Gosnell – Movie Trailer

Kermit Gosnell is no mystery to our readers but if you are new look here.

And, if you might be interested in the movie we have this from Phelim and Ann and the movie trailer on the jump.

Please watch and share with everyone you know and on social media. We need your help to get this important story the attention it has never received. The mainstream media don’t want anyone to see this movie, Planned Parenthood don’t want anyone to see this movie, Hollywood doesn’t want anyone to see this movie.

Together, we need to ensure that the censorship stops now.

Please remember to save the date OCTOBER 12th when the Gosnell movie will open in cinemas across the country. Tell your family and friends about it and make sure they go during the opening weekend.

Thank you so much, we will keep you updated with news as soon it happens. You can also visit our website www.gosnellmovie.com and join us on Facebook and Twitter.

H/T Hollywood Reporter

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