
Update on Medicaid funding to local schools.

UPDATE: Audrey Stoffle, Chief Editor for Psychology Degree 411 brought it to our attention that we failed to properly give credit / proper linkage to their content. That has now been updated and their content is now properly “offset” as a quote.  We have also apologized to Ms. Stoffle for not doing it the first … Read more

What President Trump needs to do to solve the impending Medicaid crisis

The fundamental duty of the United States Government is to protect its citizens and to responsibly manage the resources of the country. The first duty has been fairly well exercised. In regards to managing the country’s resources our politicians have failed miserably. The national debt now stands at approximately $23 trillion and the country is … Read more

Congress kicks the can again, but is about to run out of road

By Ross Connolly Congress was set to face a moment of reckoning in September. After years of reckless spending, the government would once again come up against the debt ceiling, meaning the country could no longer borrow to pay for out-of-control expenditures. This could have been a moment to begin getting serious about our mushrooming … Read more

Federal Subsidy of California’s Sanctuary Policies

Gavin Newsom’s election as Governor of California came after saying his plan was to expand Medicare. He said he would cover every Californian, even illegal immigrants. Tuesday this week, Newsom signed into state law, State Bill 104. The bill extends health care benefits to illegal immigrants under Medicaid. We don’t need no Rule of Law… … Read more

It’s Tax Day… How Your Taxes Are Spent

Did you pay enough taxes this year? Thanks to the 2017 tax cut the typical American is now paying less in taxes than they were before this administration. Adding up the payroll and other taxes on earnings and income, the average American household pays more than $26,000 to the federal government each year. Ouch! Last … Read more

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