TikTok Banned On Federal Phones Except Joe’s

Joe Biden declined an offer from CBS to sit for the traditional Super Bowl interview with the President. This is the second year he has opted to pass on the tradition. To be fair, Trump passed on two Super Bowl interviews while in office. He claimed there was no way he would be given a fair and unbiased session. Biden knows he will be treated with kid gloves but cannot get through an unscripted interview without serious blunders. With Biden’s horrendous press conference last week after the release of the scathing Special Counsel Report, there was no way Biden’s staff would let him go in front of 100 million viewers. To do so would be political suicide. So, instead of appearing on CBS, Biden turned to X and TikTok to get his message out on Super Bowl Sunday.

Biden has lost his grip on just about every voting block. Seniors, Spanish, Blacks, Browns, Reds, Jews, and even women do not support Biden. The young voters are pulling for the Grandfather in the Oval Office because they still believe Biden will forgive their student loans. That is the group he was speaking to on Sunday by using X and TikTok. Let me take on the X reel first. Biden used this opportunity to record a defense of Bidenomics and blamed the industrial machine for taking advantage of consumers. He points to food items like chips, candy, and juice drinks as examples of companies shrinking product size rather than raising prices. He has coined this practice of Shrinkflation. This practice has been in play for years, and because you can only price certain items like snacks and drinks to a certain point. I went to a convenience store last week and bought a bag of potato chips, tortilla chips, and a jar of salsa. The total for the purchase was $17. I was ticked, but not at the store or even the vendor. I was ticked at Joe Biden, who has forced companies to raise prices or shrink sizes.

Joe Biden is an anti-business President. This is partly arrogant and primarily ignorant of economics. You cannot raise taxes, minimum wages, fuel, and utility prices and then blame the industry for increasing prices. Biden thinks he can force the industry to bring prices down. That is not the President’s or government’s role in a capitalist economy. Joe, you created this situation; now, as you say, grow a spine and own it. His X post came across as bitter and angry, not the image he needs to portray as America’s Grandfather.

The problem I have with the TikTok post is more about hypocrisy than content. Federal employees have been forced to remove TikTok from government phones or computers. But here is President Joe Biden using the TikTok platform to communicate with America’s youth. When Karine Jeanne-Pierre was questioned about Biden’s use of the Chinese-owned platform, she blew off the questioner, claiming this was Candidate Biden and not President Biden ranting on TikTok, so she could not discuss it further because of the Hatch Act. What a crock. Biden signed the bill banning federal employees from using TikTok. I don’t care if Papa Joe uses TikTok to sell his Corvette. He has no place anywhere near the CCP app. This is another example of a two-tier system where rules apply to all except the Bidens.


  • As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Ray started his website, Conservative View from New Hampshire, in January 2021 and publishes an article daily. He has published over 1,500 articles, is syndicated on 15 websites, and has published on over 65 sites. Ray has recently added Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles to his site to address specific issues of Maine, his second home. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. He believes that sites like Granite Grok are the way to offset Left Wing propaganda and politicians’ gaslighting.

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