Whenever you are sitting with ‘friends,” talking about what you could do to help create jobs and improve the economy in New Hampshire, I bet one of the first things you think of is instituting the highest beer tax in all of New England, right?
Well if you happen to be a New Hampshire Democrat that is exactly what you do.
HB 168 …would increase the excise tax on any beer that’s sold in New Hampshire to 40 cents per gallon, a 33% increase.
CBS Boston reports (WBZ) that this would surpass Maine’s 35 cents per gallon, making New Hampshire’s tax the highest in New England.
So if you were planning to cry in your beer over Obama raising your payroll taxes to 6.4%, or over New Hampshire Democrats adding a few hundred dollars a year to your electric bill to pay for their pointless carbon-credit scheme, be prepared to pay another tax to commiserate over being taxed.
But don’t you dare complain about how this tax increase will hit working families or have a depressing effect on local craft-breweries, who will probably lose sales, and maybe even have to cut staff. Focus on how great it will be to raise taxes on stuff without any concern for any long term negative side-effects to the people, the state, or the economy.