Leddy Bedard mask Hypocrisy 2

Whereupon I Am Still Living Rent Free in Brentwood Democrats Heads – The “Scarecrow” Edition

by Skip

UPDATE: A couple things have been edited (sharp eyes, our readers have!). Goober for Gubnor’s name is Jon, not Jim. Goober, however, still applies. Some punctuation, changed a line that might lead you to believe that Liz sent the pic instead of Bob; she’d find any reason to kvetch anyways.

This video is SO hilarious from my perspective!  And all because an anonymous tipster sent those two images to me with no words needed.

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Or as a “how to” manual either

by Skip

As Glen Reynolds has said, given what the media has done non-stop to Trump, all they had to do was to be normal.  Normal, that’s all. That’s not what they have or are doing – especially in DC or with the “Broad Squad” (there, Josh Marcus-Blank, some bait for you!).  And you can add NH’s … Read more

How your local Reps voted – Brentwood-Epping

by Skip

Another installment of “How your local NH State House Reps voted” – we’ve done a couple but this is now going to be a regular feature. After all, running for the NH House shouldn’t be just a name recognition or beauty pageant deal – one should be voting based on how they voted (if they … Read more

6 and a half is the new 7. Or something.

So, this guy, Democrat Jon Morgan, seated in this photo to the left (“to the left”; ha, made myself laugh) of Democrat House Candidate Liz McDonnell, one of the Moms Demand Action girls, publicly stated at an October 29, 2018 campaign event in Brentwood, NH that he only returned to live in NH for “about … Read more

Everytown Endorses Anti-Gunners in NH Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties

by Skip

[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.
December 1, 1982

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So, these anti-gun and anti-NH Constitution candidates have been endorsed by Big Democrat money (Nanny Bloomberg who keeps this group alive) “Everytown For Gun Safety” (incremental civilian disarmament is more truthful) Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties.

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