“Unplanned” – Movie Beats Out Captain Marvel in Weekend Per-Screen Average Sales

Abby Johnson’s story hit theaters this weekend. It tells how a Planned Parenthood employee of the year became a staunch pro-life advocate. A very high-profile defection that the media, the left, and even the film rating agency tried to suppress. It didn’t work.

Unplanned will emerge from the weekend as #5 at the box office. And it has already taken in more money than it cost to produce. Despite an MPAA rating of ‘R’ and institutional opposition from the left on television and social media.

“Unplanned” is centered around Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood executive who assisted with over 22,000 abortions before witnessing an ultra-sound-guided abortion that made her leave the industry.

“I thought I was helping women,” Johnson said in January. “But I was doing more harm than good. It wasn’t until I saw a child fight for its life that my world came crashing down and I understood the enormity of my actions. I had to leave.”

For forty years the Left has been converting abortion into political donations to Democrat candidates. They don’t want women to discover this arrangement. What abortion does to babies or what it does to women. How neither the left not the abortion industry cares about either. Or what Democrats or Planned Parenthood will do to protect this arrangement

Often with massive financial support from taxpayers.

Unplanned forces people to consider this reality. It shows how Abby rose in the ranks and then discovered what happens during an abortion, what she was advocating. And her exit from the industry to become a pro-life advocate.

By all accounts, viewers will walk away unable to claim they don’t know what Planned Parenthood and abortion politics is all about.

Let’s hope so.

| Daily Wire

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