Maple Syrup is a warmist bellwether—one of those things climate change has on its kill list. Ice in the Arctic, snow, and Maple Syrup are but a few. They are all doomed and have been for decades, yet they all seem much the same to anyone who’s been around.
maple syrup
Is “Catastrophic Climate Change” Why Vermont Had a Record Year for Maple Syrup?
The left offers up record-scratch sound bites depicting earth-ending terrors. They predict climactic soon-to-be-upon-us doomsday scenarios. They even promise the destruction of jobs or revenue due to climate change. Then they destroy them.
Sugar Maples, Seasonal Syrup Woes, and Tapping into Tyranny
Maple Syrup is a big deal around here. It’s so big that Democrats threaten it for votes. Runaway global warming will erase your industry. It hasn’t, quite the opposite. Last year set a record, but this year was terrible. No, not too warm but too damn cold.
Global Warming Hit Maple Syrup So Hard in 2020 We Set a Global Record for Production
Remember when Jeanne Shaheen said if we didn’t do something about global warming blah blah blah? Of course, you do, we bring it up all the time. And look, we’re doing it again.
Concerned Citizen (Democrat Party Activist) Has Message for Gov. Sununu on Renewables
I just tripped over a cow patty disguised as the musing of a concerned citizen (I’m okay). Titled, Time for N.H. to support renewable energy, this partisan attack on Gov. Sununu was cluttering up the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune like a pile of, well, you get the idea.
Damn You Global Warming – NH Tourism Experts See Increase Again This Year
It’s a running joke. Years ago, circa 2008, then-candidate for US Senate Jeanne Shaheen, plied doom and gloom to leverage her way into public office. She’d do something about Global warming to protect maple syrup, tourism, and so our children would still see snow during a New Hampshire winter.
But, But, You Can’t Even Make Maple Syrup Without Climate Change!
Tree Sap flows best when the climate changes. Cold nights, warmer days. Springtime. Late winter. Without these changes, each and every day, not enough sap, and no syrup. So, pardon my amusement by a pair of headlines that popped simultaneously about how Climate Change is impacting Maple Syrup in New Hampshire.
Jeanne Shaheen Said ‘Global Warming’ Would “Mess” With Maple Syrup Season and ‘She’s Right’
For the first time in a few years, the sap’s not running yet. No, I don’t mean Democrat contenders for President. We’ve got more of those that we can shake a stick at or maybe a tree tap. I refer to the annual ritual of “blogger writing about maple syrup as a canary in the Global warming coal mine.”
New Hampshire, Maple Syrup, Global Warming, Something – Something…
NHPR published a short article a few days ago titled, “Maple Sugar Season Faces Mounting Climate Change Pressure.” I had to look. They are reporting that, let’s just call it ‘The Weather™” ‘is leaving a mark on one of New Hampshire’s springtime rituals: maple sugaring.’
It’s Maple Syrup Season Again… it must be time to make fun of Jeanne ‘Global Warming’ Shaheen. (Or just Greene Shaheen if you prefer.)
When Mrs. Greene Jeanne ran for the Senate in 2008 she made a point of making some dire predictions about the ill effects of Global Warming–if left unattended. (Back in 2008 they were still calling it that even though there hadn’t been any warming in a while.) One of the dire consequences–none of which came true by the way, was an impact on New Hampshire’s Maple Syrup production. So every year we visit the topic.
Jeanne Shaheen’s Sticky Situation
In the “stupid things said by former governors of New Hampshire who have become US Senator’s category,” Jeanne Shaheen (Greene Shaheen) dominates. As another hack of the environmental movement she has said some incredibly stupid things and intimated plenty of others, forever making us proud.
Ask Jeanne Shaheen – About Diminshed Snowfall
Remember the halcyon days when the science of global warming was settled? Do you recall the dire warnings from green industry activists “experts” around the world, echoed by prominent herd-animal Democrats, including some from New Hampshire?