?  You and me.

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Maggie Hassan ‘Open’ to Higher Taxes

I heard this radio ad in my 12 year old air-fuel hybrid automobile, whilst engaging in drive-thru related commerce not mandated by the force of law (some of it outlawed in NY City), and thought…I need to share this. And after the resounding success from sharing the RGA ad about Hassan’s House, I feel compelled … Read more

Ask New Hampshire Democrats About Fines For The Most Vulnerable

Effective October 1st, 2012 (that means it started last week folks)… Hospitals who re-admit patients within 30 days after they were discharged will now have to, under an Obamacare provision, pay fines as of October 1, 2012, which could force hospitals to slash programs that help the elderly, the poor, and the chronically ill. According … Read more

Ask A New Hampshire Democrat…Can I just Show up and Vote as a Delegate at Your State Convention?

Today, in Dover, a judge will hear complaints from the League of Women voters and the ACLU about New Hampshire’s law regarding proof of domicile and voter ID.  Their premise is that out of state students should not have to act like they live here to vote here. That requiring them to at least pretend to live here is some kind of suppression or violation of their rights.

I wonder if that works for other things as well?  Does my mere presence on the floor of the New Hampshire House make me a legislator?  Do I get to vote on the House floor for say, Dover, or Portsmouth, just because I want to?

Better yet, how about if I just show up at the Democrat state party convention, you know, me and a few hundred people…will you let us vote as delegates?  Let us choose your chairman and officers, vote on your party platform?  We don’t want to join the Democrat party, we don’t even want to pretend to join, we just want to vote on everything that defines it and everyone who leads it.

Ask a New Hampshire Democrat….Would that be ok?

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Ask A NH Democrat…About Racism

I bet you a majority of the Democrats in New Hampshire watch MSNBC.  So the next time you see one ask them if this is racist? In lieu of airing speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black American; Mia Love, a black candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah; and Texas senatorial hopeful … Read more

Pledge Zombie Apocalypse

Taxes and Democrats The pledge politics lie and broad based taxesDemocrat Candidate Jackie Cilley is trying to rally the extreme left of the already extreme left in the New Hampshire Democrat party by pretending to be a moderating voice for tax policy.  Her distinction without a difference (other than that she is being direct about her desire for a broad based tax) is that the idea of taking a pledge to veto (or vote against) any sales or income tax is unfair.  That every option should be on the table.

As pointed out here, this is extremely disingenuous because this is the only policy in which she or any of her supporters (or any Democrat) wants to “have a conversation.”  But it is worse than even that.  The facts behind the pledge zombie antics on the lefts left are, as in most cases when dealing with Democrats, lying by omission.

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You’re Messin’ With The Wrong People

Democrats are not just hypocrites they are violent ones.  They excuse themselves from the rule of law and the rule of decency, any rule at all actually, if it in any way obstructs their blind pursuit of political power, or the advancement of their extremist agenda. Today’s lesson comes from  Massachusetts where Democrat (and candidate … Read more

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