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Liberals – Do as I say, not as I do

Carol-Shea….What The?

Disgraced left wing rube and soon-to-be former Pelosi-Party Representative to New Hampshire Carol SEIU-Porter hit the pages of this mornings Union Leader like fingernails on a chalkboard. But it is a familiar sound. In fact I believe she has just plagiarized her own 2006 campaign web site. We’ve got irresponsible spending, two wars we could not afford, I’m just itching to play the song ‘Reminiscing’ by the Little River Band while I read it.

There Are No “Rules” For Radicals

The democrat leadership loves to project their feelings and intentions on others. By their calculus, if it is happening inside their obsessed little minds everyone has to feel that way. It is why they can’t help claiming that anything anyone does or says in opposition to them or their agenda does so from a position of fear or hate. That is how they think and feel. It is what drives them. It must also drive you.

F… The President

During a review of Mr. Obama’s Republican tax compromise with the democrat caucus one democrat House member was overheard expressing his distaste for the plan with the comment… “F…the president.”

What’s Good For The Goose..

Tom Fahey quotes our confused friend Harrell Kirstein, Spokesperchild of the New Hampshire democrat party in regard to Bill O’Brien’s choices for leadership positions in the NH House. (I have to call Harrell the Spokesperchild from now on. Spokesperson has the word ‘son’ in it and we know how sensitive Harrell’s spleen is.)

It’s Another “Can’t We All Just Get Along Coalition”

NoLabels is NoDifferent than the Live Free or Die Alliance, The Coffee Party, or any number of other would-be, sing a song and grab a Coke, dream a little dream utopian chat fest that pretends there is a middle to exploit the politically weak. They are all formed or founded by liberals, with liberal money, in an effort to drag Republican’s or conservatives to the left, forming a bloc of confused voters, operating on a platform with no core principles, to dilute right wing efforts to shrink government and remove its excessive overreach on our lives. (More or less)

Obama Appleseed

The biggest union scam ever conceived was the public sector union. Taxpayer funded employees pay dues which are then used to influence elections at every level in favor of a political class that will then build union power by growing government, and adding more dues paying union employees whose additional funds will then keep the pro-union politicians in power.

Public Service Is About Trust

I’d just assume have a root canal without pain killer as suffer through an editorial by Carol Shea-Porter, but sometimes you have to take one for the team. So with the dedication of Roland I immersed myself in the last rights editorial of the soon to be former congresswoman from New Hampshire’s first district, which is ironically titled, ‘Public Service is about trust.’

Hodes Nabbed For Push Poll

When a polling firm accepts the terms of the polling requested it is quite likely that it a) knows the laws of the state and knows it could be breaking them by doing the poll it is being paid for and b) accounts for how much extra the campaign will have to pay up front to get that kind of polling done knowing it may be in violation of state law and result in large fines.

Lunch for Lynch

Mike Hoefer is skipping his Lunch for Lynch and he’s asking the folks at Boo Hoo Hampshire to do the same.  He figures, rather than spend $9.68 at Panera bread he’s donating that money to Lynch for Governor to help fight back against the attacks by NOM. Well Mike, I have a few thoughts. Panera …

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