“Elite Panic and Kermit Gosnell”

I admit to being a terrible slacker of recent days.  Very little news is good; a lot is simply depressing; but some is so horrifying that it’s difficult to even contemplate.  Case in point is the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell – unabashed abortionist, alleged butcherer of newborn babies.  Precious little has been written about … Read more

Go See “Gosnell” – and Here’s Why

A handful of times each year, something comes along that makes it worth my while to get to a movie theater. Right now, Gosnell is that something. Why am I eager to watch once more a film that I saw in a special screening only a few weeks ago? Read my full review below – especially if … Read more

Gosnell – Movie Trailer

Kermit Gosnell is no mystery to our readers but if you are new look here. And, if you might be interested in the movie we have this from Phelim and Ann and the movie trailer on the jump. Please watch and share with everyone you know and on social media. We need your help to get … Read more

Guest Post by Cornerstone Executive Ashley Pratte: Statement on Gosnell Trial Verdict

Statement on Gosnell Trial Verdict (Manchester, NH) Today the jury in the Dr. Kermit Gosnell trial, found Dr. Gosnell guilty of murder in the first degree. Ashley Pratte, Executive Director of Cornerstone, released the following statement: “The unimaginable horrors that came to light during this trial was shocking and appalling. This trial serves as a … Read more

unborn baby in womb

How is providing care to a newborn controversial?

I brought forward the Born Alive Infant Act, SB 741, in order to ensure that a baby who takes its first breath receives all reasonable medical actions needed to preserve their life, regardless of the circumstances of their birth.

Hearing on pro-life bills January 29

Cross-posted from Leaven for the Loaf: On Wednesday, January 29, the House Judiciary Committee will hold public hearings on a bill to protect infants who are born alive after attempted abortion (HB 1675-FN) and a prenatal nondiscrimination act to prohibit abortion on the grounds of sex selection or genetic anomaly (HB 1678-FN). Time: 1 p.m. … Read more

Abortions are Magical?

The Democrat’s mystical death cult meets “The Party of Science™.”  Ignore biology (science) in pursuit of fantasy. That interfering with the development of a child is not murder. It is not Eugenics. It is a magical event celebrated on t-shirts, in parades, and on candles.


Is ‘Unplanned’ the ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ of Our Era?

by Nicholas Healy In the 1850s the nation was roiled by the issue of slavery. There had been major political compromises regarding slavery both in the nation’s founding documents and in subsequent congressional legislation. There was an uneasy peace between the members of Congress from the South, who were determined not only to preserve slavery … Read more

Take a Baby Step: Pass Abortion Statistics

The New Hampshire House will vote on March 7 on HB 158, an abortion statistics bill. Here’s where we’ll find out just how much the news out of New York and Vermont has influenced New Hampshire legislators. Are they distressed to be in one of the few states that leaves abortion unregulated throughout pregnancy? Then here’s … Read more

unborn baby in womb

Extremism and the culture of death

By Ovide Lamontagne ALTHOUGH IT HORRIFIES most people, can anyone really be surprised to learn that the abortion agenda of the Left includes unregulated late-term abortions through the ninth month of pregnancy (yes, think late-term abortionist and convicted murderer, Dr. Kermit Gosnell). Using your tax dollars to pay for abortion on demand throughout those nine … Read more

coat-hanger abortion

If Abortions Are Not Your Core Business Why Would ‘Clinics’ Close if They Can’t Perform Abortions?

How often have we heard the left tell us, emphatically, that abortions are only a small slice of a clinic’s health care pie? Most of their business – they insist – results from providing contraception, screenings, non-abortive services.  If that is true then why are litigants in a Louisiana case insisting that if clinics can’t perform … Read more

Oct 2018 top ten

It’s Our First Top-Ten (October, 2018) on the New Website

In the early part of October, we stopped sticking our toe in the ‘New Website’ water and jumped. Pushed might be a better word. The old site lacked updated security features and we were suspicious of another potential breach so in we went. Splash! Complete with a slowly rotating top-5, at the top of the home … Read more

How Would You Kill The Baby?

Back on April 16th, Ellen Kolb, writing on her blog, reported that EMILY’s list had decided who it would support for Governor of New Hampshire in the 2018 Election. Fresh off a victory by its preferred candidate in the Manchester mayoral election, EMILY’s List has announced that it is throwing its endorsement and cash into the New … Read more

Abortion Statistics: “Inexpedient to Legislate,” Says N.H. House

The New Hampshire House today rejected HB 471, on abortion statistics. The bill would have put New Hampshire in line with the Centers for Disease Control, which has collected statistics for abortion surveillance for many years. The vote on an “inexpedient to legislate” motion was 200-154. Two hundred legislators voted like people who are afraid … Read more

Substandard care for women is now a Constitutional right

Remember Gosnell? (If you don’t, let Skip remind you.) Among the laws passed in some states in the wake of Kermit Gosnell’s conviction was Texas’s H.B. 2, which included requirements that abortion providers have hospital admitting privileges and that abortion facilities meet the same standards as ambulatory surgical facilities. Five Supreme Court Justices have tossed … Read more