Notable Quote – Fear Progressivism/Socialism FAR More than Populism

by Skip

A two-fer: SHOT:  Prof Thomas Sowell (Knowledge and Decisions) It is not the source or the ruthlessness of power alone which defines totalitarianism, but the unprecedented scope of the activities subjected to political control. E.g., name a part of your life in which Government HASN’T intruded and you’ll begin to understand “unprecedented scope”. I’ve challenged … Read more

Yo Vote

We will change you and it will be to benefit us!

by Skip

SHOT: NY Times: Refugees Needed to Fill ‘Void of Cultural Diversity’ in White Towns More refugees must be resettled across the United States to fill a “void of cultural diversity” in towns that are made up of a majority of white Americans, a New York Times report states. As President Trump is set to lower refugee admissions … Read more

Liberalism Turned Left…

By Marc Abear

American liberalism is being forced to radicalize. It has moved towards socialism and an increasingly post-modern form of leadership. Our youngest generation is openly embracing socialism. Identity politics with its faith in race, sex, and power as the keys to being and meaning is rising.

The #MeToo movement adopted the credo, “Believe the woman.” That is accepting truth will emerge from yielding to the will of the more politically correct “Her truth,” which is stronger than any objective truth. It rejects the adversarial process of objectively weighing evidence and testimony before the bar of reason. That is a pretty fundamental change from where America started; from where we were after the Civil War.

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Notable Quote – Don Surber

by Skip

Once again we see liberalism as a religion. The liberals’ high opinion of themselves is amusing. I forget who said it first, but when you lose a sense your other senses become more intense; thus when you lose your sense of humor, your sense of self-importance grows. –Don Surber Talking about a sense of humor … Read more

Immigration, Multiculturalism, and a Big Welfare State.

We continue our discussion with Dr. Samuel Gregg on the attractiveness of western welfare and how immigration policy, multiculturalism, and a big welfare state, are the seeds of radicalization. We also talk about the ideology of higher education, attacks on free speech, seeking college alternatives to White Tower Liberalism, the economics of SJW degree programs, … Read more

Dogs and Guns and Democrats…Oh My!

People who are unfamiliar with dogs or have never owned one, are more likely to be intimidated or even afraid of them.   While people who are familiar with dogs, grew up with them or own a dog, understand them, know how to read their signals, and have the sense to have some respect for what they are capable of, particularly when they meet one they are not familiar with.

Guns are the same way.  People who are unfamiliar or who have never handled or owned a gun are intimidated,  wary, even frightened of them.  While lawful gun owners, hunters, sport shooters, and  folks who feel the need to own a gun for self defense are more likely to understand them, and have the sense to have some respect for what any gun is capable of particularly when they are introduced to one they are not familiar with.

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You might be a Democrat if:

by Skip

Heh!  I love it when the Democrat definition of “Consistency” is spotlighted: You might be a Democrat if you believe… Fighting against government-subsidized contraceptives constitutes a “war on women,” but when Islamists stone a woman to death because she was raped, it is just “cultural differences.” Fighting against government-subsidized contraceptives constitutes a “war on women,” … Read more

Failure to launch – thanks to Liberals?

by Skip

‘Grok friend DCE (aka Chan) runs Weekend Pundit and every late Sunday afternoon / evening, he has a long running feature called “Thoughts on a Sunday“.  Every Sunday (or Monday), it is a must read This week had a bit on the idea that Society, under Liberal guidance, is prolonging teen-age adolescence into the mid-twenties.  Which, when you look at the results of such coddling, is not good for families, not good for business, not good for these “Arrested Developers”, – and (note to guys caught up in this liberal “you don’t need to take up your responsibilities”) perspective mates are seeing it (emphasis mine):

At first I thought it was just incipient old fogeyism creeping up on me, but now I see that my observations about some members of the younger generation refusing to grow up were not unfounded.

When I look at BeezleBub, soon to be 19 years old, and compare him to others 5 or more years older than him, he comes out far ahead in regards to maturity, responsibility, and fiscal smarts. (This isn’t just a thoroughly biased dad speaking as I’ve heard that observation again and again from a lot of others. It might explain why some “older” women – those in their early to mid 20’s – find him so appealing: he’s a grown up.) While it’s true that he still lives here at The Manse, he pays his way including paying for his tuition and books when he’s attending college.

The extended or never-ending adolescence certainly isn’t helping our younger generation learn about coping with the adult issues the rest of us deal with every day. And whether they realize it or not, it also makes them less suitable as potential mates, the “hook-up” culture notwithstanding.

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Abortion: Killing on behalf of the ideologies and policies of liberals and the state they’ve created.

From Sultin Knish, a blog by Daniel Greenfield, “Violence On Their Behalf.”

Ain't it grand....
Ain’t it grand….

For the pro-abortion movement, it has come to this. Greenfield explains that those who love and fight for unlimited abortion are kind of like arsonists, but…

Most arsonists don’t set their own houses on fire. Most liberal policies don’t affect liberals. Yet this the world that liberalism made. It is small, mean and ugly. Call it Sex Positive Education or Reproductive Freedom or…

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Quote of the day – PJ O’Rourke

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.” H/T Jagged Rose

Sums It All Up Doesn’t It.

h/t Andrew Wilkow and David Webb (I heard about this bumper sticker on the radio last week, but I think it was David sitting in for Andrew, regardless, I’m including them both)

Get In the Zone At Autozone And Be Anti-Second Amendment

“The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest possible limits. … and [when] the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.” —St. George Tucker

As Fox News’ Todd Starnes reported, 23-year-old Devin McLean an employee of AutoZone stopped an armed robbery by retrieving a Glock 40 from his truck while working at the York County, Virginia store.

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“Liberalism is an elite person’s psychological investment in enjoying a guilt-free affluence.”

by Skip

Victor Davis Hanson, one of the best observers of the political and popular culture (and its decline) from a Classical Western Liberalism (as opposed to today’s rampant Political Liberalism which is more authoritarian / communitarian), has another wicked corker out

Romney almost forfeited the election when a video was leaked about his honest, though inexact, admission that 47% of Americans would, by needs, be unsympathetic to any agenda that cut spending and taxes, given their dependence on government “stuff.” Borrowing money to pay for more entitlements for the liberal mind is good politics, killing two birds with the proverbial one stone. The less well-off are indebted to those who gave them subsidized food, health care, shelter, even cell phones and will vote accordingly to ensure the liberal political class remains in power. And as deficits grow, the calls for higher taxes on those who “didn’t build that business” and are “fat cats” and never knew when they should stop profiting only increase. Liberalism is about power and influence, impossible without millions of dependent constituents.

…In the elite liberal mind, there is instead a sort of progressive Big Rock Candy Mountain. Gasoline comes right out of the ground through the nozzle into the car. Redwood 2x4s sprout from the ground like trees. Apples fall like hail from the sky; stainless steel refrigerator doors are mined inches from the surface. Tap water comes from some enormous cistern that traps rain water.  Finished granite counter tops materialize on the show room floor. Why, then, would we need Neanderthal things like federal gas and oil leases, icky dams and canals, yucky power plants, and gross chain saws — and especially those who would dare make and use them?

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