Uninformed Consent Movie

Watch the Teaser Trailer for “Uninformed Consent”

The trailer has dropped for a new documentary on the political response to COVID-19 and the so-called Pandemic. “Film Producer, Todd Harris of Matador Films, in collaboration with Vaccine Choice Canada is exposing this systemic manipulation and deceit with his new documentary entitled Uninformed Consent.”

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Some Choice.

I went to the “Gosnell” movie last week with my wife and a neighbor. Not many people were in the theater early on a Thursday evening. It was about one-quarter full. Mostly older people and a few seeming to be family members, filed in as we did. The thing that struck me about the movie … Read more

Gosnell – Movie Trailer

Kermit Gosnell is no mystery to our readers but if you are new look here.

And, if you might be interested in the movie we have this from Phelim and Ann and the movie trailer on the jump.

Please watch and share with everyone you know and on social media. We need your help to get this important story the attention it has never received. The mainstream media don’t want anyone to see this movie, Planned Parenthood don’t want anyone to see this movie, Hollywood doesn’t want anyone to see this movie.

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Attempt to Cover up Naive, Dangerous, Failed Obama Policies

by Don

For weeks President Obama and his top aides lied to us, claiming the events in the Middle East on 9-11 were caused by a movie that few people even knew about.   Those claims were attempts to cover up President Obama’s failed Middle East policies that strengthen terrorists, comfort our enemies, and are bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war.   

For years Democrats told us that killing Osama would destroy al-Qaeda and win the war on terror.  The 9-11 attacks exposed that obvious falsehood. 

President Obama refused requests for assistance for the real democracy revolution in Iran that would have helped stabilize the Middle East and end Iran’s aid to enemies that kill American soldiers. 

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2016 – The Obama Movie

by Tom

If you’ve never heard Dinesh D’Souza speak before, catch him here, speaking to CPAC 2012 (speech begins @ 2:00). He’s a brilliant, articulate author, President of The King’s College, and now his book, Obama’s America, has been made into a movie, that shows what America would look like, in 2016, in the fallout of a … Read more

You’re going to want to watch this….

A movie with a revolutionary, true, good, strong message, for a change. From Silver Circle, the Movie: “The problems of the world lay heavy on many shoulders. We hope to bring even just a tiny sliver of hope. Knowledge is power and we are spreading plenty of it…. ” [jwplayer mediaid=”21187″]  

Atlas Shrugged – The Movie?

Someone said this was one of the most anticipated movies…..I….no, I was not anticipating it.  In fact I didn’t know they were making it. And having watched the trailer, the first two words to come to my mind were ‘Red Box.’

But who am I?  Certainly not a qualified movie critic.  And this has to be at least as good as most of the crap that Hollywood makes.  And Hollywood makes a lot of crap.  So will this be more crap?  I can’t tell you that from the trailer.  Movie trailers are like airbrushed models in print.  That’s about as good as it is ever going to look.  So does it look good enough?  Red Box. 

I realize the books continued appeal is why we have a movie based on it.  I get the whole idea of going Galt.  And that will appeal to a slice of the movie-going public, but how big a slice.  Ayn Rand is provocative but can it be translated onto the big screen, and since this is part one, how many more parts must we endure to resolve the driving question of this trailer.  Who is John Galt?

One bonus I can comment on is that it is NOT scheduled to be released in 3D.  Movies are made in 3D as an excuse to charge 50% more for a ticket, turning a nice family outing to the cinema into another reason to refinance.  The movie is not supposed to cost more than dinner is it?  For that kind of cash you should get live actors and sets and an intermission so you can hit the restroom and not miss anything. 

But that doesn’t get us any closer to the trailer for Atlas Shrugged Part 1.  So here it is, on the jump, one of the most anticipated Movies….well, we talked about that already.  I watched the trailer.  I’m still not anticipating it.  Sorry.


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Agenda: Grinding America Down

Tomorrow Morning on Grok Talk, the writer and director of the documentary Agenda: Grinding America Down, former Idaho State Legislator Curtis Bowers, will be one of our guests.  Here’s the promo reel for the movie.  Check it out, then listen in at 9am tomorrow, Saturday Feb 5th.   AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Trailer) from Copybook … Read more

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