The People Protecting This Man Are Complicit in Making America Less Safe

Larry Bird and Bobby Orr gave me sports memories to fill a lifetime. Neither player was blessed with extraordinary physical traits, but both worked harder than others and studied their craft more than anyone. They had the combination of skill and aptitude for their sport that had them performing at a level that few would experience.

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Tik Tok Logo

TikTok Banned On Federal Phones Except Joe’s

Joe Biden declined an offer from CBS to sit for the traditional Super Bowl interview with the President. This is the second year he has opted to pass on the tradition. To be fair, Trump passed on two Super Bowl interviews while in office. He claimed there was no way he would be given a … Read more

Tik Tok Logo

The TikTok Tussle of Concerns and Legislation

Currently, the TikTok ban debate is swirling through the USA and raising concerns about national security and parental frets. Like vigilant conductors, the concerned moms lead the chorus against TikTok’s potential negative influence on their children.

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Pillows bedding sheets

Government Agencies and Departments Find Nothing Wrong With Debauchery

Dave Powers, a long-time aide to the President, was a man without a meaningful job in the White House. He had the innocuous title of Special Assistant to the President and his duties were mundane but pivotal.

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Tucker Carlson Biden docs monolouge

Tucker Carlson on the Biden Classified Document Scandal (Or is it the Media Flip-Flop Scandal, the Chinese Influence Peddling Scandal, The …)

Looking for an easy-to-digest round-up, summation, and some speculation (with a bit of humor) about the “issues” surrounding the closet full of classified documents Joe Biden’s lawyers “discovered,” Tucker Carlson has some enlightening observations.

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fende wire border Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The Southern Border Will Change the Face of America

Joe Biden has obliterated our Southern Border with Mexico in just two years. Under Donald Trump, we had the most secure Border in decades, and the number of illegal crossings was under control.

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The Biden Unity Speech

Now, just a word about the president’s speech Thursday night… Biden talked about MAGA Republicans.  It should probably make us all both angry and nervous.  Didn’t it seem to you like he was using language that could lead some to violence?

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Maggie Hassan Arrives Late to the Party

New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan is one of several Democrat lawmakers who seem to have suddenly become aware of the chaos on our southern border, which was spawned by Joe Biden’s immigration policies.

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Question Mark

Questions, Questions, and Some Thoughts. And Your’s Are?

Like so many people today, I am also deep in thinking about how we got here..We are openly seeing and saying that there is a mental health crisis in America and we Olders know it’s nothing new.

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Odds and ends misc clutter

Tyranny, COVID, Genocides, EndlessWar, Conspiracy, Alinsky, Kabul!

So I am reading a fellow Jewish blogger’s blog and his post has several items worth highlighting specifically.  And a few other things I’ve seen scattered around.  But first, those few selections:

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Energy Self-Sufficiency

Biden Challenges Trump To Prove It … So He Did.

Energy self-sufficiency is an issue central to both the economy and national security. During the debate President Trump claimed that Joe Biden has said in the past he supports banning fracking. Biden is now saying he has never supported a ban. Biden challenges Trump to prove it … so he did.

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Smithfield Foods

Smithfield Foods Closes Three Plants

Smithfield is the largest pork processor in the nation and recent plant closures are sparking shortage concerns. Guess what? It turns out a Chinese billionaire owns Smithfield Foods. If the shutdowns drag on much longer, we have bigger problems than a virus.

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border wall

Pentagon: Army Corps of Engineers is Building about One-Mile of Border Wall Per Day

Who says the government can’t get things done? Everyone, because it’s true. Unless by “done,” you mean to mess with productivity, steal people’s earnings, and enrich the political class. They do that every day. They also build a mile of the southern border wall every day.

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Do It For The Kids

The recently announced spending and lift the debt ceiling deal is bad deal for Americans’ future. Congress continues to abdicate its responsibility manage the nations purse responsibly. It’s failing to protect the future of the nation. Congress refuses to discharge its constitutional duty. It is not keeping America safe from the economic and national security … Read more

Which Side Are You On Congressmen?… Which Side Are You On?

From an article by Houston Keene at the Independent Journal Review: Speaker Pelosi was in New York on Monday. During the event she was discussing immigration policy. In her remarks the Speaker said she believed President Donald Trump‘s postponed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids were “outside the circle of civilized human behavior” and “appalling.” … Read more

Yellow Vests France Fire Fuel Taxes

Delusional #DemocratYouth

This: #ClimateChange “the biggest top threat to our national security”?  Only if you are living in an alternative universe where China does not exist. In the actual universe we inhabit, China is working toward becoming the world’s preeminent military and economic power. “Since the accession of Xi Jinping to leadership in Beijing five years ago, … Read more

Trevor Loudon – How About a Real National Security Risk?

by The Editors

Trevor Loudon is back and he’s making time to chronicle the hypocrisy of those who claim Mr. Trump is a national security risk while they themselves are clearly colluding and have been for years.

This time around Trevor explains the threat presented by Sen. Chris Murphy. He’s got deep ties to the communist party USA and ChiCom interests. He’snot shy about it either.

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New Hampshire’s Human Trafficking Problem Is Also a Border Security Problem

human_traffickingShawne K. Wickham, reporting in today’s Manchester Union Leader, serves up and article titled, Police: Human trafficking on the rise in New Hampshire.” 

Bedford Police Department is hosting “Hiding in Plain Sight,” a summit on social media and human trafficking, tonight at Manchester Christian Church, 56 Old Bedford Road, Bedford. Panelists will include law enforcement experts, medical professionals, victim advocates and a trafficking survivor.

Maybe this article or the advertised forum is not the place for this but at some point, someone, including reporters, need to accept that porous borders and failed immigration policy is the catalyst for the human trafficking tragedy.

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